
Question about XMLTextWriters and Streams

We have a VXML project that a 3rd party parses to provide us with a phone navigation system. We require them to enter an id code to leave a message, which is later reviewed by our company. We currently have this working as follows: Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); Stream m = new MemoryStream(); //Create Memory ...

refactoring question

Given a method public static string[] Foo(System.IO.Stream stream) { XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII); xmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Element"); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); ...

WriteStartDocument() problem

I'm trying to generate XML and I encounter this exception: XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(Response.OutputStream, Encoding.UTF8); xmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("userInfo"); It gives me an exception: WriteStartDocument needs to be the first call. But as you can see, I did call the Write...

How to indent after newline in xml element value when using an XmlTextWriter?

I am trying to indent after a newline when using an XmlTextWriter So essentially i want this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <element> a </element> but using the code below i get this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <element> a </element> Here is my current test harness [Test] public void XmlIndentingTest() { ...

C#: Sanitize XML text values with XmlTextWriter?

Hello, I'm using XmlTextWriter to serialize and persist some of my data. Several of the fields I serialize are based on user input (e.g. Username). Today I use the WriteElementString method of XmlTextWriter. My question is: the second parameter of WriteElementString is the text value to be written. How can I sanitize it prior to writi...

C#: XmlTextWriter.WriteElementString fails on empty strings?

Hello, I'm using XmlTextWriter and its WriteElementString method, for example: XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter("filename.xml", null); writer.WriteStartElement("User"); writer.WriteElementString("Username", inputUserName); writer.WriteElementString("Email", inputEmail); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.Close(); The expected...

C# XmlTextWriter: Allows Unicode?

Hi, I'm using XmlTextWriter to save certain configuration elements for my program (it's only 10-15 string values, this is why I'm using XmlTextWriter). My code looks as follows: XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter("FILENAME.XML", null); writer.WriteStartElement("Config"); writer.WriteElementString("Param1", param1); writer.WriteE...

XmlTextWriter responds with System.InvalidOperationException during creation of second element

Hi, I am having trouble with XMLTextWriter.WriteStartElement throwing an exception: System.InvalidOperationException when trying to write the second element in my XML document. This error comes back as "The Writer is closed". I have not closed it, so I am guessing it has fallen out of scope?? I have created a class to write an XML...

XMLTextWriter to XMLDocument

I've got an XMLTextWriter writing to a Stream of a WebRequest. Everything works as it should: Dim wr As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("https://wwwcie.ups.com/ups.app/xml/ShipAccept") With wr .Method = "POST" .ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" End With Dim requestStream As Stream = wr.GetR...

C# XmlTextWriter class and VisualStudio

Hi, I'm trying to use the XmlTextWriter class in C# but it only works if I give the complete path to the file (as in "C:\file.xml"). If I try to use relative path (as in "file.xml"), it creates the file (in the same folder that contais the cs file) but it doesn't show any contents. Is there any property in the project tree in VS I have t...

How to save XmlDocument with multiple indentation settings?

I need to save one XmlDocument to file with proper indentation (Formatting.Indented) but some nodes with their children have to be in one line (Formatting.None). How to achieve that since XmlTextWriter accept setting for a whole document? Edit after @Ahmad Mageed's resposne: I didn't know that XmlTextWriter settings can be modified ...

How to Prevent the conversion of & to &amp; using XmlTextWriter?

The '&' in the text gets escaped and gets converted to &amp; when creating the xml file using XmlTextWriter but i dont want the conversion to take place how to prevent it? Is there any other way besides using WriteRaw func of xmltextwriter? ...

Stream and XmlTextwriter.... Request is not recieved correctly...

Hello, Im stuck on this httpWebRequest problem. I need to send XML to a website. But I keep getting negative responses on my request. I saw some code examples where the ContentLength was set... And that might be the issue but i dont know.... The XML written in writePaymentRequest(...) is exactly as the website needs it to be, because t...

Check output size using .NET XmlTextWriter

I need to generate an XML file and i need to stick as much data into it as possible BUT there is a filesize limit. So i need to keep inserting data until something says no more. How do i figure out the XML file size without repeatably writing it to file? ...

XmlTextWriter.WriteFullEndElement tags on the same line

I am using an XMLTextWriter to create an XML document dynamically (in VB.Net). I want empty tags to appear like this - <Tag></Tag> and not this - <Tag /> So, I am using WriteFullEndElement to end the element tag. But it is writing out the tag as - <Tag> </Tag> i.e. with a newline character between the tags. The web service reading t...

How to wrtie a XML License Line(ended with a forward slash '/') in C#?

I want to write a XML file as below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <books xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"&gt; <License licenseId="" licensePath="" /> Some piece of my code attached here // Create a new file in D:\\ and set the encoding to UTF-8 XmlT...

Modify XML existing content in C#

Purpose: I plan to Create a XML file with XmlTextWriter and Modify/Update some Existing Content with XmlNode SelectSingleNode(), node.ChildNode[?].InnerText = someting, etc. After I created the XML file with XmlTextWriter as below. XmlTextWriter textWriter = new XmlTextWriter("D:\\learning\\cs\\myTest.xml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); ...

XmlDocument.WriteTo truncates resultant file

Trying to serialize an XmlDocument to file. The XmlDocument is rather large; however, in the debugger I can see that the InnerXml property has all of the XML blob in it -- it's not truncated there. Here's the code that writes my XmlDocument object to file: // Write that string to a file. var fileStream = new FileStream("AdditionalData...


What does this method do, and why is it necessary? The "go to definition" option leads me to a function containing all comments, here's what it says about its purpose //Writes the XML declaration with the version "1.0" and the standalone attribute. what does it mean by "writes the XML declaration"? Is this when it creates the .xml fi...

How can I generate XML with CR, instead of CRLF in XmlTextWriter

I'm generating XML via XmlTextWriter. The file looks good to my eyes, validates (at wc3), and was accepted by the client. But a client vendor is complaining that the line-endings are CRLF, instead of just CR. Well, I'm on a Win32 machine using C#, and CRLF is the Win32 standard line-ending. Is there any way to change the line-endings...