
Is there an XSD for XSD's, a Meta-XSD?

Does there exist an Xml schema that will validate other XML schemas? What I want to do is take such a meta-schema (if it exists) and run it through XSD.EXE so that I can use C# classes to read an arbitrary XML schema and analyze it. ...

Ignore class functions / methods during XML Serialization

How do you ignore a function / method of a class so that you can serialize it to disk for later use? I have searched and really cant find any answers. I need the ToString()because I add each instance of the Person to a list box. The ToString() is what is displayed in the list box. I then use the selected items to get it back again to...

DTD: How to declare a DTD to must have a element value ?

Hi, I want to declare my DTD to force the XML node should have a value. For example I have the following XML structure. <Employees> <EmployeeID></EmployeeID> <EmployeeName></EmployeeName> <EmployeeAddress></EmployeeAddress> </Employees> I want the EmployeeID node value must exist for all the XMLs. So I want to create a DTD t...

Does anybody put the Excel sheet struture into xml file?

Hi to All, I want to put the excel sheet structure into a xml configuration file.so, I will read the configuration file and then create the appropriate workbook sheet programatically using apache poi3.6 & java. Xml Structure may be like this... <workbook_name>stockdemo.xls</workbook_name><!-- put the exce...

Refresh XML feed on click (jQTouch)

Hi there, I recently created an xml feed -> html javascript function for an iPhone app I'm developing in jQTouch. Original Tutorial & Code: http://bit.ly/cnNMKu I was wondering if someone would know a quick and easy way to refresh the xml data (grab the feed again) when a link is clicked. eg. in the code: <div id="btns"> <ul> <l...

Posting XML data with some Fields Using .net HttpWebRequest..

Hi to all I have a some problem while Posting xml data Using HttpWebRequest. Actually I want to Post 3 Form variables 2 of them are for credential and the third one is for XML data to an api, The api will authenticate and will process the xml data, and will return success if no error found. Here is what there documentation says. The ...

&lt; and &gt; are stripped out of the parse result when using PHP/libxml

Hello, (I'm using PHP 5.2.6 and phpinfo says it has libxml 2.6.32 loaded) I'm also using wordpress and whenever xml_parse() function is called I get &lt; and &gt; stripped out from the result, instead of being converted to "<" and ">". I found people talking this is a bug which hits newer versions of libxml but I have the old one and...

What causes an xmllint warning?

I'm currently writing a plugin for our integration server that uses libxml2's xmllint command line tool to validate XML files. According to the manual, xmllint has a --nowarning option that suppresses warnings. Now, my question is rather simple, and I'm probably just missing something blatantly obvious, but what causes such a warning? I...

How to create PHP/JSP/ERB tags using XSLT?

I have a bunch of XML files which I use to generate HTML pages. Those pages ultimately get marked up (by hand) with some <%= %> tags and made into Ruby .erb templates. Is there a way to generate the special tags <?php ?> or <%= %> directly during the XSL transform? I've tried using a <![CDATA[ ... ]]> block, but then the output generat...

Ruby function Rails XML builder

I want to write a recursive function inside the rails xml builder. Is this possible? Thanks, Abhi ...

rails: how to send the xml page result in a zip file?

Hello everybody, I have a problem with my webservice! As I render xml files just like a web page, the content gets loaded very slowly... Is it possible to render the xml in a zip format? Thanks for any hints concerning this topic! Markus ...

In Java, how to print an XML document using escaped text instead of CDATA sections?

Hi. Can I print an XML document using escaped text instead of CDATA sections? For example, I want the output string as &lt;sender&gt;John Smith&lt;/sender&gt; instead of <![CDATA[<sender>John Smith</sender>]]>. UPDATE: I know an XML document can be represented in both ways without any sematic difference, but I want to print the output st...

How to Create an XML object in Visual Studio C#

I want to pass an XML object from code behind file of an aspx to an class library.for that how can i create a XML Object. please its urgent. ...

Anyone got a xml parser with expandablelistview

I need to implement an xml parser and the parsed result into an expandablelistview. Please help ...

Is this html declaration repetitive

I have a doctype declaration as seen in the first 2 lines. In the third line, the html tag also has some xmlns declaration and xml:lang and lang. Is any of these xmlns, xml:lang, or lang repetitive? Do they duplicate anything from the doctype. I'd like to keep the doctype and remove all the declarations on the third line if they're rep...

What are the various options to parse a XML in android mobile device?

Hi, I have a huge set of xmls(2000 files each having 500 lines) to be parsed in Android for fetching the information from it. All the files will be present in the device. I had this to be done in iPhone and i accomplished it by converting all the XMLs to PLIST files. The PLIST processing in a iOS was faster than parsing a XML in iphone....

java/ soapfault problem in web services

Hi, I have the following problem: I am using SAAJ for web services. I have a SOAPMessage with the following soap fault: <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"&gt; <S:Body> <S:Fault xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"&gt; <faultcode>S:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>java....

How to receive XML data produced by a website in PHP?

I have been trying Simple XML but I can not navigate through the structure of the file. This is the URL I am trying to parse. https://ws.brreg.no/lod/data/982463718 ...

How to use xsl variable in xsl if

I am trying to assign a value from an xsl variable to a new node in my xml file. This code works, but adds an empty PROP/PVAL node when the value of "lbi:GetCoordinates(PVAL)" is empty: <xsl:template match="PROP" mode="Geocode"> <PROP NAME="Geocode"> <PVAL> <xsl:value-of select="lbi:GetCoordinates(PVAL)"/> </PVAL> </PROP>...

How do I read an XML Document object in C#?

In a visual C# project i want to pass a XML Document Object to a method. In that method i should Read the values which i stored inside the XML Document object. Without creating an XML File. Thanks for the Reply guys i finally got my piece of code. //use following ...