
em vs px... for mobile browsers...

For desktop browser all modern browser uses Zoom functionality so we can use PX but if same site can be seen on mobile then would px not be good for zooming in mobile browsers. or use of px is also fine for mobile browsers. even if we don't care for IE 6 , should we use em in place of px still if we are not making different site for mob...

HTML, XHTML, and CSS... what are some good resources?

What's a good book, or a good way to learn HTML, XHTML, and CSS? I recently graduated from school and I only know Java, and C++. I would like to learn some web development so I am looking for some good books and resources. ...

Multi-level ul based dropdown CSS positioning not working in all IE browsers

I must say that I am stumped on this one! I have a (what I'd call rather simple) ul based multi level dropdown menu. It works perfectly in Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari etc but the second level of menus (example parent > child > child) fails to show in all IE browsers. It seems to me like the ul that houses the second level of menu item...

How to get jQuery to find the first list-item, rather than all list-items?

I'm trying to implement a basic jQuery infinite carousel. As much for the learning process as for anything else (as a rule I'm not a fan of re-inventing wheels, but...I have to learn somehow, might as well start with the basics). I've managed to get the list to animate left happily enough, but I'm stuck when it comes to selecting the fi...

What is preferred accessible and semantically correct method to code this type of data design?

What is preferred accessible and semantically correct method to code this type of data design? Table UL, LI DIV,SPAN For icons should i use for each place or i should is icon from CSS sprites? If we use css sprite here then how to code, and what will happen when images will be disabled ? Every link will open in new window and I hav...

How to duplicate "title" <a> as a "alt" of "img". using regex, manually?

How to add title of link as a alt of img. using regex and in dreamweaver. I have to do in a large document. and in multiple files Before <a title="Whatever is written here" href="#" target="_blank"> <img width="14" height="14" src="#" /></a> after <a title="Whatever is written here" href="#" target="_blank"> <img width="14" height="...

Convert template from "rounded corners" to "square"

I've downloaded the following template: http://www.styleshout.com/templates/preview/Refresh11/index.html But unfortunately, it has rounded corners and shades. I want it to have square corners and the shades should be removed, too. It should look like this: But I'm not good enough at (X)HTML and CSS so I didn't manage to achieve this...

How to manage css of big websites within team environment without mess?

Where multiple people can work on same css. is it possible to follow semantic name rules even in large websites. If I would write all main css first time with semantic names . then what and how i should guideline/instruction to other developer to maintain css readability, validation . and to know quickly where other are adding their own...

Can a stylesheet for handhelds skip loading images

I have a stylesheet for desktops, and another for handhelds. The web page displays some images when displayed on the desktop, but hides those images when displayed on handhelds. The page appears as designed for both desktops and handhelds. When I check the server logs, I find that the handheld is actually still loading the images, jus...

Java XHTML Doclet: fatal exception

Has anyone used XHTML Doclet, and can you provide some hints as to how to get it to work successfully? I run it like this: \sunjdk\bin\javadoc -doclet net.sourceforge.xhtmldoclet.Doclet -docletpath c:\sw\java\XHTML_Doclet_0.4.jar -d <output> [class files here] (all on one line) When I run it I get this: javadoc...

Populating form fields with comma seperated strings in unordered list onclick with jQuery/Javascript

Hi, I have an address lookup system which returns addresses in an unordered list like so: <p>Please select your address from the list below</p> <div id="selectAddress"> <ul> <li>HNO 412,addressLine2,addressLine8</li> <li>HNO 413,addressLine2,addressLine8</li> <li>HNO 414,addressLine2,addressLine8</li> </...

Form validation

Hi guys, I need to create a form that has many of the same fields, that have to be inserted into a database, but the problem I have is that if a user only fills in one or two of the rows, the form will still submit the blank data of the empty fields along with the one or two fields the user has filled in. How can I check for the rows t...

Is there a Checkstyle-like tool to monitor XHTML (or XML) pages?

Hello, I am working on a project where we have many JSF pages - using the XHTML format. We monitor the quality of our code using Sonar (and thus Checkstyle, PMD, FindBugs...). This works great for the Java part of our application. Now, I want to have a tool (ideally something that could then be linked to Sonar by writing my own plugin)...

PHP mailer containing HTML not showing correctly

Hi guys, here is some code I've been working on, basically I need to set up a auto e-mail that gets sent to a user after they fill in a form, which at the moment it is doing, but the HTML is not displaying as it should inside of the email client. I checked in Gmail, Outlook and Mac mail and none of them display the HTML correctly. Here...

Help with animating an element in jQuery

I have an unordered list with a few list elements. #tags { width: 300px; height: 300px; position: relative; border: 1px solid red; list-style: none none; } #tags li { position: absolute; background: gray; } I have also started writing a jQuery plugin to animate the list elements. So far, I place the li...

Why align="center" not overriding on {text-align:right;}

Why <td align="center">5</td> not overriding on table.finTable tbody tr td {text-align:right;} ...

PHP Templated site w/ file_get_content links

Ok so i have a template script my friend built for me. I'll include all file names. OK so what is not working is file_get_contents is not grabing the content (1 I don't know where the content should be placed. (2 I want it placed in a directory so that IF i change the template the area where content stays is the same. (3 I'm trying...

$_GET loading content before head tag instead of in specified div.

The problem is that when the content loads it displays before the tag before i added the <!DOCTYPE>, <html> <head></head> in the index.php file NOW $content loads before the Body tag... when it should beloaded in the "contents" div. (1 I'm trying to get file_get_contents to load the links ?=about ?=services etc into to body.tpl in the c...

different css reset for every browser ,is this a good idea to get maximum compatibility with less efforts?

different css reset for every browser ,is this a good idea to get maximum compatibility with less efforts? I found this on searching google http://www.iecss.com/ The UA Style Sheet is a simple set of css styles that each web browser uses before any other css styles are applied. ...

Is there a way to give CSS syntax highlighting to any <textarea> using any bookmarklets?

Is there a way to give CSS syntax highlighting to any <textarea> using any bookmarklets or favlets? I work on a CMS where I write and manage CSS in a plain <textarea> like Notepad. Is there a boomarklet to enable CSS syntax highlight in specific <textarea> temporarily? Should work in IE. ...