
How to give style to list item only if item has another <ul> inside otherwise style should not apply?

How to give style to list item only if item has another list inside otherwise style should not apply? using css only. See example here http://jsbin.com/udora I want to remove arrows from all other items except "Articles" and "Pitching Past the 7th Inning" I realized it's not possible with css any working jquery solution with demo? ...

How to insert <br /> tags into a java String

I am trying to insert line break tags into some text and displaying it on a web page. The < and > signs are being translated into &lt; and &gt; and the tags are showing up as text on the web page. The text looks like this when I select it from the database (I've output it to SYSOUT): version 12.4 service timestamps debug datetime ser...

Recommend an alternative to jTidy?

We have a java widget that does some basic parsing on arbitrary xhtml documents, and we've been using jTidy to clean them up before processing. For a couple of reasons (which are outside the scope of this particular question,) we're looking to replace jTidy with a different library. Can anyone recommend something? We're looking for so...

Slight problem with pixels and browser with my jQuery effect

In order to highlight a certain p element, I've written some JS to make it appear above a darkened background. In order to do this, I used jQuery to create an overlay, and then clone the information p element and absolutely positioned it over the overlay. Because it dropped a few CSS properties (not being inherited because of the new p...

Nice looking xhtml/html when I "View Source"?

I'm just curious if anyone has any tricks on how to keep source code looking good when you "View Source." I'm militant about keeping my code well formatted and spaced while I'm developing and I tend to "View Source" a lot to double check the output (when firebug is overkill). When I start using RenderPartials and RenderActions and anythi...

Not able to determine Font and style in a page.

I have a page but I am not able to determine it''s font style. I checked the view source but nothing is visible. Some lines are commented. Please let me know how to determine the font name: <html> <!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/inner.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --> <head> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" --> ...

How two different domains to be viewed in the single browser ?

I have two different application having different domains, want to make a site where its show both sites in a single page.[Without using Iframe]. ...

What are rendering differences between latest versions of Safari(windows) vs Safari(MAc) vs Google Chrome(Mac) vs Google Chrome(Windows)?

Should i check in all? or in any one is enough because all share same rendering engine Webkit. My question is related to HTML CSS rendering. I know one difference Safari for windows and MAC both have Font smoothing (anti -alisaing) Is there any other differences? ...

Parent <ul> overriding its childs styling

This is my markup: <div id="nav"> <ul> <li><a href="#">Page 1</a></li> <li><a href="#">Page 2</a></li> <li> <a href="#">Articles</a> <ul class="inside-ul"> <li><a href="#">Article 1</a></li> <li><a href="#">Article 2</a></li> <li><a href=...

CSS help - How do I float a div in an upper right quadrant of another div sort of? I need to make an L shape.

Hi All, I need to make some type of L shaped div I guess? I currently have two floating divs side by side that are the same width and height. I need to extend the left one down and around the right one. I need to maintain the current space between them, about 15px, so I would like the same padding schema on the bottom of the right div. I...

What tag should be used for short text like "back to top" , "Read more" etc?

What tag should be used for short text like. Back to top Read more is <p> appropirate or something else should be use. because these are not paragraph. Which is more semantic <p><a href="#mainWrapper">Back to top</a></p> or <a href="#mainWrapper">Back to top</a> or <div><a href="#mainWrapper">Back to top</a></div> ...

How to show "back to top" button using jquery only if browser height is shorter than page?

How to add/show "back to top" button at bottom in a div using jquery only if height browser height is shorter than page, other wise it should be hidden? <p><a href="#mainwrapper">Back to top</a></p> to this <div id="mainwrapper"> <p> Paragraph 1 </p> <p> Paragraph 1 </p> <p> Paragraph 1 </p> <p> Paragraph 1 </p> <p><a href="#mai...

Not able to set border for DIV

Below is my code. I have defined border style, still when the page renders, it disappears in some browsers. How to set the border? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Ty...

How to suppress the window scrollbar and avail the space used for the same

In the page I'm working there are 2 divs vertically. Now I want to show the upper div always to the user and there would be scrollbar for the 2nd div (having a fixed height) as the content grows. Now the problem is at the right of this forced scrollbar for the 2nd div there is some space left for the normal scrollbar of the browser. Can ...

Getting some weird results when nesting Login control inside absolutely positioned element

Hi Login control is nested inside the div element. aspx file: <div id=”parentE”> <asp:Login ID="Login1" Width="100%" runat="server"> </asp:Login></div> CSS file: #parentE { position: absolute; top: 16px; right: 300px; width: 60px; ...

Why dreamweaver add css code in comment, should we always use this comment to use css in <head>?

What is the benefit to add css code in comment? <STYLE type="text/css"> <!-- H1 { color: red } P { color: blue} --> </STYLE> Should we use this always or no need? Is it same like CDATA for javascript? ...

Can we use any type of javascript code as a external .js file or somtime it's necessary to place in <head>?

Can we use any type of javascript code as a external .js file or sometime it's necessary to place in <head>? ...

How to judge which javascript can be placed at bottom or which must be in <head>?

We can place JavaScript in 3 ways? as a external file in <head> in body <body> all methods are valid by W3C ? So How to judge where JavaScript should be placed at bottom or which must be in <head> or in <body>? I've seen JavaScript on many sites in <head> , as a external js, just before </body> and some time anywhere in <body>......

PSD slicing outsourcing service

There are a couple of online services that offer PSD to XHTML/CSS. Which one do you recommend? How should I choose one? ...

Some IDEs automatically use DIVs

I use Aptana Studio 1.5 for PHP development. I want an IDE through which I can just drag-n-drop HTML controls on the Form. I also want the IDE to use DIVs always. At present I manually code using TABLE. Any suggestions? ...