
Adding a Large text box to a page

I am building a page where I want to add a HUGE text entry box. Just like this: http://unbouncepages.com/real-time-texts/ I have done normal text fields before, but how do I get the box and font size to be massive? ...

Mobile HTML rendering numbers

I have a mobile WEB Page showing a bank statement. Something like this: DATE | DESCRIPTION | AMOUNT --------------|--------------------------|--------------- Jan 2nd 2010 | Clothes | USD 1.839.000 Sep 23rd 2010 | Drinks | USD 2.837.000 I am using . as a thousand separator sin...

How do i fade out all the other tr tags with jQuery

I want the user to click on the checkbox and other tr tags fade out and disappear... Here is the code for the table <table class="display" id="events" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <th></th> <th>Date</th> <th>Location</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> ...

can i validate xhtml programmtically from a php script?

I would like to have a PHP function to check if a URL returns valid HTML or NOT, and returns true or false. Something like: if (validate_page("/somefile.html")) { echo "This page validated!!"; } I found TWINE but it doesn't just give me true or false. Also I got an error running it on my system. http://twineproject.sourceforge.net/ I...

Populating a table by ajax is very slow

I have written a web service that returns some data as json. To display this in a table I am using the datatables jquery plugin: for(var i=0;i<results.length;i++){ myTable.fnAddData( [ "<input name='codeSearched' type='radio' value='"+results[i].ID+"' />", "<span id='code_"+results[i].ID+"'>"+ results[i].code+"</>",...

Parse error using automatic filled <map>

Hi, I'd like to generate automatically an imagemap, but I always get a parse error without any other detail (that's useful.) than the location. Am I not using well ? Here is the code : <?php //Some code ?><map name="mymap"><?php foreach($rects as $rect) { ?> <area shape="rect" coords=<?php echo '"'.$rect['x1'].','.$rect['y1'...

Which mobile browsers versions/devices versions/OS versions currently capable for HTML 5, CSS3 and jquery?

Which mobile browsers versions/devices versions/OS versions currently capable for HTML 5, CSS3 and jquery? ...

XHTML: Placing DIVs in A tags

Hello! Is it alright to place div tags inside anchor tags? Will contents of the div redirect the page to the href of the anchor tag? Thank you. ...

Page Load - White "flash" inbetween pages

There are two websites, one live one under development. I am porting a site to Zend Framework (for maintainability/integration purposes). The original (live) site has seamless page loads - it will load, then update the content on the screen while keeping the background image, navigation etc on the page. The ported site (development) "f...

Elliminate gap between last div and page end in firefox/opera/Safari

I have a web page with large div(for example white) and another div that is follows the previous one. The problem is that if white block is big enough and it height is almost or even bigger than the browser window(and scroll bars appear), the red block is in the bottom of the page there is still gap between red div and end of the window ...

why does the containing div not recognize the height of the items within?

how can my containing div (boxes_blue) recognize the height of the items within? #boxes_blue { display: block; margin: 0 0 0 175px; border: 1px solid brown; clear: both; } #boxes_blue_each { float: right; height: 100px; width: 100px; padding: 10px; border-left: 3px solid #fff; background-color: #004964; color: #fffacf; text-transfor...

Do we need "CSS reset" for mobile browsers also?

Do we need "CSS reset" for mobile specific site also? like we need for desktop browsers? Can css reset on mobile sites decrease the performance of rendering? ...

Page displays blank in IE6 only when refreshed does it display

On select pages on my website, the page is initially blank until you refresh it and the content is displayed. The error disappears when the meta charset data is removed: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /> is changed to: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;" /> The doctype is XHTML 1...

Which CSS properties comes in print and which not?

Is there a list describing which CSS properties apply to print and which don't? ...

Should we make Print css for mobile specific websites?

Should we make Print css for mobile specific websites? Sites which are specifically built for mobile users and we have different site for desktop/laptop user. ...

how to get double border in <td> using CSS?

how to get double border in using CSS with cross browser compatibility and border should come in print on page? ...

Which DTD would you prefer for mobile sites, "XHTML Mobile" or "HTML 5"?

Which DTD would you prefer for mobile sites, "XHTML Mobile" or "HTML 5"? Is there any Mobile Html 5 Validator like W3C mobile OK validator for mobiles? Should we not use Html 5 for mobile phone now because W3C not recommending it.? ...

Browser Rendering Difference Between strict/transitional DOCTYPEs

I came across an 'issue' some time ago that I never did get to the bottom of. Hopefully somebody can shine a light on it. What causes certain browsers (Chrome, Opera and Safari) to render a page differently when I change the DOCTYPE from strict to transitional. I know the general cause of this is quirks mode being triggered, but both the...

Would it be good to have CSS in <head> for mobiles site?

Is it good to have CSS in <head> for mobiles site? because there will be not much css to write and maintain. Like this http://www.emirplicanic.com/uploaded/tutorials/mobile/ <head> <style type="text/css"> css here........... </style> </head> It will save one HTTP request. We can keep one common header.php for site. Or keeping css ...

XHTML Transitional rel attribute alternative

I'm trying to add some custom data within a tag to reference later in a jQuery call, and I usually use "rel=" for something like this. However, I'm working in an XHTML Transitional document, and it gives me a "there is no rel attribute". Are there any alternate attributes I can use to attach custom data to an HTML tag while still kee...