
Use a single Visual Studio solution to build both x86 and x64 at the same time?

I've got an x86 Visual Studio solution with many project files in it. Some of the DLLs are designed to work as plug-ins to other applications on a user's system. We're expanding some of the DLLs to be able to support 64-bit applications. What I'd like to do is setup the solution/projects so that just hitting "Build" will build both th...

C++ Array size x86 and for x64

Simple question, I'm writting a program that needs to open huge image files (8kx8k) but I'm a little bit confused on how to initialize the huge arrays to hold the images in c++. I been trying something like this: long long SIZE = 8092*8092; ///8096*8096 double* array; array = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * SIZE); if (array == NU...

remote debug in Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on Windows Server 2008 x64 takes years to refresh process list

When I remotely "Attach to Process" in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 to WS2008 (x64) computer running remote debugging monitor (both RTM and SP1), I see a huge number (30+) of entries saying: <username> connected Both TCP and authenticated mode are affected. I think there is an entry per unique process name. Each connection attempt takes se...

VS2008 pro + seven pro 64bits

Hello. I recently installed W7 pro 64bits on my laptop, and then VS2008 pro with x64 compatibility. If i build any project, will it be built with 32 or 64 bit compatibility natively? And then, is it possible to change from 32 to 64 (or from 64 to 32) ? 'Cause most of my clients only runs 32bits applications, but I'd also liked to kno...

ml64 - warning A6004: procedure argument or local not referenced

I have a function written for th e x64 microsft macro assembler in visual studio 2005. The function recieves 3 arguments: theFunction PROC firstP:QWORD, secondP:QWORD, thirdP:QWORD the x64 calling convention state the the first 4 arguments will reside in registers rcx, rdx, r8 & r9. When I'm using the arguments in the function, I'm re...

Can I build an application with Platform target=x64 and still be able to modify my source while debugging in Visual studio?

When I try to do that I get the error "Changed to 64-bit applications are not allowed" Will this be fixed in Visual Studio 2010? ...

Why does new / malloc fail on Win x64 although there is plenty of free RAM?

I have a strongly recursive function, that creates a (very small) std::multimap locally for each function instance using new (which recurses to malloc/calloc in the std lib). After some hundred recursions new fails although i am using a native 64Bit application on Windows XP x64. The machine has 10 GB RAM, The application only uses about...

SetWindowsHookEx failing on beta2 x64

Sigh, I have some code from codeproject (http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/globalhook.aspx) for hooking global keyboard and mouse events. Suddenly now when I installed beta 2 of visual studio 2010 and .net framework 4.0 i breaks at this code: hKeyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_KEYBOARD_LL, K...

Running a web application 32/64 bit.

I have a windows web 2008 x64 installation running. Due to the requirement for the application having the ability to import Excel files, I have had to change the web application to run in 32bit mode. The MSAccess/Excel libraries are not available in x64. I have also had to elavate the application to run in trust=Full. Previously it w...

Why are my Visual C++ 2008 x64 builds 5x slower than x86 builds?

I've been trying to improve the build times for my product. We're using continuous integration, and our builds are now taking 2 hours to run. I've looked at the NANT timings and see alot of places that are slower than they should be, but one that jumps out is the x64 builds of our Visual C++ projects. Here's an example of the timings ...

Getting executable file name from handle in Windows x64

I have a c# application that is compiled as x86 so it runs as a 32bit application on Windows 7 x64. While the application is running, I need to detect the executable name of the active window. On Winodws XP the following code worked fine (getting the process filename from the active window handle). On x64 it reports the name of only the ...

Visual Studio 2008 on Windows x64 Installation error

I am trying to install Visual Studio 2008 on a Windows 7 x64 machine and I am unable to install it and don't want to give up Windows 7. Below is the error log. [11/05/09,15:21:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 64bit Prerequisites (x64): [2] e:\setup..\wcu\64bitprereq\x64\vs_bsln.exe could not be unpackaged because it is not a cabinet. ...

Is it possible to use iSpring Presenter component in a native x64 assembly?

Works well when set to x86, but don't work when set to x64. Any ideas?. ...

32bit application access to 64bit registry

I have an OS Shell written in 32bit that is replacing the Explorer.exe of a Vista machine. I run a utility which is also written in 32bit, which allows to switch between the Explorer shell and My shell. With some of the machines being 64bit based I can not Alter the HKLM\Microsoft\current\shell Key (short formed reg key). I end up gettin...

Creating 64 bit CLR C++ projects in VS2008

I am creating a wrapper around a native lib, which comes in both 32 & 64 bit flavors. I have a fairly complex C++/CLR project that includes a number of header files from the native libs. I got it to work fine on x32, but now I'm not sure how to provide an alternative x64 build. Can someone outline the steps to create such project? Var...

No managed thread in dump created by orphaning IIS application pool of 64 bit ASP.NET

I need to find reason for Event ID 2262, Deadlock Detected of our ASP.NET application (64bit). It happens 1-3 times per day on our development server. I created mini dump with full memory by orphaning the Application Pool as is described here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/828222 I opened the dump with windbg and tried to find some m...

How is the x64 architecture different from x86

I need to mess around with the stacks on these architecture and am really a n00b here. Any pointers to reading topics/google searches that i can do. I am looking for how these architectures are fundamentally different from each other. something more than the wikipedia article on this topic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X64 ...

Delphi 64-bit Preview Compiler available?

Hi, is there a 64-bit preview compiler available, as announced a long time ago? I wasn't able to find anything. I really need a 64-bit compiler to target the 64-bit versions of Microsoft Office. ...

Wmi win32 classes on x64

I'm developing .net application using wmi and win32_* WQL queries. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394084%28VS.85%29.aspx Will such application work on x64? ...

x86 and x64 stack frames

What is the difference when the compiler allocates variables on the stack in x86 v x64 architectures? Say I have a function foo(){ int i = 5; i += 4; } how is this allocated on the stack differently in these two architectures? ...