
Reset XML Parser PHP

Hi I'm using a class to parse my XML. I have to parse request XML and response XML, and I'd like to do it with the same parser. When I parse the response XML, I keep getting junk after document element error. I narrowed my XML down to <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><check></check> and I'm still getting the error, so the only th...

XmlBeans vs Digester which is good at handling huge xml files ?

I am creating a webservice which is going to parse huge xml files from different requests. I was exploring different xml parsers from which I read about XmlBeans and Digester would be easy to use and are very efficient. I felt Digester easier than that of XmlBeans but from documentation of XmlBeans I came to know that it uses Saxon 8.6.1...

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Reference is not allowed in prolog

Hi, I am trying to escape html characters of a string and use this string to build a DOM XML using parseXml method shown below. Next, I am trying to insert this DOM document into database. But, when I do that I am getting the following error: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Reference is not allowed in prolog. I have three questions: 1...

Howto let the SAX parser determine the encoding from the xml declaration?

Hi, I'm trying to parse xml files from different sources (over which I have little control). Most of the them are encoded in UTF-8 and don't cause any problems using the following snippet: SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser(); FeedHandler handler = new FeedHandler(); Input...

How to read and parse an .xml file

I need to simply read an .xml file; like this: <exchanges> <exchange> <timestamp>2010-08-19 17:15:56</timestamp> <userid>Elijah-Woods-MacBook-Pro.local</userid> <clientname>elijah</clientname> <botid>Jarvis</botid> <input>firsthello</input> <response>Hello, sir. How may I help you?</re...

how to write data to the existing xml file using code in android

friends i am downloading some images from website using xmlrpc now i want write the url of those images into xml files how to add data to exiting xml file in android ...

Android REST XML result to Listview

I have a REST web service that returns an xml result like this: - <MyCategories xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/ceva" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"&gt; - <Category> <CategoryName>First category</CategoryName> <Id>1</Id> </Category> - <Category> <CategoryName>Second category</CategoryName> ...

Why use an XML parser?

Hi all, I'm a somewhat experienced PHP scripter, however I just dove into parsing XML and all that good stuff. I just can't seem to wrap my head around why one would use a separate XML parser instead of just using the explode function, which seems to be just as simple. Here's what I've been doing (assuming there is a valid XML file at ...

How to branch a SAX parser depending on the first known tag.

I'm having hard times parsing multiple different XML files on Android using the built-in SAX parser. Nate and Aron Saunders have helped me with the right approach to this problem but I struggle in implementing it. You can read about it here. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3583876/how-to-parse-different-xml-files-using-sax-on-androi...

XML parser syntax error

So I'm working with a block of code which communicates with the Flickr API. I'm getting a 'syntax error' in xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError (below). Now I can't figure out how it'd be a syntax error in a Python module. I saw another similar question on SO regarding the Wikipedia API which seemed to return HTML intead of XML. Flickr API r...

getElementById for XML Documents, Mozilla extensions

Is document.getElementById method supported on DOM parsed from XML strings using the DOMParser method in Mozilla ? I am making a mozilla extension that reads an xmlfile and uses DOM Parser to convert the xml into a DOM element, and tries getting elements by Id. The method getElementsByTagName works but not getElementById. It always retur...

Spot the difference!

Hello I need a quick help for a tricky problem that is literally driving me crazy. String example = "<digitalObject>" + "<title>title</title>" + "<creator>Name</creator>" + "<location>link</location>"+ "<relatedAsset>related realife object</relatedAsset>" + ...

Android - Pull Parser

Hello all, i am having one xml file and i want to parse it to get Student-ids and student-names only. <students> <student> <id type="integer">101</id> <name>James</name> <degree> <id type="integer">1978271</id> <name>SCJP</name> </degree> </student> <s...

extract content from mediawiki api call (xml, curl)

URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=parse&amp;prop=text&amp;page=Lost_(TV_series)&amp;format=xml this outputs something like: <api><parse><text xml:space="preserve">text...</text></parse></api> how do i get just the content between <text xml:space="preserve"> and </text>? i used curl to fetch all the content from this ur...

Parsing the XML Response in an Android Application

Hi all! I want to Parse the XML Response in my Application using a SAX PArser, I don't know how to do that, So Can anybody please giude me to the right path. An example with a little coding or a link will be OK. Thanks, david ...

XML -> C parser generator

I have a c program, that gets its settings from an XML file. Currently I'm using Xerces to traverse the data, but it's getting quite tedious to map each XML-value to a variable. The same XML is also read by a Java program, which is much more convenient due to JAXB creating all the necessary classes and such in Java. I'm looking for some...

XML Javascript parse problem (specific code question )

Hi, I'm using the following parser to parse xml function parseXML(text) { var doc; if(window.DOMParser) { var parser = new DOMParser(); doc = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/xml"); } else if(window.ActiveXObject) { doc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); doc.async = "false"; ...

How can i parse through xml data from consumed web service Android?

Hi! I have a web service, .asmx that when consumed gives a response in the form: <lData> <name>...</name> <posx>..</posx> <posy>...</posy> </lData> I use Ksoap2 to consume the web service in Android, and I see the response as a string anyType {lData=anyType{name=....;posx=....;posy=....;};} So, I get the right data from my web servi...

Parse XML and apply syntax color

I want to parse a simple XML Doc and create simple syntax coloring... <parent> <child>Value</child> <child> <grandchild>Value2</grandchild> </child> </parent> So all the < and > are blue The node names are red and the value is black. I was wondering if anyone had a good regex do this? Right now I am using a forloop and...

XmlStreamReader not reading complete text value

It seems like this question has come up before as I see in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2938398/reading-escape-characters-with-xmlstreamreader But the issue I am seeing here is little different. I am reading a pretty big XML file which contains a large snippet of malformed html as one of the tag values. The values are enclosed in...