
Repeating background image in native iPhone app

Short of putting a UIWebView as the back-most layer in my nib file, how can I add a repeating background image to an iPhone app (like the corduroy look in the background of a grouped UITableView)? Do I need to create an image that's the size of the iPhone's screen and manually repeat it using copy and paste? ...

Can't do shell script with a repeat with i from 1 to n loop

This works (prints, for example, “3 arguments”): to run argv do shell script "echo " & (count argv) & " arguments" end run This doesn't (prints only “Argument 3: three”, and not the previous two arguments): to run argv do shell script "echo " & (count argv) & " arguments" repeat with i from 1 to (count argv) do shell script "ec...

How can I repeat a string in Perl?

In Python, if I do this: print "4" * 4 I get > "4444" In Perl, I'd get > 16 Is there an easy way to do the former in Perl? ...

How can I get a counter variable in Vim without python or ruby?

I do NOT have python/ruby enabled. My Question: I frequently have to write things like the following: %macro(200701);x gzip /home/test/200701.txt;run; %macro(200702);x gzip /home/test/200702.txt;run; %macro(200703);x gzip /home/test/200703.txt;run; %macro(200704);x gzip /home/test/200704.txt;run; %macro(200705);x gzip /home/test/200705....

How to break page and repeat header after 20 records while printing data grid data in

i want to print a web page using datagrid to show data. i prints data but does not repeat header in next page . i want to get header repeated in each page . how can i do it in datagrid . i can it using style break in table head but cann't in datagrid. plz help ...

Repeating a section of an image in CSS

I want take a section of a picture, for example the middle of a picure, and repeat only that section in the background of a div. Is this even remotely possible? I suppose I could do this in javascript, but that would be messy. In theory the answer to my question should be able to take a single pixel from a picture and repeat it in a li...

How to repeat a mouse click in .NET

My app runs as a plugin inside another windowed app. Thus, my window often doesn't have the focus. Now, if someone moves the mouse over a button/menu and clicks once, all it does is set focus to my window. Then (s)he needs to click again to get the actual button functionality. This is a minor annoyance but I'd like to get rid of it. Fir...

CSS Background Repeat

Is there any way to make a background image stretch rather than repeat? ...

OpenGL glColorPointer repeat colors?

Imagine that you've got one of these guys: Aka GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP. If you wanna color it using different colors, you could use: glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, colorArray); glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); Where each "item" in the color array matches a vertex point in the strip. But what if the colors just alternate betwe...

Microsoft Expression Blend (silverlight): repeating header?

Hi I'm using the new microsoft expression. I'm trying to create a repeating header much like this one at Is there a way I can do this in Expression blend. How do I organize the containers? And how do I set it to repeat in code or manually? Any ideas would be really helpful :) I have a rectangle with ...

iPhone dev -- performSelector:withObject:afterDelay or NSTimer?

To repeat a method call (or message send, I guess the appropriate term is) every x seconds, is it better to use an NSTimer (NSTimer's scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:) or to have the method recursively call itself at the end (using performSelector:withObject:afterDelay)? The latter doesn't use an object, b...

how to avoid writing main() too many times in C ?

Let say I have 5 small piece of codes in C. Every time I want to test each piece of code, I have to repeat this process: #include <stdio.h> int main() { // code piece go into here return 0; } Is there way that I don't have to do this 5 times? I'm using Code::Blocks, that means I have to create 5 different projects, which I beli...

Repeat Forever a If Function

Hello, I'm developing a simple project, but how I can do a repeat forever a If function(It's like a command-line)? Thanks. My code is like this: Console.Write("> "); var Command = Console.ReadLine(); if (Command == "About") { Console.WriteLine("This Operational System was build with Cosmos using C#"); Console.WriteLine("Emeral...

JQuery - Coding Problem

Hey guys, I'm working on a "status"-Updater. It works, there is just one problem, after sending a Status I have to manual reload the page to let the script work again. Do you can help me please? Here's the code: <script language="javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("form#status_form").submit(function(){ var s_autor = $...

iPhone SDK: repeat subviews

I have one UIView, which I'm using as my main view, and I want to repeat the subview across the screen. How exactly can I do this? ...

Is it possible to use opendir repeatedly in C?

I am trying to debug right now in C and am curious if it is alright to call opendir() repeatedly without having to first call closedir() because I am trying to run a loop to open sub-directories when the while-loop that calls readdir() encounters them. And I assume that closing the current directory would cause me to lose the ability to ...

css background repeating from 300px onwards

Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows how to achieve the following - take a look at The first 1/3rd of the screen has an empty background and from there onwards there should be a pattern repeating. I did it right now, by creating a very long pattern png and set it to offset 300 and repeat-x. However, I'm not happy with...

Change background repeat image with JavaScript

I'm trying to create a script that changes the repeated background image of an element, on the mouseover event. Unfortunately it does not work properly. I have found several possible ways to do this with JavaScript but none of them has worked for me. How can I solve this problem? The following piece of code is not working properly: ...

Generate and repeat number in C#

I want to generate an array that has 144 number from 1->36 in random order (so each number is repeated 4 times). Can we use Enumerable.Repeat and Enumerable.Range to do that. If yes than please explain to me how?. Thanks you very much. ...

Does Enumerable.Repeat() do a deep copy ?

Hi all, If I use the following: var myList = Enumerable.Repeat(myCustomObject, 2); Will the Second element in the list be a deep copy of the first one? Note: myCustomObject can be any Object Edit: Could you also please let me know the potential use of Enumerable.Repeat when dealing with custom objets? Thanks ...