
XHTML 1.1 and xml:space attribute for script tag

In XHTML 1.0 using the xml:space attribute in a tag is valid, but in XHTML 1.1 it is not valid (using the same markup). I can't find it in the docs... Anyone can confirm it? Why it has been removed? Replaced by something else? Sample to validate: <script type="text/javascript" xml:space="preserve"> // <![CDATA[ alert('foo'); ...

Width of nested elements

By default the CSS Width property is set to value “Auto”. What width value is used on an element when Width is set to “Auto”? If we nest a textbox ( <input type="text" /> ) inside div element, the width of which is smaller than that of a textbox, then part of textbox is displayed outside the div element (I think it's called overflowin...

Default margin set on the <body> element

It seems my browsers has a default margin set on the <body> element and thus if some element E ( declared inside the body element ) has a margin of 10px, E will be removed from the edges of browser by distance = body_Margin + 10px. a) Assuming we also have an element B, which is absolutely positioned: #B { position:abs...

nothing showing in input box in IE if we type anything?

see Name and Email input boxes in header see here ...

What practical problem will i face if i use same #id more than one time on a page , other than validation error "ID is already defined"?

First of all I alwyas use one #ID. just asking this question to know deep reason behind it. Is it only a matter of W3C validation? or more than that. Will i face any practical problem or it's just a logic for validation? see this example http://jsbin.com/aniqi it's working on all browsers. just validation giving error update : I thin...

Big text appears for few second on page refresh in IE, How to solve?

Text always appears in big size for a few seconds when one refreshes the page on IE only, which doesn't look very good. pleas look at IE 7 and try to refresh (I've e.g. been pressing ctrl + F5) to see what i'm facing. I'm also using sIFR on this site I check a js error of page and this is the problematic area. <script type="text/java...

Css Repeating Background

So I have a background image for my content on a site and was wondering if there was a way to make the background repeat on the y axis when content starts to overflow. Here is what it looks like: http://ithacawebdesigners.com/temp_data/wildfirewp/ Thanks! e. here is the div #content { float:left; height:100%; width:860px; padding-top:...

Does every html page with doctype need internet connection to render page properly?

many doctype use a url link like this <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"&gt; <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; and this dtd file is on live url http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd ...

What are best practices to order elements in <head>?

can use anything in any order? does placing of <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"> is important before <title> this is most used, is it best way? <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt; <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv...

How to write print css to get print from web pages in almost same manner as we get from MS word ?

How to make cross size and cross browser compatible print CSS for World's most use paper sizes to get print? A4, A3, Legal etc How we can same almost similar formatting to our site page's like MS word ? What are best practices to get consistency in formatting of print page from any popular browsers? How to set cross browse...

Should i use transtional doctype over strict for CMS based sites where client will update site in future?

In any CMS based site after my work in future client or any client's staff (non-technical) will update website through WYSIWYG editor and it's surely possible they could use deprecated tag or any non-semantic and non validated code. so in this condition would it be better to use transtional doctype over strict for CMS based site? ...

Should I start with HTML or XHTML?

So which one to start with, HTML or XHTML? I am a beginner and wants to have solid foundations of markup language but as I started learning I found some people use HTML and some XHTML. ...

Doesn’t the following design just complicate the logical structure?

Hi I’m reading some Html code for a web page, where author essentially wanted to create a page with header, footer and content area. The content area would be divided into three columns with center column having the right and left margins set to 200px, and these two margins are to be filled by two other DIVs docked on the page border ...

How can i use the nice ttf fonts in my website?

Hello. everyone knows that we are restricted to use the windows native fonts like arial, verdana etc.. in websites. but i want to use nice fonts which are available in TTF format. i know it can be done by a php code to make the text as a picture, but that's bad , i want it to be selectionable.. example: http://typekit.com/libraries/fu...

Trouble with jquery lavalamp

For some reason my background color shoots back to the leftmost link no matter what link I click on. Anyone know how to get it to stay on the clicked link? css #lamp { float:left; margin:25px 0px 0px 90px; clear: both; } .lavaLamp { position: relative; height: 29px; width: 400px; background: #000000 no-repeat top; background-image:url...

Should we use server-side solution in place of javascript as much as possible if we want to make same site accessible with Computer and mobile phones both?

Will mobile user get better performance and usability without JavaScript.? would it be good if we make site with pure css and server side programming for mobile? Opera MIni, iPhone safari, blackberry browser, Windows mobile browser, whatever? Graceful degradation takes time to implement. so if we go with pure css for fancy things and se...

Client-side processing vs server-side processing , which is fast?

Which processing is fast Client-side or Server-side? for client side processing browser need to download every JavaScript first and in server side programming everything happens on server without downloading anything to user PC? if for a particular functionality we have solution in both javascript and php/asp then what should be chosen ...

jquery lavalamp focus

Possible Duplicate: Trouble with jquery lavalamp For some reason my background color shoots back to the leftmost link no matter what link I click on. Anyone know how to get it to stay on the clicked link? css #lamp { float:left; margin:25px 0px 0px 90px; clear: both; } .lavaLamp { position: relative; height: 29px; width: 400p...

Sort definitions list (<dl>)

I have a list of many <dt>/<dd> tags which come in a sort of natural order, but I would also like my visitors to have an option for alphabetical sorting. Is there a way to do this in (X)HTML/PHP with minimal code? My doctype is XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Thanks in advance. ...

How to remove <ul> unordered list's last <li> list item's border using css without changing anything in HTML code?

How to remove <ul> unordered list's last <li> list item's border using css without adding any class to last list item? see live example here http://jsbin.com/umose ...