
How to remove xmlns attribute with .NET XML API

XmlElement.Attributes.Remove* methods are working fine for arbitrary attributes resulting in the removed attributes being removed from XmlDocument.OuterXml property. Xmlns attribute however is different. Here is an example: XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.InnerXml = @"<Element1 attr1=""value1"" xmlns=""http://mynamespace.com/""...

.NET XML Seralization

I'm working on a set of classes that will be used to serialize to XML. The XML is not controlled by me and is organized rather well. Unfortunately, there are several sets of nested nodes, the purpose of some of them is just to hold a collection of their children. Based on my current knowledge of XML Serialization, those nodes require ...

Why has XSLT never seen the popularity of many other languages that came out during the internet boom?

The use of XSLT (XML Stylesheet Language Transform) has never seen the same popularity of many of the other languages that came out during the internet boom. While it is in use, and in some cases by large successful companies (i.e. Blizzard Entertainment), it has never seemed to reach mainstream. Why do you think this is? ...

Xml or Sqlite, When to drop Xml for a Database?

I really like Xml for saving data, but when does sqlite/database become the better option? eg, when the xml has more than x items or is greater than y MB? I am coding an rss reader and I believe I made the wrong choice in using xml over a sqlite database to store a cache of all the feeds items. There are some feeds which have an xml fil...

XML to Excel (2007) Ideas using Windows XP, and C#.Net

I have a dataset that I have modified into an xml document and then used a xsl sheet to transform into an Excel xml format in order to allow the data to be opened programatically from my application. I have run into two problems with this: Excel is not the default Windows application to open Excel files, therefore when Program.Start("...

Is XSLT worth it?

A while ago, I started on a project where I designed a html-esque XML schema so that authors could write their content (educational course material) in a simplified format which would then be transformed into HTML via XSLT. I played around (struggled) with it for a while and got it to a very basic level but then was too annoyed by the li...

We're manually mapping our internal data elements to external vendors' xml schema. there's gotta be a better way...

I'm considering Altova MapForce (or something similar) to produce either XSLT and/or a Java or C# class to do the translation. Today, we pull data right out of the database and manually build an XML string that we post to a webservice. Should it be db -> (internal)XML -> XSLT -> (External)XML? What do you folks do out there in the wide...

What's the difference between XML-RPC and SOAP?

I've never really understand why a web service implementer would choose one over the other. Is XML-RPC generally found in older systems? Any help in understanding this would be greatly appreciated. ...

Merge XML documents

I need to "merge" two XML documents, overwriting the overlapsed attributes and elements. For instance if I have document1: <mapping> <key value="assigned"> <a/> </key> <whatever attribute="x"> <k/> <j/> </whatever> </mapping> and document2: <mapping> <key value="identity"> <a/> ...

What type of application/utilization is YAML best suited for?

Why would one choose YAML over XML or any other formats? ...

Non-unicode XML representation

I have xml where some of the element values are unicode characters. Is it possible to represent this in an ANSI encoding? E.g. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xml> <value>受</value> </xml> to <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> <xml> <value>&#27544;</value> </xml> I deserialize the XML and then attempt to serializ...

Validating XML files against schema in Oracle PL/SQL

I have a requirement to validate an incoming file against an XSD. Both will be on the server file system. I've looked at dbms_xmlschema, but have had issues getting it to work. Could it be easier to do it with some Java? What's the simplest class I could put in the database? Here's a simple example: DECLARE v_schema_url VARC...

How to insert XmlCursor content to DOM Document

Some API returns me XmlCursor pointing on root of XML Document. I need to insert all of this into another org.w3c.DOM represented document. At start: XmlCursor poiting on <a> <b> some text </b> </a> DOM Document: <foo> </foo> At the end I want to have original DOM document changed like this: <foo>   <someOtherInserte...

XML Parser for Javascript

I am looking for a good JavaScript library for parsing XML data. It should be much easier to use than the built-in XML DOM parsers bundled with the browsers. I got spoiled a bit working with JSON and looking forward to something on similar lines for XML. ...

How to force browser to reload updated XML file?

I am developing a website that relies much on XML data. The web site has an interface where user can update data. The data provided by user will be updated to the respective XML file. However, the changes is not reflected until after 1 or 2 minutes. Anyone knows how to force the browser to load the latest XML file immediately? ...

XML Serialize boolean as 0 and 1

Hello Everybody. The XML Schema Part 2 specifies that an instance of a datatype that is defined as boolean can have the following legal literals {true, false, 1, 0}. The following XML, for example, when deserialized, sets the boolean property "Emulate" to true. <root> <emulate>1</emulate> </root> However, when I serialize the obj...

XML node name clean up code

I am trying to create an XML file based on data fields from a table, and I want to have the nodes named based on the value in a field from the table. The problem is that sometimes values entered in that column contain spaces and other characters not allowed in Node names. Does anyone have any code that will cleanup a passed in string an...

Most common cause of "java.lang.NullPointerException" when dealing with XMLs?

My strongest lead is that the code who deals with the incoming XMLs is actually receiving an invalid/incomplete file hence failing the DOM parsing. Any suggestions? ...

SharePoint - How do insert new items using the list web service?

I have a list with 2 text fields, and a choice field. How do I use the Lists.asmx web service to insert a new item? I can make a web reference to the lists.asmx service, so you can assume that this is known. I would like a complete example including code and the XML for the CAML query. Ideally the sample would use C#. ...

How can I return the content of an XML field as a recordset?

Say I've got this table (SQL Server 2005): Id => integer MyField => XML Id MyField 1 < Object>< Type>AAA< /Type>< Value>10< /Value>< /Object>< Object>< Type>BBB< /Type>20< /Value>< /Object> 2 < Object>< Type>AAA< /Type>< Value>15< /Value>< /Object> 3 < Object>< Type>AAA< /Type>< Value>20< /Value>< /Object>< Object>< Type>BBB< /T...