



I've noticed that IntelliJ IDEA 9 runs as a 32-bit process in Windows 2003 x64 and would like to configure it to run as a 64-bit process. I did find an article about how to perform this in Mac OSX, but not in Windows.

Update #1: I have the 64-bit version of JDK 1.6.18 installed.

+1  A: 

My wild guess, is that you only need a 64 bit JDK/JRE and that's it.

Download the x64 version:

JDK x64 windows

And then configure IntellJ IDEA to use it.

This guide shows how what to change to set own JDK ( although is a bit dated and things may have changed as of now )

The environment variable IDEA_JDK or JDK_HOME should be set to point to the location where JDK 1.6.0 is installed

Again without further substantiation, I would have said so too.
Carl Smotricz
I already have that installed, but IDEA still shows as a 32-bit process. ("idea.exe*32")
Omer van Kloeten
Yeap, you have to tell IDEA that you want to use a different jdk ( see the guide, it should be the same still )
+5  A: 

This post might help. It mentions using an idea64.exe launcher on Windows.

Caffeine Coma
Great stuff. Downloaded the file, set the IDEA_JDK environment variable and it works like a charm. Thanks a lot :)
Omer van Kloeten
Nice finding 6,7,8