
Not able to take the screenshots in a viewcontroller view of xcode.

I'm reading pdf's in a view and trying to capture screenshots of pdf pages. UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() doesn't work. any solutions? ...

Developing Monotouch and XCode in paralell - how to set it up

Would it make sense to develop an app in Monotouch and With XCOde in parallel or with Monotouch as a prototype. (I would be learning both while developing). Since both use the same interface-builder. Could I just take the files and create a SDK version from the same interface files the same way just after? How can I set it up so that...

How can i convert UIFont to CGFontRef?I causes warning and not working

i have declared a UIFont as delegate... and in another file i'm converting that delegate UIColor to CGColorRef by CGColorRef *color = appdel.color.CGColor; ...

Xcode 3.2.4 and Mac OS X 10.5

Hi. I have a simple question: does Xcode 3.2.4 work on Mac OS X Leopard (10.5) ? ...

button does not click

I want to add view for tableviewcell. click the button on the view. however. why it responsed is didselected event. not click event. please help me! thanks very much! ...

Localising xib's (iPhone) workflow

I have figured out how to loclize, but it seems yo end up with a lot of paralell xib's. Is there a good way to manage changes in xib's that as been localized, or do I have to be very strict about not localizing before the xib's are fixed? ...

xcode function menu keyboard shortcut

I'm somewhat new to XCode and am very accustomed to using Visual Assist with Visual Studio. In XCode, I see the function menu above the text editor but can't seem to find a keyboard shortcut to pop it down. It seems to require a mouse click. It would be nice to have as this is yet another tool for better code navigation and is easily ...

How to set backgroundColor for UIsearchBar with UIColor?

I want to custome uisearchbar style? please help me! thanks! ...

What happened to XCode Build and Analyze results?

This is similar to another question that wasn't really answered: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2738363/xcode-3-2-build-analyze-never-finds-any-issues I used XCode's Build and Analyze for the first time on a large project and came up with a number of analyzer warnings. I corrected a few and wanted to verify my changes were being 'a...

UIInterfaceOrientation Problemer

UIViewController A , B. A implements Horizontal screen , A turn to B. how do what? cancel Horizontal screen for B. B code : - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation { // Return YES for supported orientations return NO; } Is not ok! Why?? Please help me ! thanks! ...