
Rails: Frameset not showing

I am trying to create a frameset and I am doing this using Rails. Basically my view looks like this <html> <head></head> <body> <frameset> <frame src="http://www.nba.com" /> </frameset> </head> </html> And my controller looks like def basket respond_to do |format| format.html { render 'basket.html.erb', :layout ...

Is this CSS reference correct and supported syntax: .slider.wide {}

I have a slider that's marked up like so: <div class="slider wide"> //slider html in here </div> And another marked up like so: <div class="slider narrow"> //slider html in here </div> Is it possible to reference each of these like this in my CSS file by in a way concatenating the class names: .slider.wide { //css specific to the ...

How to add javascript file in <head> in this condition?

Only if form action is /?cms_mode=edit <body id="home"> <form method="post" action="/?cms_mode=edit" id="main"> </form> </body> then a js file edit.js should be added into head, otherwise not. <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script> <script type="...

JQuery Append To Multiple Elements Fails

I'm trying to use jQuery's append() method to append common content to set of div's as follows: $("#horizontal_menu").append(menu); $("#vertical_menu").append(menu); What I'm finding is that the content (in this case, menu) is getting appended to vertical_menu but not horizontal_menu. Does appending to one <div> preclude you from app...

which elements are affected by the line-height property?

which elements are affected by the line-height property? ...

How to take text from one place then render at other place on same page?

<div id="default"> <h2> heading </h2> <div id="big-on-hover"> <h2> heading </h2> I want to render the text of h2 of <div id="default"> in <div id="big-on-hover"> because both will be same always so I will change at one place it will show all other places also. ...

How to stop html textarea from interpreting html entities into their characters

I have an html textarea that is used to display a string from a database. The textarea can be edited and any changes are saved to the database. The problem is that when it recieves entities &reg; in a string it converts them into their characters, and then when the text is saved the characters overwrite the entities. For example: The da...

Right align a table in firefox help, how can I support mulitple browsers

Good Afternoon All, I have a table inside a div. The div has a style rule text-align:right;. I realize the element is a table and not text, but nonetheless, I need the table to right align in FireFox. I stumbled upon -moz-right which does the right thing in FireFox, however this breaks every other browser, i.e. the table aligns left as ...

What to do with ASCII escape characters in user-generated markup?

I'm using HTML Purifier, a PHP "filter that guards against XSS and ensures standards-compliant output," to sanitize/standardize user-inputted markup. This is an example of the user-inputted markup: <font face="'Times New Roman', Times">TEST</font> which generates: <span style="font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;, Times;">TEST<...

List item inside #footer text not going to center.....

I want to keep list item in the center of #footer div always. Footer is flexible. I'm using current code but it's not making list item in center. #footer {overflow:hidden;text-align:center} #footer ul {margin:0 auto} #footer li {float:left;padding:10px;text-align:center} HTML <div id="footer"> <ul> <li>item1</li> <li>item...

How to show hidden div on mouse over using jquery?

I want to show hidden div on hover of <div class="thumb"> and i have multiple div on page each thumb div has different content images. width is fix for all div but height of large div <div class="large" style="display:none"> can be extended upon content after the image inside div. Text of h2 will be always the same in both div. If mous...

Removing unclosed opening <p>tags from xhtml document

I have a big xhtml document with lots of tags. I have observed that a few unclosed opening paragraph tags are repeating unnecessarily and I want to remove them or replace them with blank space. i just want to code to identify unclosed paragraph tags and delete them. Here's a small sample to show what I mean: <p><strong>Company Registra...

Removing unclosed opening <p>tags from xhtml document

Possible Duplicate: Removing unclosed opening <p>tags from xhtml document I am having big xhtml Document consisting lots of tags. I have observed that few unclosed opening paragraph tags are repeating unnecessarily and i want to remove them or want to replace them with blank space. i just want to code to identifying unclosed...

How to remove unclosed <P> tags from xhtml

Possible Duplicate: Removing unclosed opening <p>tags from xhtml document I have a big xhtml Document consisting of lots of tags. I have observed that a few unclosed opening paragraph tags are repeating unnecessarily and I want to remove or replace them with blank space. I just want the code to identify unclosed paragraph ta...

100% div height headaches...

I am trying to get a set of 4 div column's (class siteCol) height to fill 100% of its container (id sites). the reason being, one column can have longer text than the others, but they should all be as tall as the tallest column. I have tried everything. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Code below: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DT...

xhtml tables - proper use

Hi I have a pretty simple question. Is it a good practice to write tables with 2 different headers and repeating sub-headers like in the example 1 or is it better/more semantic to split this code into 2 tables (see example 2) ? Thanks example1: <table> <tr> <th colspan="3">HEADER 1</th> </tr> <tr> <th>sub-header 1</th> <th>sub-...

Regex Parsing HTML

Possible Duplicate: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags I would like to ensure that HTML attributes have quotes around them as is required by xhtml. For example: <BODY link=#0000ff vLink=#800080> should be <BODY link="#0000ff" vLink="#800080"> I am looking for a Regex pattern that would handle this. ...

Hotmail render bad XHTML from [Chrome, firefox, safari, opera, etc] via SMTP email

This is a bug I found in Hotmail render a newsletter build it from my application. I know that maybe the title can be a little misunderstand... but here is what I did. My application build a part of a xhtml document with javascript in the browser, so I have a template did it by hand with just xhtml and css inline... so you can modify som...

Can I Change the value of a textbox with Ajax

Hello, I just started in Ajax today and the tutorial i was reading showed me how to use the result to change a div. But is it possible that i can get the result and make it the new value of a text box. This way i can still edit the text box but the current value will be the ajax result. Right now i am changing the div with this line: d...

REGEX for only data and end tag

I am looking for REGEX which will give me data along with the end tag e.g. input: ----------------- <p>ABC<p> ----------------- Output would be ----------------- ABC<p> ----------------- it will only remove the first para para tag,Not for the second para tag and all text in between would be same. I want to mention here that i am ...