
Oracle: How to create an element in a specific namespace with XMLElement()

In Oracle, you can use the XMLElement() function to create an element, as in: XMLElement('name', 'John') But how to create an element in a specific namespace? For instance, how to create the following element: <my:name xmlns:my="http://www.example.com/my"&gt;John&lt;/my:name&gt; ...

Creating an XML Element object from an XML Writer in C#

I'm writing a Windows service in C#. I've got an XmlWriter which is contains the output of an XSLT transformation. I need to get the XML into an XMLElement object to pass to a web service. What is the best way to do this? ...

Create XPathDocument from XmlElement

I'm using a webservice which returns an XmlElement object to my c# program. I would like to read information from the XmlElement using Xpath. What is the best way to create an XPathDocument from the XmlElement? ...

C# XmlElement: SelectSingleNode returns null for empty string?

Hello, I'm new to C#, and just started using XmlElement and its SelectSingleNode method. In my XML file there's a tag that may have a value (i.e. <tag>value</tag>) or be empty (i.e. <tag></tag>). If it's empty, SelectSingleNode returns null. I'm currently using the following code to catch the value of the tag: XmlElement elem = .... ...

Add Ampersand to XmlElement

I am creating several XmlElements used in a larger XML Document. XmlElement thisElement = xmlSearchParameters.CreateElement("value"); thisElement.InnerXml = this.searchParameters[key]; This works well for most instances, but if the value of searchParameters[key] happens to include an & symbol, I get one of the two following errors: ...

How do I return empty XML (Type XmlElement) in C#?

I have a method which returns XML in C#( type: XmlElement). How do I return an Empty XML? Can't use string.Empty obviously. ...

WPF: copying of XmlElement

I create a window in WPF. The constructor takes a "ref XmlElement settings" which is used to display information in that window. In the constructor, I clone those settings: _ClonedSettings = (XmlElement)settings.Clone(); and I keep a pointer to the original settings: _OriginalSettings = settings; The UI modifies _ClonedSettings. Then ...

JAXB marshall a Collection to a XmlElement and a XmlAttribute in one step

I would like to marshall a Collection as nested attributes. Right now I have: @XmlElement(name="entry") public Collection<Integer> getSizes(){ ... } which returns: <entry>1</entry> <entry>2</entry> But I would like to get: <entry id="1"/> <entry id="2"/> Is this possible without new classes? ...

WCF & optional XmlElements (no datacontract)

I asked a question about deserializing based on an attribute with data contracts. Apparently this isnt possible so I have to convert my DataContract to use XmlElement's (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2177079/net-represent-xml-in-class-without-xsd) I'm assuming datacontracts cannot intermingle with xmlelements. How can I define...

How to create XmlElement attributes with prefix?

I need to be able to define an attribute with a prefix in a xml element. For instance... <nc:Person s:id="ID_Person_01"></nc:Person> In order to do this I though that the following would have worked. XmlElement TempElement = XmlDocToRef.CreateElement("nc:Person", "http://niem.gov/niem/niem-core/2.0"); TempElement.SetAttribute("s:id"...

is there a GetElementByTagName that handles if the tag isn't there

i have the following code below but sometime the "serving_description" tag isn't there. Right now i just put a try catch around it but i wanted to find out if there was a cleaner way to handle this scenario. XmlElement servingElement = (XmlElement)servingNode; serving.Id = Convert.ToInt32(servingElement.GetElementsByTagName("serving_id...

How to properly generate nodes with default values in Web Service requests using JAX-WS and Weblogic 10.3?

Hi, I am trying to use a Web Service that defines a type with some mandatory fields having a default value: <complexType name="DocumentRegistrationRequest"> <sequence> <element name="title" type="string"> <annotation> <documentation>Title/subject of the document</documentation> </anno...

Deserializing different named xml nodes

Hi. Is there a way to convert different named xml nodes into one class when deserializing an XML Example XML: <items> <aaa>value</aaa> <bbb>value</bbb> </items> Normaly i would write: [XmlRoot("items")] class Items { [XmlElement("aaa")] public string aaa; [XmlElement("bbb")] public string bbb; } But now i...

How can I rename class-names via Xml attributes?

Suppose I have an XML-serializable class called Song: [Serializable] class Song { public string Artist; public string SongTitle; } In order to save space (and also semi-obfuscate the XML file), I decide to rename the xml elements: [XmlRoot("g")] class Song { [XmlElement("a")] public string Artist; [XmlElement("s")...

Easy way of Multiple XML file search

Hi I want to search for an element value in all the XML files(assume 200+) in a folder using C#. My scenario is each file will contain multiple item tags.So i have to check all item tags for User Selected SearchValue. Eg: ABC123 Currently i am using foreach loop and it's taking longtime. Could you please suggest me a better option t...

when WCF method returns XmlElement , the client sees XElement returned?

i return an xmlElement from a WCf method. when i do a service reference in the client, the same method is returning XElement instead of XmlElement. i tried everything: updating the service reference, making a new service reference, but it doesn't help. This is my client: ServiceReference1.BasicServiceClient basicWCfClient = new Servic...