
What are the C# documentation tags?

In C# documentation tags allow you to produce output similar to MSDN. What are a list of allowable tags for use inside the /// (triple slash) comment area above classes, methods, and properties? ...

Order of DOM NodeList returned by getChildNodes()

The DOM method getChildNodes() returns a NodeList of the children of the current Node. Whilst a NodeList is ordered, is the list guaranteed to be in document order? For example, given <a><b/><c/><d/></a> is a.getChildNodes() guaranteed to return a NodeList with b, c and d in that order? The javadoc isn't clear on this. ...

Is there a user friendly XML editor out there? I can't find anything good, preferably open source

Something to take an XML schema and let you add/edit data but not change the XML structure, preferably installed on a server. basically a UI to edit xml documents as a web app. Someone has got to have done this already right? ...

C++ web service framework

We are looking for a C++ Soap web services framework that support RPC, preferably open source. Any recommendations? ...

Unescaping angle-brackets through System.Xml.XmlWriter

Hi, I'm writing a string containing some XML via System.Xml.XmlWriter. I'm stuck using WriteString(), and from the documentation: WriteString does the following: The characters &, <, and > are replaced with &amp;, &lt;, and &gt;, respectively. I'd like this to stop, but I can't seem to find any XmlWriterSettings properties to c...

EDI Converter Tool 850 to 940

I need to convert an x12 850 v4010 to a x12 940 v4010. Most of the tools convert from x12 to xml then I would need to map the xml to a 940. I am hoping there is a tool that could convert from one edi document to another. EDIT FOR INFORMATION: Quick Background Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is classically defined as the a...

Error Tolerant HTML/XML/SGML parsing in PHP

I have a bunch of legacy documents that are HTML-like. As in, they look like HTML, but have additional made up tags that aren't a part of HTML <strong>This is an example of a <pseud-template>fake tag</pseud-template></strong> I need to parse these files. PHP is the only only tool available. The documents don't come close to being we...

XSLT: Cannot get xslt to output an (&) even after escaping the character.

I am trying to create a query string of variable assignments separated by the & symbol. (ex: "var1=x&var2=y&...") I plan to pass this string into an embedded flash file. I am having trouble getting an & symbol to show up in xslt. If I just type "&" with no tags around it there is a problem rendering the xslt document. If I type "&amp;" w...

How can I import a raw RSS feed in C#?

Hey... Does anyone know an easy way to import a raw, XML RSS feed into C#? Am looking for an easy way to get the XML as a string so I can parse it with a Regex. Thanks, -Greg ...

What XML parser do you use for PHP?

I like the XMLReader class for it's simplicity and speed. But I like the xml_parse associated functions as it better allows for error recovery. It would be nice if the XMLReader class would throw exceptions for things like invalid entity refs instead of just issuinng a warning. ...

Best way to transfer XML file over a C# WebService

Stream, String, Serialized Object?? ...

What is the best guide to learn XML

I'm learning XML, currently of Wikibooks, but that is kinda huge and not oversee-able... anybody know a better place? ...

Join multiple XML files with xinclude tags into single file

I am creating an installer in IzPack. It is quite large, and I have broken up my XML files appropriately using <xinclude> and <xfragment> tags. Unfortunately, IzPack does not combine them together when you build your installer. This requires you to package the files with the installer, which just won't work. I was about to start writin...

What are some good Java RDF libraries.

I'm looking for a light weight java library for dealing with RDF data. It needs to be able to parse and write RDF xml data. Also I would like it to support simple querying of an RDF model. SPARQL would be nice but not required and I don't need an inferencing capabilities. I've used Jena, but it's not very light weight. ...

How do I encode arbitrary data to XML using Java 1.4 and SAX?

We use SAX to parse XML because it does not require the entire XML document to be read into memory in order to parse a single value. I read many articles that insisted SAX can only be used to parse/decode XML and not create it. Is this true? ...

Any tools to generate an XSD schema from an XML instance document?

I am looking for a tool which will take an XML instance document and output a corresponding XSD schema. I certainly recognize that the generated XSD schema will be limited when compared to creating a schema by hand (it probably won't handle optional or repeating elements, or data constraints), but it could at least serve as a quick star...

XSLT processing in/from ruby

Can anyone recommend an efficient method to execute XSLT transforms of XML data within a Ruby application? The XSL gem (REXSL) is not available yet, and while I have seen a project or two that implement it, I'm wary of using them so early on. A friend had recommended a shell out call to Perl, but I'm worried about resources. This is fo...

Serializing SQL CE data to XML

I'm working on a product feature that will allow the user to export data from a SQL CE database on one copy of my application and re-import it into SQL CE on the other end. This data is not whole tables, but the result of queries. I had hoped to take advantage of .net's built-in XML-based serialization like in DataTable.WriteXML. But, n...

Using xsd to generate XML in .net

I'm working in a .net application where we need to generate XML files on the fly based on the dataset retrieved from the db. XML schema should be based on a xsd provided. I would like to know is there any way to bind or associate a dataset or each datarow with the xsd. I dont know whether it can be done at all or i may be thinking usage ...

How do I get an attribute value when using XSLT with unknown namespace?

I am receiving a 3rd party feed of which I cannot be certain of the namespace so I am currently having to use the local-name() function in my XLST to get the element values. However I need to get an attribute from one such element and I don't know how to do this when the namespaces are unknown (hence need for local-name() function). N.B...