
In a C/C++ program how does the system (windows, linux, mac OS X) call the main() function.

I am looking for a more technical explanation then the OS calls the function. Can anyone help me out or point me to a website or book? Thanks. ...

Why does int main() {} compile?

(I'm using Visual C++ 2008) I've always heard that main() is required to return an integer, but here I didn't put in return 0; and and it compiled with 0 errors and 0 warnings! In the debug window it says the program has exited with code 0. If this function is named anything other than main(), the compiler complains saying 'blah' must ...

Why main() cannot be declared as a static in C ??

Why main must be declared as if it has external linkage? Why it should not be static? what is meant by external linkage?? ...

How can I write a Windows application without using WinMain?

Windows GUI applications written in C/C++ have 'WinMain' as an entry point (rather than 'main'). My understanding of this is that the compiler generates a 'main' function to be called by the C Runtime. This 'main' function sets up the necessary environment for the GUI and calls into 'WinMain' (specifying the instance handles etc.). In s...

SSL communication, how hard can it be?

I have a Java main application running on my PC that can send XML data to a servelet and recieve XML data back. I can use from IE and Firefox because I they allowed me to load the private certificate. I want to u...

c++ class why need main?

Hello I'm writing a little project in c++ where I would like to have some classes that does some work, I wrote the interfaces and the implementation of the classes. The thing that surprises me is that I cannot have a simple class without a main(), I would like to have a class that once instantiated, It's methods can be called, do things...

Imported Java applet project into netbeans won't work, Netbeans refuses to identify or even find main class even when manually set

Hi everyone, I'm trying to set the main class in netbeans to be the main class it was in the last environment it was in, however the program insists it can't find the main class itself and when I set it as the name of the main class in project properties it says the class does not exist (even though it does). When I right click on the ...

c# closing progam from Main contructor

after alot of head scathing i think I have made some progress. I am not 100% sure but Can you exit an application before the constructor is finsihed and the main form loaded? constuctor { thread t = new thread(open loading screen); } I do the exact same thing with a exit screen using a variable between the main for and another one. and... :to call join method on more than one thread objects?

i have a listoddata and a list of thread in main thread .i am passing each element data of list to corresponding thread.want to main thread to wait untill all of thread are executed. for (int i = 0; i < listOfThread.Count; i++) { listOfThread[i].Join(); } // code after all of thread completes its...

What is "main" in Ruby?

If I run this file as "ruby x.rb": class X end x = What is the thing that is calling ""? Is it an object/process/etc? ...

Why do applets not need a main()?

This applies to subclasses of Applet, Servlet, Midlet, etc. Why do they not need a main()? If I wanted to create a Craplet class that starts at init() or something similar, is it bad design, or how would I go about doing it? ...

How to determine main class at runtime in threaded java application?

I want to determine the class name where my application started, the one with the main() method, at runtime, but I'm in another thread and my stacktrace doesn't go all the way back to the original class. I've searched System properties and everything that ClassLoader has to offer and come up with nothing. Is this information just not a...

Why default return value of main is 0 and not EXIT_SUCCESS ?

Hello, the iso 1998 c++ standard specifies that not explicitly using a return statement in the main is equivalent to use "return 0". But what if an implementation has a different standard "no error" code, for example "-1" ? Why not use the standard macro "EXIT_SUCCESS" that would be replaced either by "0" or "-1" or any other value de...

C++ main() in a large OOP project

This may be a short & simple question, but I've never found a satisfying answer to it: What code does the main() function usually consist of in a large C++ project? Would it be an incorrect assumption to think that it is usually just initializing a (wrapping) class object and calling a function inside of it to set things off? Why is ma...

C Main Loop without 100% cpu

#include <stdio.h> int main() { while(!DONE) { /* check for stuff */ } return 0; } The above code sample uses 100% cpu until DONE is true. How can I implement a program that loops and only terminates when DONE, but which doesn't use 100% cpu? Modern languages use something like App.ProcessMessages or something like that to g...

Why do I need a wrapping class? c#

I have a program of some length, with a class and many methods. All of these have to be contained in one huge class that wraps the entire file except the using statements. The necessity of that huge wrapping class seems pointless, is this used only later when making a program with multiple files? using System; using System.IO; ...

main() in C, C++, Java, C#

Is main() (or Main()) in C, C++, Java or C#, a user-defined function or a built-in function? ...

Python: imports at the beginning of the main program & PEP 8

The PEP 8 recommends that modules be imported at the beginning of programs. Now, I feel that importing some of them at the beginning of the main program (i.e., after if __name__ == '__main__') makes sense. For instance, if the main program reads arguments from the command line, I tend to do import sys at the beginning of the main progr...

how to avoid writing main() too many times in C ?

Let say I have 5 small piece of codes in C. Every time I want to test each piece of code, I have to repeat this process: #include <stdio.h> int main() { // code piece go into here return 0; } Is there way that I don't have to do this 5 times? I'm using Code::Blocks, that means I have to create 5 different projects, which I beli...

Main's Signature in C++

The standard explicitly states that main has two valid (i.e., guaranteed to work) signatures; namely: int main(); int main(int, char*[]); My question is simple, would something like the following be legal? int main(const unsigned int, const char* const* argv); My tests say 'yes', but I'm unsure of the answer because am I not overlo...