
Suppressing / controlling logging in org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient?

I have inherited some Java code that does some testing of our XMLRPC server. So far so good. Part of that code deals with stopping the server (a few repetitions of "check if server still there and if so send it command to shut down"). As the server is shutting down, some of these "is the server still there?" and/or "tell it to shut dow...

Is there a way to view the actual XML produced and received by the xmlrpc-c library?

I've got a system where some C++ code (using xmlrpc-c) talks to a Java servlet which uses the Apache XML-RPC library. I've got a problem that would be a whole lot easier to resolve if I could view the actual XML being sent back and forth. Is there some way to turn on logging of the wire protocol XML in either Apache XMLRPC or xmlrpc-c? ...

*Client* scalability for large numbers of remote web service calls

Hey Guys, I was wondering if you could share best practices and common mistakes when it comes to making large numbers of time-sensitive web service calls. In my case, I have a SOAP and an XML-RPC based web service to which I'm constantly making calls. I predict that this will soon become an issue as the number of calls per second will...

XMLRPC fault code in an Android app

I am developing an android application that handles data from XMLRPC web services.I have successfully used web services with level1 authentication but when I am trying to connect to level2 web services, I encounter a fault code. How do I look at this issue? What could be the possible reasons and how do I go about it? ...

Custom HTTP headers with XmlRpcClient

I was wondering if anyone knows how to send custom HTTP headers using an XmlRpcClient in Java? I see a custom header can be set using XmlRpcHttpTransport.setRequestHeader() but I don't see a way of tying this in with the XmlRpcClient itself. ...

how can I distribute xmlrpc-c library with my project?

in my C project I've referenced xmlrpc-c library from sourceforge.net in order to use xmlrpc-client. my question is how can I distribute this library so other users don't need to download/install package from internet. If its possible that I can distribute it with my .so file - it will be best. ...