
ejabberd component port

may i know if i want to use component to connect to ejabberd, do i connect to port 5222 or do i need to create new port? any guide on how to create it? ...

what libraries or platforms should I use to build web apps that provide real-time, asynchronous data synchronization between clients?

This is a less a question with a simple, practical answer and more a question to foster discussion on the real-time data exchange topic. I'll begin with an example: Google Wave is, at its core, a real-time asynchronous data synchronization engine. Wave supports (or plans to support) concurrent (real-time) document collaboration, discon...

Best actively maintained Java XMPP Library?

I've seen several XMPP libraries for Java that seem to have little update activity in the past few years. What is the best current XMPP library with support for: - Basic chat - TLS - MUC - PubSub ...

How can I get username of a gtalk user using XMPP with google appengine ?

I am using google appengine for my gtalk agent , I want to get the username of the gtalk user how can I get it ? for your reference, check this XMPPService xmpp = XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService(); //STEP 2 Message msg = xmpp.parseMessage(req); JID fromJid = msg.getFromJid(); I am using the above things in the begin...

send message to component?

how to send xmpp message to component? if my component name is 'abc.domain.net', in my xmpp client(spark), i just add user 'abc.domain.net' ? any such example that using whack to listen to message? I tried add abc.domain.net (component) as roaster inside spark. try send message, but inside whack processPacket(), it didn't trigger any...

send xmpp <message> to component on other domain

step 1:on the same domain(.myserver.kicks-ass.net), i able to send to the mycomponent,succesfully. step 2:when i login to other domain ,example gmail.com and try send to another user on [email protected], success as well. step 3:just like step2, but i send the to mycomponent.myserver.kicks-ass.net , i get below error ...

trouble setting up anonymous login in ejabberd

Hi, In ejabberd.cfg I have the following {host_config, "thisislove-MacBook-2.local", [{auth_method, [internal, anonymous]}, {allow_multiple_connections, false}, {anonymous_protocol, both}]}. but when using speeqe javascript client (speeqe.com) to connect, I see it sends <body rid='...

XMPP web client

Is there any XMPP web client except SparkWeb and JWChat? ...

Dealing with missing messages in JavaScript when using BOSH

We recently went into private beta on our flagship product and had a small launch event. Unfortunately the venue had a terrible wireless connection and packets were being dropped left right and centre causing havoc with out system, basically it wasn't able to work at all! Luckily we were able to switch to a different network and rescue t...

openfire cannot subscribe gmail user

i trying to add gmail user with my local openfire, but get error below. I think something wrong with dns srv. can anyone suggest how to troubleshoot? for your info ,i' using freedns.afraid.org and i get below error, but when i use dyndns, i dont get below error </error> </presence> at org.jivesoftware.openfire.spi.RoutingTableImpl.rou...

I have a free hosting account(Limited rights). Is it possible to setup an XMPP server there.

I am new to XMPP, i am trying to set up a support chat system in my website. the chat system should work in such a way that all the messages sent to me should end up in my gtalk or yahoo chat.So that i can collect them on my cellphone.Thanks in advance. ...

XMPP Jabber Hosting

Looks like my shared hosting plan does not cover running a Jabber server. Does anyone know of any free or very cheap solutions for doing this? Thanks! ...

using XMPP for user location

Hi, I want to create an application for Android that enables me to get the geolocation of a user. This has to be made as a client-server app and for the server side I'm using OpenFire. For getting the user's location I would have to use XEP-0080, right? And SmackAPI also? I'm completely new to XMPP and Smack, so if anyone could get me a...

Openfire http-bind

How can we connect to Openfire using secured http-bind (port 7443 by default)? ...

Best way to parse XMPP-like XML streams?

I am working on a server application which receives data over a TCP socket in an XMPP-like XML format, i.e. every child of the <root> element essentially represents one separate request (stanza). The connection is closed as soon as </root> is received. I do know that I must use a stream parser like SAX, somehow. Though, for convenience, ...

Connect to Facebook chat using PHP?

I'd like to make a bot that periodically logs into facebook's chat network and stores snapshots of the roster. I'm aiming for a dataset that can tell me which of my friends are online when / how often as a demonstration of the privacy risks of facebook. Is there a library I can use to connect to Facebook's XMPP chat network using PHP? ...

chatbot using twisted and wokkel

I am writing a chatbot using Twisted and wokkel and everything seems to be working except that bot periodically logs off. To temporarily fix that I set presence to available on every connection initialized. Does anyone know how to prevent going offline? (I assume if i keep sending available presence every minute or so bot wont go offline...

How to send chat invite to an user using XMPP java ?

I am using google appengine (Java) I want my application to send chat invite to an user , how to do that ? ...

How to configure XMPP to allow all logged in user to see each other and chat with each other?

Hello guys, I am new to XMPP. I am using Openfire server, and created a console client using Smack library. My usecase: All users anonymous, logged in (In future, website visitors) will be able to see other anonymous, logged-in users. And they can initiate a private chat (one-to-one) with any of them. So, I am able to logged in as Anon...

google apspot xmpp send fail. is this bug?

JID jid = new JID("[email protected]"); //success with code SUCCESS JID jid = new JID("mycomponent.host.domain.com"); //send fail with code INVALID_ID ,but when i try send from gmail OR jabber to mycomponent.host.domain.com . it was a success.Is this a bug in google xmpp api? ...