
When CSS sprites would be good to use and when not?

In what scenarios CSS sprites would be good to use and when not? Is it time saver or only server request saver? I think bandwidth use will be same because image is same like ong big image but it's in a parts? When and where use of css sprite is a time saving(in work) option ? For navigation it's good for rollover pre-loading effect b...

Floating a div without specifying a width

I can float an image on the left and have the text wrap around it no problem just by specifying float: left on the image. Like this: <div id='foo'> <img src='bar' alt='baz' style='float: left;' /> Lorem ipsum... </div> However if the image is wrapped in a div like the following i cannot achieve the same effect without declaring ...

How to use float without flipping floated item and changing in source order? Is this possible ?

See this example to understand http://jsbin.com/ocewu This is code of example <style type="text/css" media="screen"> body { background-color: #000; font: 16px Helvetica, Arial; color: #fff; } div {width:300px;height:42px;border:2px solid red} a{border:2px solid blue;padding:10px} div a {float:right} #div2 a {float:left} </style> <...

textarea not receiving descendant CSS property

Hello, I have the CSS setting: .missing textarea {background-color: #fffcc !important;} And the html looks like so: <div id="label-add" class="jscript xtra-box sub-question missing"> <p>Additional Health Care Instructions</p> <textarea id="addrule" name="addrule"></textarea> </div> It uses the XHTML 1.0...

Div and Image Margin/Padding

Hi, Can anyone tell me why the below CSS produces extra margin below the image? It should just add a 5px padding around the whole thing and it works fine with text. Any ideas? div#somediv { margin: 0; padding: 5px; } div#somediv img { margin: 0; padding: 0; } <div id="somediv"> <img src="someimage.jpg" /> </div> ...

can a <tfoot> go at the bottom of a table?

I'd like to use a <tfoot> tag in a table to be semantically correct, but it keeps showing up at the the top of my table. Is there a way to tell it to display at the bottom? ...

How to set float for every element inside a div at once wihout specfiying float for every element inside?

How to set float right for every element inside div? I want to give float to inside elements only not to parent DIV? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>Sandbox</t...

CSS applying in Internet explorer 7 but not in firefox 3.5?

See Year's TAB 2009/2010 of this page in IE7 than firefox Tab's styling not applying in Firefox but applying in IE http://tinyurl.com/yarooc4 I want to apply same style (Which is showing in IE7) in FF too. Update: problem fixed now but through !important ...

iframe background image showing fine in Firefox but not in IE

Why IE not showing BG mage like firefox in Iframe? I do not have access of iframed page. any CSS or javascript solution ...

javascript XHTML in template .net

this is the code <script type="text/javascript"> [CDATA[ function WebForm_OnSubmit() { if (typeof(ValidatorOnSubmit) == "function" && ValidatorOnSubmit() == false) return false; return true; } ]]> </script> I need to put this in the template, but i know i cant put //<![CDATA[ and //]]> in the template. How should I do this? ...

Lone developer but lots of xhtml css jquery work? Should i use any version control system ?

Would it be useful for single user single PC or would be overkill? Can i save time and increase productivity with any version control system? If answer is yes then which free version control system would be best for me and how I can save time with that? I work from home and office both. both places I've internet access. I want to acce...

How-to XHTML 1.1 validate an ampersand without escaping it?

My issue is the following. I have a XHTML 1.1 page that has a form and input fields. One of the input fields contains a value which is an URI. This URI contains key-value pairs with ampersand (&) as argument separator, that will be passed as a GET request by another web application in the browser. Usually I would use the entity &amp; to...

What are best practices to make layout scalable?

What is technical difference between Fluid vs liquid vs elastic vs Flexible css layouts? Are these all same or different technically? Is fluid layout better for both mobiles and computer user? I think there are only two properties to make fluid layout "em" and "%". And we already use "em" for font even in fixed width layouts. What ar...

Is there any online text editor for HTML, CSS with saving and syntax highlighting facility?

I want to make css file from accessible from everywhere (home, office etc) and ready to edit. and save. I will do hand coding ,just want syntax highlighting and saving on net facility. I tried google docs (it's good because i can save online and it has revision history feature too which is useful) but it doesn't have syntax highlighti...

Facebook sharing feature on seam

Good morning all. I'm developing a web application, using Seam. I have the following problem: I have my site with Locale set to "en". I'm trying to share a specific page: ../pt/news.xhtml?id=8 The first portion of this url (/pt/) "tells" the webserver that the article displayed on news.xhtml page with id=8 must be in portuguese. To do...

iphone support Screen media type then how to make PC website compatible with iphone screen?

iphone support "Screen" media type then how to make PC website compatible with iphone screen? While both uses same media type? I know iphone do not support FLASH but if website has fixed width images, uses of jquery and 960 px fixed width. then how to make compatible with small screen iphone. ...

Is there a way to suppress Visual Studio URI validation warnings in ASP.NET WebForms?

I'm trying to prevent Visual Studio from trying to validate my relative image URIs for a WebForms project, but I can't find a way to do it. So far, I can't find any kind of warning ID or category. The images can't be resolved because they are not 'included' in my project, even though they do exist in the file structure. This is a large ...

PHP Localizing with gettext

I am localizing some PHP/XHTML using the gettext() function in a WordPress plugin. WordPress has 'aliases' for these functions such as __() and _e(), the latter of which automatically echoes the arguments. Now, most of my localization has gone pretty straightforward, such as: <h3><?php _e('Authentication', 'domain'); ?></h3> However,...

Is there a CSS3 selector driven Document Object Model (DOM) API for Delphi?

Or something that allows you to parse HTML in a similar way to JQuery? If not, in your opinion what is the best way to parse though HTML without having to be a regular expression expert and not rely on Internet Explorer to parse information for you? (AKA, not rely on something like: IEParser by bsalsa.com) Thanks -Brad ...

Is it true images in css background loads before all images in HTML <img>?

IF i want to load any image quickly should i use as a css background not in ? I think difference only will show in low speed internet connection. I saw many articles related to css only preloading they all are using images in css background. http://perishablepress.com/press/2008/04/15/pure-css-better-image-preloading-without-javascript...