
How can i build a visual studio solution using xbuild (from Mono)?

I recently downloaded Mono 2 for my new MacBook. I'm trying to figure out how to compile Visual Studio solutions with xbuild, which is included in Mono. Any ideas? ...

How do I set a property to the output of a command in msbuild/xbuild

In msbuild/xbuild I'd like to have a "libPath" property which can be ovveridden on the commandline using /p:libpath="/path/to/all/libs". But when this property is undefined I want to call pkg-config --retrieve-Path somePackage to get the current systems path. I thought like here I need the output of a command to be stored in a Property....

building xbuild into visual studio addin

im looking for a way to implement a addin that can convert a C# solution into a mono compiled exe, so i can use it on a linux and mac environment that have the mono framework installed. ...

csproj from VS2008 fail to compile with mono xbuild

Hi, I use Mono 2.6.4 compiled from source on CentOS to compile a VS2008 project in C#. Some csproj compile, but this one doesn't, here is the output of xbuild /t:detailed : /opt/mono-2.6.4/lib/mono/2.0/Microsoft.CSharp.targets: error : Error executing task Csc: Input string was not in the correct format Error executing t...

MonoDevelop command line compile a solution

Hi! The problem is as follows: I have a MonoDevelop project (ASP.NET) on my development workstation. I'm currently at a customer site, without my regular development environment on my laptop (Regulatory Burden). I have SSH access to my development workstation, but the network is too laggy to handle X11 comfortably. I need to make a ...

Can I call a MSBuild Task from Mono XBuild?

Can I call a MSBuild Task from Mono XBuild? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms126274.aspx http://www.mono-project.com/Microsoft.Build ...

Do the MSBuild Community Tasks or Extension Pack work with Mono's xbuild?

Has anyone got the MSBuild Community Tasks or MSBuild Extension Pack working with Mono's xbuild? They both seem to have MSI installer, so I guess it's a case of manually transferring the files to the Mac (in my case)? If anyone's done it, I'd appreciate the benefit of his/her experience. ...

How do I make the MSBuild task in Mono's xbuild use the .NET 3.5 framework?

I'm trying to build a MonoTouch project using xbuild (on a Mac, clearly). Here's my xbuild project: <Project DefaultTargets="Application" ToolsVersion="3.5" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"&gt; <PropertyGroup> <ApplicationProjectFilePath>..\TestApp\TestApp.csproj</ApplicationProjectFilePath> ...