
Where could I find PHP 5.3.1 x64 binaries (for IIS 7.5) ?

I'm installing a new server with Windows 2008 R2 and now I need to install PHP on it. I can find only x86 versions into http://windows.php.net/download/ I don't know how to compile the sources nor I have the VC compilers :( ...

64-bit Java VM runs app 10x slower

I have a Java app which is packaged up using JarBundler. The app is fairly CPU intensive (lots of big Collection.sort() calls). On Mac OS, the app runs slow and sluggish when using the 64-bit JavaApplicationStub. This JavaApplicationStub file is launching the Java 64-bit VM. I found an old JavaApplicationStub file which is 32-bit onl...

openCV support for vista 64x

hello .. im trying to install openCV over windows vista 64x but it's shows a fatal error.. i tried everything i can but its useless does openCV work on vista 64 ??? how do i get rid of this problem??? please help thanx in advance ...

ADOX on Windows 2008 server x64 Error

I try to run Console Application that connects to Microsoft Access Database on the Windows 2008 server x64 and have this error: Class not registered at ADOX.CatalogClass.Create(String ConnectString) All works fine on the Windows XP x86. Thanks ...

How can I know the ACTUAL maximum number of elements a .net array of a given type can be allocated?

I know that all arrays in .net are limited to 2 GB, under this premise, I try not to allocate more that n = ((2^31) - 1) / 8 doubles in an array. Nevertheless, that number of elements still doesn't seem to be valid. Anyone knows how can I determine at run time the maximum number of elements given sizeof(T)? I know that whatever quantity...

DirectShow Editing Services 4GB memory limit under Windows 7 x64

I compiled XTLTest as 64 bit and attempted to test some XTLs under windows 7 x64. All these tests were done using an XTL with one clip from the WMV showcase, with a timeline sized at 1440x1080. buffering set to 300 - plays back fine. buffering set to 600 and got a cant run graph error. Recompiled with large memory aware (which should...

64 bit shared memory segment C \ linux problems

Hi, I'm looking to do some IPC with shared memory segments in C \ Linux. I go on creating it like normal : typedef struct { int a[2]; } shm_segment; ... shm_segment *shm; int shm_id; int shm_flags = IPC_CREAT | 0666 int shm_size = sizeof(struct shm_segment) key_t key = 88899; shm_id = shmget(key, shm_size, shm_flags); // ies t...

How do you determine 32 or 64 bit architecture of Windows using Java?

How do you determine 32 or 64 bit architecture of Windows using Java? Thanks. ...

How do I determine whether an application I am installing is 32bit or 64bit?

I want to be able to predict the default install location of an application. On a 64 bit machine, if it is a 32bit application, it would install in "Program Files (x86)" and if it were a 64bit application, it would install in "Program Files". My goal is to install the application with its default location and validate if the install was...

Building a winform app in VS for windows 7 x64 - get an error on install

I have a winform application that i desiged in VS2005 that works fine in windows 7 x86 however when i try to install it on x64 I get the error: "You have to run the 64-bit version of DPinst.exe on this machine. Contact the vendor that provided you this package. " In VS I have the build set to 'Any CPU' which should handle 64bit. I cant...

What Visual Studio 2008 version to download for x86 .NET development?

What version should I download? I only see VS 2008 x86 and some "WOW64" stuff on MSDN. Will "Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition (x86)" work? ...

x64 compatible C source

I think I know what #ifdefs I need to use to be x86-32 and x86-64 compatible on both msvc and gcc, see below. Is this complete for those platforms? #if defined(_MSC_VER) # if defined(_M_IA64) || defined(_M_X64) # define SIZEOF_SIZE_T 8 # define SIZEOF_VOIDP 8 # elif defined(_M_IX86) # define SIZEOF_SIZE_T 4 # define SIZEO...

Unable to read Office 2007 doc props using x86 dsofile.dll on x64 system

We have a 32-bit .NET application which makes use of the 32-bit version of DSOFile.dll 2.1 to read common properties from Office documents. This works on 32-bit versions of Windows, for both Office 2003 and Office 2007 documents. We are now examining our application’s behaviour in a 64-bit environment, and specifically in 64-bit Windows ...

VS2008: No option to convert Win32 C++ project to x64?

I am running VS Team System 2008 on WinXP. I make a new Win32 C++ project (Empty project). I go to Build Configuration to add a configuration for x64. The only options I have are: - Pocket PC 2003 (ARMV4) - Smartphone 2003 (ARMV4) I have no option for x64 (or Itanium). However, if I make a C# project within the same solution, I can cre...

Build problems with Visual C++ project after checking in and checking out from CVS

Hi, I am building a cross platform product and one of the requirements is across windows(win32,AMD64 and IA61). The product as is relatively simple CLI but we have a separate build team who checks out the code from CVS and build in separate build environments. I am able to build succesfully(using Visual C++ 2005) in one platform(AMD ma...

VisualStudio C# x64, why AddReference option, .NET tab points to x86 DLL instead of x64?

I want to create an x64 application. When I want to add a reference for example to system.data in window AddReference under tab .NET I see only x86 DLLs, and I need 64 bit versions. I have Windows Server 2008 x64 with Visual Studio 2008. I created a project and I set x64 under Configuration Manager. What can I do to force Visual Stud...

sgen.exe x64 .net c# fails with "assembly with an incorrect format"

I have ws2008 x64 with vs2008. When I set my vs to x64 (because I have 64bit dlls) and run compilation sgen says that An attempt was made to load an assembly with an incorrect format VS takse sgen from C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\ and I think that it should take it from C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows...

Should I provide an x64 build of my application?

Perhaps I'm missing a major point of the x64 platform here, but my perception was that x64 applications were only better performing than x86 versions (on an x64 OS and hardware, obviously) when large amounts of memory, large pointers, or other demanding factors were involved. However, I've started to notice some smaller applications off...

Why is my VB6 application manifest ignored on 64bit machines ?

Hi I have the following manifest embedded in a VB6 application. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <assemblyIdentity version="" processorArchitecture="X86" name="ExeName" type="win32"/> <description>elevate execution level</descr...

UAC on Win2k8/VIsta x64 - local "Administrator" works but domain account in Administrators group fails?

I have come across a strange problem in one of our applications on win2k8/Vista x64 with UAC enabled. It is a process which hosts the UI for our service and runs in the context of the logged on user. When logged in as a domain user who is a member of the "Administrators" group, writing to the registry under HKLM fails due to UAC with ac...