
Debugging x86 .NET application on Windows x64

I use the x64 version of Windows 7. My application use some COM servers (usual native x86 COM Servers) that can't be loaded in x64 context. So I decided run it as a x86 application using WOW so I set platform target as x86. But Visual Studio debugger started to show messages like "The source file is different...." for all source files w...

Right way to detect cpu architecture?

I'm attempting to detect the right cpu architecture for installing either a x86 msi or x64 msi file. If I'm right, for the msi I need the os cpu architecture I'm not totally sure if my way is right because I can't test it. What do you think? private static string GetOSArchitecture() { string arch = System.Environment.Get...

Run x86 msi setup on x64 os / platform

Is it possible (and recommented) to ship a x86 app only in a x86 msi setup which is executed as x86 app on 64 bit os / cpu? ...

SQL Server 2005 64 bit

hi, i have windows 7 64 bit. I have installed SQL Server 2005 32 bit in it. it installed properly but the native clients says its not proper or compatible to run in x64 mode.My question: Where can i get native client that can be run on 64 bit OR Is SQL Server 2005 there for 64 bit? Thanks ...

How to compile PECL mailparse for Windows x64

My Cerberus installation fails when testing the php_mailparse lib. After some research, I understand that PECL does not supply an x64 version of their dll for windows. Can anyone provide instructions on how I might go about compiling the following lib for x64? Is VS my best option and if so, a quick overview would be very helpful. lin...

Creating a managed wrapper for 32bit and 64bit unmanaged DLL

Hi there, We are creating a C# wrapper around a unmanaged DLL. The unmanaged DLL comes in both a 32 and 64bit versions. We keep the managed wrapper in its own project so that we can build it as a separate component and reuse it across solutions. However this leads to some problems. Since the unmanaged DLL has the same name for both t...

ASP.NET page will not start on IIS7 on Win7 x64

Hi, I try to run a simple "Hello World" ASP.NET web site on my system, but te page does not start (it is not accessible via "localhost/virt_dir/default.aspx"). I have reinstalled framework, run the aspnet_regiis.exe -i command, .... I don't know where is the problem ... :S I have been able to publish the same web page on winXP usin...

x64 Newbie Question: Building x86 code in an x64 (Visual Studio 2008) Environment?

I want to build a library (poco-1.3.6p2-all, for what it's worth) for x86. I just set up a new (clean) Windows 7 64 bit machine and I installed Visual Studio 2008 Standard. Nothing installed up to now on this box has had an installation error. The same library has built flawlessly on a Windows XP 32 bit system with VS 2008 Standard ins...

Converting an x86 TortoiseSVN plugin to x64

I'm trying to convert a 32bit TortoiseSVN-plugin (an IBugTraqProvider implementation) we've written so that It will work on TortoiseSVN x64; but I'm struggling with what I need to change to make it work. Are there any specific tools that would help or does anyone know what types of things would need to be changed (references/IBugTraqPro...

How Do I Run IntelliJ IDEA 9 as a 64-bit Process?

I've noticed that IntelliJ IDEA 9 runs as a 32-bit process in Windows 2003 x64 and would like to configure it to run as a 64-bit process. I did find an article about how to perform this in Mac OSX, but not in Windows. Update #1: I have the 64-bit version of JDK 1.6.18 installed. ...

porting from 32 bit to 64 bit

I have windows application build using Visual C++. Its being build and run on 32 bit windows env. Now I need to make sure it works on windows vista / 7 64 bit env. What all things I need to consider for this porting process ?? ...

Strange performance behaviour for 64 bit modulo operation

The last three of these method calls take approx. double the time than the first four. The only difference is that their arguments doesn't fit in integer anymore. But should this matter? The parameter is declared to be long, so it should use long for calculation anyway. Does the modulo operation use another algorithm for numbers>maxint...

What is the 64 bit version of GetTextExtent

I'm porting our 32 bit windows app to 64 bit, and trying to clean up all the warnings. I have found calls in our code to CDC::GetTextExtent which take an int as a parameter. I notice that GetTextExtent simply calls GetTextExtentPoint32. The 32 scares me, so i started looking for a 64 bit version of GetTextExtent but i can't find one. ...

x86 assembly on x64 operating systems

Hello Recently i decided that it was worth getting a try on basic x86 assembly so that it would be easier to debug programs, etc, etc. So I started (about a week ago) learning x86 assembly, in that time, I upgraded my computer to 8GB ram, so obviusly my x86 Windows XP installation was wasting up all that memory, now, I'm running a x64 W...

Compiling same project with two different settings in Visual studio.

I have Visual C++ solution. One of the project needs to compiled targeting x86 as well as x64. With default setting it can be compiled once in solution file. Is it possible to build solution once but build the same project with two different settings ? Thanks in advance for any help. ...

Compile for 64bit or 32bit platforms in visual studio, depending on the host Operating system?

On a project we are working on there is an SQLite.DLL file that we are linking which we need to link the correct version (32 or 64 bit) depending on the host operating system. If we link to the 32 bit version it will not run on a 64 bit system, and vice versa. Thus, how can we create a configuration that will cause the system to build th...

Is time comes to not worry about memory

About a year ago we are developed for internal use inprocess MOLAP engine that perform aggregation of a large amount of data. We using it only as a part of our platform because we was sure that such a system without custom memory alocation, paging etc is not viable solution, but some time ago Microsoft published beta version of PowerPivo...

Hardware breakpoints on XP 64 bit

Has anyone got hardware breakpoints to work on 64bit XP and if so how? We have an application that uses hardware breakpoints this has worked on 32 bit XP and 32 bit Vista operating systems for sometime now. However having ported our code to 64 bit we get a crash when the app is run on 64 bit XP but not when run on 64 bit Vista. The app ...

Visual Studio: Different DLLs for configurations

I'd like to make a x86 and x64 version of my application because some of the libraries I'm using have differences for x86 and x64 (e.g. SQLite). I made a new configuration for release builds that has as target operating system "x64". Is there a way to define different DLLs for the configuration e.g. use SQLite.dll for x86 release and ...

A single executable for 32 and 64 bit (Without WOW64)

I'm writing a small utility that should run on both 16\32\64 bit systems. My old utility ran both on 32 and 16 bit by compressing the 16bit version to the 32 bit and applying the /stub switch in visual studio 2008 (/STUB -MS-DOS Stub File Name ). I'm looking for a way to do the same with my 64 bit executable. The target 64bit system is ...