
How to optimize .NET applications to 64-bit?

In Visual Studio > Build > Configuration Manager you can choose the target platform. What does it change? Is there any other way I can optimize my .NET app when targeting x64 platforms? ...

CLR assembly will not load in 64 bit SQL Server 2005

We use an assembly with some user defined functions in our installation of SQL Server 2005 (32 bit). We deploy this to production with a script like this: CREATE ASSEMBLY [Ourfunctions] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] FROM 0x4D5A9000...000 WITH PERMISSION_SET = SAFE GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GLOBAL_FormatString](@input [nvarchar](4000)) RETURNS [nv...

TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY when using a COM object on a separate thread on Windows 2003 x64 only

Hi all, I have a Windows Forms app (compiled as x86) accessing a COM object. It gives me the following error, only on Windows 2003 x64, when the code is run on a separate thread: Exception during creation of IDoc:Unable to cast COM object of type 'PTISG.COM.TeklogixQueue.QueueClass' to interface type 'PTISG.COM.TeklogixQueue._Queue'. ...

System.BadImageFormatException - can't solve it

Hello I'm using Visual Studio 2010, running in Windows 7 X64 I was trying to create a simple WCF implementation of duplex communication. Sadly enough I got stuck very quickly. I have 3 projects: - Service library with simple service contract and the implementation - ServiceHost: Hosting the service library via SelfHosting - Client: Con...

Windows x64 ODBC code

We are creating an x64 build of our Win32 app and I have to make our ODBC imports work. I have been searching the web but i can't seem to find any good information on what has changed and what is the best way to handle ODBC in a 64 bit app. Our current code uses classes that no longer exist like CDaoDatabase and CDaoTableDef. Can anyon...

Program crash in x64, works fine in Win32

I'm working on an application which builds and runs fine in Win32. However, in x64, it builds but crashes on run. Looking at the code and narrowing down the problem, if I comment out the call to the below function, it runs with no problem. void vec3_copy (double* v1, const double* v2) { v1[0] = v2[0]; v1[1] = v2[1]; v1[2] = v2[2];...

Compile for x64 with Visual Studio ?

Question: Assume a C++ hello world program, non .NET. With Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010, how can I compile a 64-Bit application ? I have a 64 Bit Windows, but by default, VS seems to compile 32 bit executables... On Linux with g++, I can use -m32 and -m64, but how can I compile a 64 bit solution with Windows ? Is it even possible with ...

How can I save/load a 16 bit image in .net x64?

Before, when I was using win32, I used FreeImage in order to load and save bitmaps of bit depth greater than 8 bits. That's every image I work with, since I'm doing medical imaging, and before anyone says anything, yes, me and my customers have spent a lot of money on high-brightness, high-contrast monitors with 11 or 12 bits of dynamic...

How do i build 64bit asp.net projects?

I created a new project, build and run, it asked me to modify my web.config for debugging and i clicked yes. The projected loaded fine. I switched the target cpu from any to 64bits and i got an exception. How do i build and run 64bit projects? Server Error in '/' Application. Could not load file or assembly 'x64Test, Version=, Cu...

why .net assemblies differ for different architectures?

I can build my C# project for x86 and for x64. Why? I thought it generates a special code which is not platform specific at all. ...

Adding icons in headers for sorting acts weird on Win7 x64 under c# net 3.5

I've spent couple of hours now trying to work out where's the problem with adding icons to header of a listView. The code below works fine on Win 7 32Bit and Windows XP 32Bit. However I've now changed machine to Win 7 x64 and it's been hell with the code. Below code works that when sorting is called on a column it adds icon up or down d...

P/Invoke on x64 null reference exceptions

P/Invoke on x64 null reference exceptions I get null reference exceptions when I try to compile for x64 in .NET code that makes use of platform invocation services to call unmanaged code in dlls. Am I missing something obvious here? e.g. call to Private Declare Function waveOutOpen Lib "winmm.dll" (ByRef lphWaveOut As Int32, ByVal uDe...

Compiling for x64 on x86 System in VS08, no binaries are created

I've got a C++ (Native) DLL that I'm trying to compile for x64 on my x86 system, which should work fine, but the actual binaries are not being created. The build process runs and VS says that everything was successful, but when I go into .\x64\Release\ the only file that is there is test.dll.intermediate.manifest, which is just a bunch ...

Does anyone have any stats or thoughts on Performance of WPF on 64bit OS?

I see lot of new machines and laptops now having 64 bit hardware and provided all drivers are correct, will WPF and corresponding .NET will run any faster on 64 bit machines? I dont see any documentation about .NET or WPF on 64 bit anywhere, but I would like to know the difference. I see that .NET has no specific API for 64bit architectu...

Deleting file to recycle bin on Windows x64 in C#

I've got this class which seems to work quite well on non-64bit. using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace DeleteToRecycleBin { /// <summary> /// Send files directly to the recycle bin. /// </summary> public class RecybleBin { /// <summary> /// Possible flags for the SHFileOperation method. /// </summar...

E_FAIL on DllRegisterServer in Win2008 R2 x64

We are getting the error below calling c:\windows\syswow64\regsvr32.exe on Windows Server 2008 R2 x64. This used to work fine on Win2003 x64, with our 32-bit COM DLLs, so we could use them from 32-bit processes. It's happening on all ATL COM DLLs of ours, and doesn't seem related to DLL load dependencies. (Tried using depends.exe, and...

Do x86/x64 chips still use microprogramming?

If I understand these two articles, the Intel architecture, at it's lowest level, has transitioned to using RISC instructions, instead of the the traditional CISC instruction set that Intel is known for: http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/235/4 http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/intel,264-6.html If that's the case, then are x86/x64...

64-Bit binary execution error on 64-Bit Centos

While executing one of my C++ Application, I am getting a weird message on one of my Cento x64 box where at the same time another machine with similar configuration is perfectly running the Application. Error message is: /myapp: error while loading shared libraries: /myapp: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 N.B: 'myapp' is not some shared ...

Windows x64 registry creating my key on Wow6432node and not working properly...

My program is trying to create an key on the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSCONFIG\startupreg\test\ but instead the key is created on the HKLM\Wow6432node\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSCONFIG\startupreg\test\ and don't work properly... Why? How can I solve it? ...

Process Memory limit of 64-bit process

I currently have a 32-bit .Net application (on x86 Windows) which require lots of memory. Recently it started throwing System.OutOfMemoryException's. So, I am planning to move it to a x64 platform as 64-bit process. So will this help with the out of memory exceptions. I was reading this article from MSDN Memory limits for Windows So, ...