
Cannot use space in XMLElementName

Hi, I am using XMLwriter to create HTML which works well, but now I need to place image tag but I am not able to do that - it still reports I cannot use ' ' in the element name. Please advice hwo to solve that, thanks! EDIT: Basically, how to create in XML document this: <img src="path" /> ...

Combining XmlWriter objects?

The way my application is structured, each component generates output as XML and returns an XmlWriter object. Before rendering the final output to the page, I combine all XML and perform an XSL transformation on that object. Below, is a simplified code sample of the application structure. Does it make sense to combine XmlWriter objects...

How to write System.Xml.Linq.XElement using XmlWriter to a stream.

Dear ladies and sirs. I have an XElement instance and I wish to write to a stream using XmlWriter class. Why? Well, one of the configuration settings defines whether to use binary Xml or not. Based on this setting a suitable XmlWriter instance is created - either by XmlWriter.Create(stream) or XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateBinaryWriter(stre...

Adding multiple namespace declarations in XmlWriter

I am trying to write out the following element using XmlWriter <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2" xmlns:kml="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"&gt; I've got the very first declaration done using writer.WriteStartElement("kml", "http://www.open...

How to write dot notation in xml file?

I am writing an XML file in C# using XmlWriter. I am able to write Elements using WriteStartElement() method and I can add attributes to this element using WriteAttributeString() method. But if I want to add attribute using dot notation then how to do that? <Element Attribute1="Value"> <Element.Attribute2> //How can i add attr...

Removing version from xml file

I am creating a Xml like format using XmlWriter. But in the output there is version information also. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> I don't need this in my file. How can I do that? Is there any way to remove it by code? ...

Write Hyperlink Formula to Excel with XMLWriter

Is there a way to write a hyperlink formula to an excel file using XMLWriter? In other words, I am trying to create an Excel file using XMLWriter and it works well except that my URL is merely a string and I want it to be a hyperlink. I tried writing =HYPERLINK(A1), for example, where A1 is the url string (thinking I could just hide th...

What am I doing wrong here, having issues with XSLT using C#

Please take a look at the following code, as I get the error at this line: xslt.Transform(mydoc.CreateReader(), writer); Error: Step into: Stepping over non-user code 'System.Xml.Linq.XNode.CreateReader' A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in System.Data.SqlXml.dll ((System.NullReferenceExceptio...

webmethod encoding issue

Hi, I am facing a n00b issue in .NET webservices. the WebMethod return type is encoding an already encoded string (already encoded by my xml writer). Is there a way to turn of this off? Example the prepared xml before the webmethod returns it <p> Hello World </p> but the xml received by the client from the webmethod response &lt;p...

XML Writer question

I'm using XML Writer to create a log of some important events in my application. Currently it all works fine assuming that the application is correctly closed, but if it isnt, the file isnt closed and the log is basically lost. Let's assume the writing of a simple element, something like this: writer.WriteStartElement(eventName); wr...

Xml Serialization for Unusual Connection Protocol

In my application I have a PacketList class and Packet class. I'd like to be able to use the serialization helpers on PacketList to come up with something like the desired output, but have no idea what direction to go in. I am writing a program to imitate a server which has a peculiar protocol for sending data. Client sends data with f...

How to make XMLTextWriter and XMLWriterSettings work together

I have this code for the settings: Dim settings As XmlWriterSettings = New XmlWriterSettings() settings.Indent = True settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = True settings.NewLineOnAttributes = True Then I have this code for the writer: Dim xml As New XmlTextWriter(Server.MapPath("output.xml"), enc) Please...

writing XML file in blackberry file system JDE v4.6

Hi Is there any utility in BlackBerry JDE v4.6 using which I can write my xml file into the blackberry file system. Thanks. ...

I need multiple xmlns elements in an element with the XmWriter

I'm trying to convert a xml document from one format to another and while doing this I've found that I need to insert multiple xmlns declarations to the root element. Example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Template xmlns="http://tempuri.org/TemplateBase.xsd" xmlns:TYPES="http://tempuri.org/TemplateTypes.xsd"&gt; some con...

How to avoid avoid linebreaks and spaces for XmlWellFormedWriter

Hi, i am getting an XmlWriter of the AppendChild() method of a xPathNavigator. using (XmlWriter writer = xPathNavigator.AppendChild()) { writer.WriteStartAttribute("name"); writer.WriteEndElement(); } The AppendChild() method returns a instance of XmlWellFormedWriter. I want to avoid l...

Best approach to write huge xml data to file?

Hi. I'm currently exporting a database table with huge data (100000+ records) into an xml file using XmlTextWriter class and I'm writing directly to a file on the physical drive. _XmlTextWriterObject = new XmlTextWriter(_xmlFilePath, null); While my code runs ok, my question is that is it the best approach? Or should I write the whole...

Writing XMLDocument to file with specific newline character (c#)

I have an XMLDocument that I have read in from file. The file is Unicode, and has the newline character '\n'. When I write the XMLDocument back out, it has the newline characters '\r\n'. Here is the code, pretty simple: XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(indexFile + ".tmp", System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.Unicode); writer.Formatting ...

Copying an xml file with inserting new elements in a specific location- C#

Hi I want to copy an xml file and insert in a specific element locaiton some more elements; What is the best and easiest way doing this. I can use xmlReader read elements and write one by one referring to each and every type- I had some issues with this but besides this seems to me too mush work that can be done somehow better. in the ex...

Is there an XmlWriter that writes a colorful HTML-formatted output for displaying XML in a webpage?

I've got a bit of XML I want to display on my ASP.NET website as-is (for debugging purposes), and it would be nice if it was colored. This should be easy to achieve with the right kind of XmlWriter, but I don't have the time to make one myself. Is there an existing (free) component that can do this? ...

File writing problem on Windows 7 Professional in c#

I have an application in C# which I write some data to file. I am facing the problem on windows 7 professional that when I write data to C:\ProgramData, Access denied acception is thrown. If I login from an administrator account this issue vanishes, and if I login from some other account who have administrative previlages this issue come...