
Calling jQuery function from different elements

I'm pretty new to the jQuery world, so I'm hoping for some help. I am creating a page that has a div that has a number of checkboxes inside of it. Each of these checkboxes are contained in their own divs as well. <div> <div> <input type='checkbox' name='cb1' /> <div id="info1"> Hide </div> ...

How to make Google Chrome to stop automatically modify contenteditable elements HTML source ?

Hello, I am using contenteditable attribute for a purpose of my own WYSIWYG editor. Most of the problems I solved myself, however one I can't figure out. Contenteditable is acting little weird, because my editor generates XHTML code and as soon as I insert this code in contenteditable element, it modifies it to non-XHTML code, e.g.: <h...

position fixed images within div (pins on map)

I have a "map" div with the css rules height: 400px; width: 800px; background: url(map.png). This div has a background image of a world map. I have some images that act as "pins" that I want to place on the map in specific areas. What CSS properties would I give the image to be able to, for example, place them within the "map" div by ...

svg2css inkscape extention

I tried to use svg2css inkscape extension in python, which converts an svg file to its equivalent css+html, but it resulted in no output with a warning message: Source file C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ink_ext_XXXXXX.svg9EFDKV not an SVG. My svg file is very simple, it just contains one text tag, I tried to generate the css+html from these svg ...

CSS sticky footer

Hi, I am trying to implement a CSS sticky footer. The issue is there is a content DIV that is extending beyond its container causing scroll bars that are not desirable and the background-image hung off the page div does not extend the full height of the document. Here is my HTML: <div id="page"> <div id="header"> ...

IE8 Bug?? Background image moves position

Hi Having a problem with IE8 which i have never noticed before. The problem is with this page here http://www.abnixsolutions.com/new.asp When first viewed it may look fine, but then click in the address bar and press enter the background image of the box and disc jumps into the header. Doesn't do this in any other browser, it's starti...

Fade text too long inside HTML element

So my questions is similar to this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3695435/crop-text-too-long-inside-div What I don't want to do is have a hard end to the text (chopping off whatever text overflows). The desired output would not include an ellipses (...) but would "fade" away. So if I had something like: <div class="text">This i...

HTML 5 Doctype and IE 6

I often see this doctype declaration on some pages that I am viewing <!DOCTYPE html> I made some soft research and this is HTML 5 doctype declaration. Modern browsers can interpret this and would force to operate on Standards Mode. My question is, some of my target users are still using IE6. How will IE6 responds when I declare suc...

if i keep javascript at bottom or keep javascript in <head> inside document.ready, are both same thing?

if i keep javascript at bottom or keep javascript in <head> inside document.ready, are both same thing? I'm confused between these two methodology this http://api.jquery.com/ready/ and this http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html#js_bottom Is there any benefit to put js at bottom (just before </body>) even I'm keeping the co...

accented letters are not displayed correctly on the server, even if the encoding is correct

hello! i wrote some html with utf-8 charset. in the head of the html there is also a <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> everything works fine in local, but when i upload files to the server, i see all my letters àèìòù etc distorted. anybody know how could it be the problem? is possible that the ...

Is unordered list necessary on the following example?

As it's valid markup, I have done the following; <div class="list"> <a href="#">Link 1</a> <a href="#">Link 2</a> </div> My question is, does it have to be written as this; <ul class="list"> <li><a href=...

Space between two div's in IE

I have a strange problem between two div's , there is a space below the top div which only shows in IE8. Although I am using IE8 at home I don't see it, but at other places I do. Image in IE (red is the space that shouldn't be there): In firefox and every other browser it shows fine as shown below: <div id="top"> <form action="" ...

correct way of hiding HTML content

Hi all, I am writing a small HTML+JavaScript (so to call) application. User is given two choices (radio buttons) and depending what did he choose, I display content "A" or content "B" under the choice radio buttons. Now I am wondering what is a right way to handle this content. Should I have 2 DIVs, only one visible, depending on choic...

Using JavaScript and XHTML: XMLHttpRequest's open/send do not work if before onreadystatechange.

I don't know if it "works" or not, but I am concluding this because the code posted here, works (except for what's in the for loop (stupid DOM), but that's not the focus) ONLY after two clicks. I'm assuming this is because it is not getting the XML document till it's created, which is at the end of the first click. However, if I were to...

div issue : height not extending with contents

Hello guys I am trying to create a web page using CSS (Table less) but my main content area is not extending with contents please check my html and css codes and give me a solutions, Thanks <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://ww...

required attribute "action" not specified

hi, first of all i m sorry for my bad english becouse i m not a native english speaker so may be there are some english related mistakes in my question...i hope anyone who will read my question can understand what i want to say...i m a learner i m converting PSD to XHTML and CSS. i have completed my work but when i checked my whole cod...

javaScript for ADF Faces 1.1 within a loop.

Hi, I am having issue with my js function within a ADF Faces af:interator. I have 3 controls within an af:iterator (af:ouputText, af:inputText, af:selectBooleanCheckBox) and I would like to have a js function on the checkbox so that when checking the checkbox, the text of the ouputText will be copied into the inputText. The issue here i...

Does jquery property .css( propertyName ) not breaking the rule of separation of concerns?

Does .css( propertyName ) not breaking the rule of separation of concerns? As a rule of separation of concern , we keep content, style and behaviour in different layer. but when we add styles using behaviour (http://api.jquery.com/css/), does it not breaking the rules of concern. ...

javascript name vs ID

As far as I know there are two ways to get the value from a textbox either document.formName.textboxName.value; or document.getElementbyId('textboxId').value; As I understand using form name would mean I have less code to write, as name can be used for posting data and getting the value (apart from using ajax). As where if I was ju...

Main Site With 000WebHost

I am trying to create a site with xhtml I have it done I just need to figure out how to upload it I am using 000webhost as my web hoster but whenever I go on my main page it says index of/ then it says all of my sites I want to go directly to m main site how do I do that? ...