
How to extract leaf nodes from Oracle XMLTYPE

I want to extract only the leaf nodes from an XMLTYPE object in Oracle 10g SELECT t.getStringVal() AS text FROM TABLE( XMLSequence( XMLTYPE( '<xml> <node> <one>text</one> </node> <node> <two>text</two> </n...

Is there an Oracle wrapper for Python that supports xmltype columns?

It seems cx_Oracle doesn't. Any other suggestion for handling xml with Oracle and Python is appreciated. Thanks. ...

Oracle Pl/SQL: Loop through XMLTYPE nodes

Hi, I have a XMLTYPE with the following content: <?xml version="1.0"?> <users> <user> <name>user1</name> </user> <user> <name>user2</name> </user> <user> <name>user3</name> </user> </users> How can I loop in PL/SQL through all the elements "use...

Gracefully convert from Unicode to single-byte charset

My database (10gR2) is single-byte (NLS_CHARACTERSET = WE8DEC). I have a Unicode XML file that I would like to parse. If I read the file into a CLOB and try to convert it to an XMLType, Oracle chokes when the XML contains special characters (in this case Norwegian characters such as "øæå"). ORA-31011: XML parsing failed ORA-19202: Erro...

How to Map oracle datatype SYS.XMLTYPE in Nhiberbate

Hi, I have a table in oracle having column of datatType SYS.XMLTYPE and have to map it in Nhibernate hbm to retrieve the XML. I am using C# with .net framework 3.5 is there any specific dataType available to map this or can i use byte[] or char[] for mapping? Thanks Arvind ...

Hibernate Computed Criteria Order

I have an Oracle XMLType column that stores the various language specific strings. I need to construct a Hibernate criteria that orders on this column. In order to do this, I need to extract the value with an Oracle function. This criteria is generated automatically by code I have written but I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how ...

Oracle xmltype extract function never deallocate/reclaim memory until session down

Hi, I'm using Oracle 9.2x to do some xmltype data manipulation. The table as simple as tabls(xml sys.xmltype), with like 10000 rows stored. Now I use a cursor to loop every row, then doing like table.xml.extract('//.../text()','...').getStringVal(); I notice the oracle instance and the uga/pga keep allocating memory per execution of...

Insert XML with more than 4000 characters into a Oracle XMLTYPE column

Hi, I have an oracle table with a column from type "SYS.XMLTYPE" and a storage procudure which is doing the insert: (Short version): PROCEDURE InsertXML ( pXMLData IN LONG ) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO MY_TABLE (XML_DATA) VALUES(pXMLData); END InsertXML; I call this sp from my C# code with type "OracleType.LongVarChar". Now t...

Implementing IXmlSerializable on a generated class that has XmlTypeAttribute

Basically, the initial problem is I need to make a boolean value serialize as 0 or 1. The solution I found was to implement IXmlSerializable, which I did. Unfortunately the class I'm trying to serialize is generated code off a schema and has an XmlTypeAttribute on it. When I try to (de)serialize the object with the XmlSerializer created ...

Oracle XMLDB's XMLCAST and XMLQUERY incompatible with iBatis?

I've been trying to select a list of values from XMLs stored in an XMLType column but I keep getting the errors which are listed at the tail end of this post. The select id is getXMLFragment , and the relevant subset of the sqlmap.xml is as follows: <select id="getXMLFragment" resultClass="list"> SELECT ...

Slow to convert Oracle 11g XMLType into Java String or Document

After retrieving a result set from an Oracle 11g database, it takes roughly 75 seconds to convert the XMLType (this is a structured XML Storage, registered with an xsd) into either a java String or Document. I'm using Java 1.6, have the xdb.jar and xmlparserv2.jar This xsd is <100 lines and the xml document is also <100 lines. Sample c...

How to get first element by XPath in Oracle

In my Oracle db I have records like this one: <ROOT> <Event> <Type>sldkfvjhkljh</Type> <ID>591252</ID> </Event> <Data> <File> <Name>1418688.pdf</Name> <URL>/591252/1418688.pdf</URL> </File> <File> <Name>1418688.xml</Name> <URL>/591252/1418688.xml</URL> </File> </Data> </ROOT> I n...

SQL Server XmlType not preserving the CDATA element...

We are using SQL Server 2005 and are trying to store an XML Type in the database. The XML type has an element that needs to contain the content in CDATA, yet once inserted, the field seems to be stripping the CDATA and storing the element without it... Has anybody experienced or even resolved this in the past? Handy example: create t...

How to Oracle XMLTYPE in Hibernate

One of the column is of the type XMLTYPE in Oracle database. In my application, I want to persist the data and using Hibernate. I did the following for mapping XMLTYPE in hibernate Define the custom user type implementing UserType The custom user type implementation is based on the blog link - http://community.jboss.org/wiki/MappingOr...

Mapping Oracle XMLType on JPA (EclipseLink)

Hi all. We have a project with some special requirements, one of wich is getting data from a XMLType database column from an Oracle 10g database. We have found an easy solution using JDBC, but it would drive the application a little messy, as all the data access is being done through JPA (the implementation used is EclipseLink). We ha...