
How to deal with xapian php exceptions

Help with using the xapian php wrapper. I have a couple of custom exception handlers for different categories of errors (I'm thinking of seperating them out more). Xapian handles errors by throwing standard Exception objects. I would like to use a custom exception handler for these though. How do I go about using a custom exception for...

Crawler/parser for Xapian

I would like to implement a search engine which should crawl a set of web sites, extract specific information from the pages and create full-text index of that specific information. It seems to me that Xapian could be a good choice for the search engine library. What are the options for a crawler/parser to integrate with Xapian? Would...

acts_as_xapian jobs table

Hi, Can someone explain to me the inner workings of acts_as_xapian_jobs table? I ran into an issue with the acts_as_xapian plugin recently, where I kept getting the following error when it creates an object with xapian indexed fields: Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry 'String-2147483647' for key 2: INSERT INTO `acts_as_xapian_jobs` (`act...

Django haystack and whoosh

Does anyone have any experience using django-haystack with the whoosh backend? I'm looking to use it for a categorized live-search type tool. Is it gonna be fast/efficient enough in a production environment to avoid setting up either solr or xapian? ...

djapian based search freezes

When I try to run a djapian based search it freezes the applications and I dont get any response from the server. Am deploying the site using mod_wsgi. The search runs fine when i run it in the python shell or in the django dev server. The problem seems to arise only when I deploy my site to apache. Does anyone know how I can get around ...

Xapian multiple-language searching with stop words?

Hi, I have two Xapian databases, let's call one "EN" and the other "DE", and let's say the former contains some documents in English, and the latter in German. If I want users to be able to search both at once, I can easily load both of the databases. However, it seems like I can only use one stemmer and set of stop words? There's no...

Miscellaneous import errors with Djapian

After installing Djapian ten different ways and following 5 completely different tutorials, it's time to ask for help. Ok, the vanilla way: I go to http://code.google.com/p/djapian/wiki/Installation and follow the instructions to a tee, installing Djapian 2.0. joshua@staging-server:/var/www$ python pri*/pro*/my*/manage.py shell Python ...

Sphinx + tokyo Tyrant + mysql

I'm looking at creating a full text search engine for one of my projects. We have a Mysql, Tokyo Tyrant and file documents that need to be indexed. I'm looking at Sphinx right now but I can't figured out if I can use it to index every document. I know it's possible to let Sphinx to use Mysql but I'm looking at a way to let Sphinx inde...

Djapian - filtering results

I use Djapian to search for object by keywords, but I want to be able to filter results. It would be nice to use Django's QuerySet API for this, for example: if query.strip(): results = Model.indexer.search(query).prefetch() else: results = Model.objects.all() results = results.filter(somefield__lt=somevalue) return results Bu...

No indexers created by Djapian for Django

I am working through the tutorial for setting up Djapian and am trying to use the indexshell (as demonstrated in this step). When I run the command 'list' I get the following output: Installed spaces/models/indexers: - 0: 'global' I therefore cannot run any queries: >>> query No index selected Which leads me to attempt: >>> use 0 ...

DataBaseLock error with Django, Xapian and Haystack

I'm indexing a model with xapian/haystack. When i test it on my local machine everything works just fine, but when i try to save a model on the server Xapian throws a DatabaseLockError Exception Type: DatabaseLockError Exception Location: /opt/python2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/xapian.py in __init__, line 2886 2886: _xapian.Writable...

"Permission Denied" in Django template using Djapian

I've followed the Djapian tutorial and setup everything "by the book" so that the indexshell commandline supplied by Djapian shows successful queries. However, when integrating the sample search from the Djapian tutorial I get this nonsense error: TemplateSyntaxError at /search/ Caught an exception while rendering: (13, 'Permis...

Defining an index combining two tables with Djapian

hi, I've got the following Restaurant and Comment models. I'm doing full text search on some fields of the Restaurant model, as shown below in the RestaurantIndexer class. How can I do a full text search including the comments (i.e. a search returning Restaurant instances with the query contained in one or some fields defined in Restaur...

Django Haystack exact filtering

I have a haystack search which has the following SearchIndex: class GrantIndex(indexes.SearchIndex): """ This provides the search index for the Grant application. """ text = indexes.CharField(document=True, use_template=True) year = indexes.IntegerField(model_attr='year__year') date = indexes.DateField(model_att...

xapian and django-haystack

Hi, I have a problem with django-haystack. According to this tutorial I got this apps: django-haystack xapian-haystack I set everything but i have this error: django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: 'xapian' isn't an available search backend. Available options are: 'dummy', 'solr', 'whoosh' Why xapian is not available? Thanks f...

ElasticSearch, Sphinx, Lucene, Solr, Xapian. Which fits for which usage ?

I'm currently looking at other search methods rather than having a huge SQL query. I saw elasticsearch recently and played with woosh (a python implementation of a search engine). Can you argument your choices on why you chose or will choose any of those project ? ...

haystack's RealTimeSearchIndex causes django to hang on data entry

I'm using django-haystack and a xapian backend with real time indexing (haystack.indexes.RealTimeSearchIndexing) of model data and it works fine on my Ubuntu server. However, it causes django to hang upon data entry when I deployed the app on a RHEL5 server. Everything is hunky dory if I switch to a standard SearchIndex. Running ./ma...

Search engine solution for Django that actually works?

The story so far: Decided to go with Xapian as search backend because it has all search-engine features I was looking for, knows about Unicode, stemming, has few dependencies and requires no bloated app-server installation on top of it. Tried Django and Haystack (plus xapian-haystack, the backend glue code to tie Haystack to Xapian) be...

solr vs xapian : which one gived you the more meaningful results?

I am currently using whoosh to dev a website, and I'll need to choose something more powerful once the website will be in production. If anyone of you used both of these engines, which one gave you the most meaningful results one the long road? ...

Xapian gem failed to install on Mac OS X Snow Leopard + macports

I have installed xapian-core + xapian-bindings with macports on snow leopard, then trying to install xapian gem fails: Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing xapian: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /opt/ruby-enterprise/bin/ruby extconf.rb ./configure --with-ruby checking for a ...