
Serializing object with no namespaces using DataContractSerializer

How do I remove XML namespaces from an object's XML representation serialized using DataContractSerializer? That object needs to be serialized to a very simple output XML. Latest & greatest - using .Net 4 beta 2 The object will never need to be deserialized. XML should not have any xmlns:... namespace refs Any subtypes of Exception an...

.NET XmlSerializer Compiling Type Schemas Reader/Writer

For my application, I need to serialize data to file using XML, so I read Introducing XML Serialization on MSDN. One thing that concerns me is under the Security Considerations for XmlSerializer Applications section it reads: The XmlSerializer creates C# (.cs) files and compiles them into .dll files in the directory named by th...

Use XmlSerializer to add a namespace without a prefix

I want my output to look like this <OrderContainer xmlns="http://blabla/api/products" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"&gt; So I added the following to my XmlSerializer XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(typeof(OrderContainer)); XmlSerializerNamespaces ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(); ns.Add("", "http://blabla/a...

Can I use XMLReader to create objects representing elements in the document?

Hi, I have a very large XML file that I need to parse so I need to use XMLReader. This file contains a large number of second level elements that contain the information I'm interested in e.g.: <topLevelElement> <SecondLevelElement> <Information1>blah</Information1> <Information2>blah</Information2> <Information3>blah</In...

How do I get the XMLSerializer to add namespaces to attributes in nested objects?

Hi, This is what I get: <ex:test soap:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:ex="http://www.example.com/namespace"&gt; <ex:A Type="lorem">ipsum</ex:A> </ex:test> This is what I want: (Note that the Type-attribute is prefixed with ex.) <ex:test soap:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:ex="http://www.example.com/namespace"&gt; <ex:A ex:Type="lorem">ipsum<...

How to deserialize xml using XmlArrayItem

I want to deserialize xml like this: <Product> <Classification> <NewClassification>1</NewClassification> <NewClassification>2</NewClassification> <NewClassification>3</NewClassification> <OldClassification>A</OldClassification> <OldClassification>B</OldClassification> </Classification> </P...

SubSonic - Serializing Classes with Nullable types and collections?

Using SubSonic v2.x: The first issue is the error discussed here: Server Error in '/......' Application. Cannot serialize member '.....' of type System.Nullable I'm not sure where to place the code in my DAL from this post to get this working. I tried placing it in one of the partial classes I created for a table, but no go. Another ...

SubSonic - Setting the Serialized Tag Name?

I have a class with a collection of other classes that gets serialized. The collection of classes is defined as such in my SubSonic partial class: public partial class TblReceipt { // no need to override any existing methods or properties as we // are simply adding // specifying the types of objects to be contained within...

How to deserialize XML with multiple nested items?

I have given XML that I can't change and I need to deserialize it to a custom class: <Person> <Addresses> <MainAddress> <Country /> <City /> </MainAddress> <AdditionalAddress> <Country /> <City /> </AdditionalAddress> <AdditionalAddress> <Country /> ...

xml- Deserialize

I am try to deserialize my class, that normally serialized. public class MyClass { private List<Section> sections = new List<Section>(); public List<Section> Sections { get { return this.sections; } } } public class Section1: Section { public string MyProperty {get;set;} } public class...

Which is faster, XML + XSL or CLR + DataBinding

Which is faster, XML with XSLT or CLR with DataBinding? I'm assuming that it's CLR + Databinding but I could be wrong. ...

How to efficiently stream an object graph as xml to sql server

I have an object graph that I need to serialize to xml and save to a Sql Server row. I have a table with an xml data type and I've been using the SqlXml datatype, providing it a memorystream. This works well for the most part. However, if my object graph is especially big (~200 meg in size), I get an OutOfMemoryException. What is the mo...

WCF XML and Serialization with List

I have a basic WCF service that takes some xml. Some of the xml is a list like so: <Root> <Products> <Product> <SKU>1234</SKU> <Price>2533</Price> <ProductName>Brown Shows</ProductName> <Quantity>1</Quantity> </Product> <Product> <SKU>345345</SKU> ...

Serialize a Bitmap in C#/.NET to XML

I want to XML-Serialize a complex type (class), that has a property of type System.Drawing.Bitmap among others. /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the large icon, a 32x32 pixel image representing this face. /// </summary> /// <value>The large icon.</value> public Bitmap LargeIcon { get; set; } I now have found out tha...

WCF XML Serialization & Overloading

In my WCF service I only want 1 endpoint (1 URI), however, I want this URI to be able to handle multiple types of requests. 5 different request types can be sent to this service from another company. Each request has a unique XML schemas. I created classes for each XML request to be serialized. Normally I would just overload a function ...

User friendly error messages from validating XMLReader

I am validating form input against an XML schema definition by serializing my business layer objects to a MemoryStream and then reading the MemoryStream using a validating XMLReader. In the callback function for validation errors, I have access to the name of the element failing validation and to a rather lengthy string containing the d...

XMLSerializer writes invalid XML when serializing a class (Sometimes)

My goal is to be able to share configration settings amongst apps. For example I want to be able to use a WinForm app to set and save the settings and have a console app be able to read those settings and run as a scheduled task. The approach I tried is to create a SharedSettings class that is referenced by both the Winform app and the C...

Simple XML deserialization

I am trying out the Simple XML serializer. I am more interested in deserialization from XML->Java. Here is my code as a unit test: import java.io.StringReader; import java.io.StringWriter; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.simpleframework.xml.Attribute; import org.simpleframework.xml.Root; import org.simpleframework.xml.Seri...

Can XmlSerializer deserialize into a Nullable<int>?

This is duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/306877/can-xmlserializer-deserialize-into-a-nullableint but I need a solution that neither change xml document nor forces me to implement IXmlSerializable interface. I dont want to implement IXmlSerializable because I have many additional elements beside <number> that get deserializ...

Why .NET XML API doesn't protect me from null character?

My application receive strings from outside and construct an XML document string fromOutside = "\0"; XAttribute a = new XAttribute(fromOutside); when the attribute value contains null character then I got exception when trying to save XML to the disk (when it goes into XmlWriter) System.ArgumentException : '.', hexadecimal value 0x00...