
developing a bot to use as gtalk contact with java

I want to develop a bot who can chat from gtalk and I have some experience with java. I don't want to use the bot for IA purpose. I want to use the bot to emulate a console like xterm. Edit: Ok: the question is "Any leads on how to develop it?" thanks for the awnsers. ...

How to integrate my Web Application with Skype, Gtalk of another IM system?

I want to be able to send reminders to my users, using their IM system of choice, very much like Remember The Milk does when it sends notifications. How can I do that? Additional INFO: I develop in ASP.Net, SQL Server 2008 and Windows 2008 ...

What's UI framework using by Google to build Gtalk?

Hi all, I like Gtalk's GUI very much. It's clear, simple, and pretty. I don't know What's UI framework using by Google to build Gtalk? Thanks for help. ...

Which library is used to access the Gmail emails using J2ME?

hi guys i want to develop gtalk application for the mobile please tell me the name of library that is used to access the gmail account thr J2ME ...

BlackBerry - How to start a messenger application ?

I would like to use gtalk or any other messenger in my application but i don't know how to do this.can u please give me idea about how to solve this one.if u can provide me some web link to know more about this. ...

Home automation using Arduino / XMPP client for Arduino

I am trying to setup a system for automating certain tasks in my home. I am thinking of a solution wherein a server side application would be able to send/receive commands/data to Arduino (attached with Arduino Ethernet Shield) via the web. Here the Arduino may both act as a sensor interface to the server application or command execut...

What is the throttling rate that GTalk applies to XMPP messages?

Even after throttling down to one message per second, after about 20 messages GTalk starts bouncing XMPP messages with ... <error type="cancel" code="503"><service-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /></error> What is the maximum send rate for XMPP messages through Google Talk? ...

Best python XMPP / Jabber client library?

What are your experiences with Python Jabber / XMPP client libraries? What do you recommend? ...

AIM <-> Google Talk... how?

How do I allow someone that uses the AIM desktop client to chat with someone else using the Google Talk desktop client? The trick is that I don't want to have them have to change clients. Long ago I used Trillian... then Pidgin and now Meebo. But these are not solutions to the question. Also note that the Google client is not the we...

Xmpp4r pubsub with gmail

I've got my xmpp server with which I intend to publish messages to my subscribers on the gmail server. I am able to get those messages when the subscriber belongs to my jabber server but when I try to publish messages the google users are unable to get the message. However I am able to fetch the messages using the pubsub.get_items_from(...

XMPPPY have function to manage invitation in client side?

Hi, I'm coding by python about Gtalk I use XMPPPY. But I can chat with GTalk client but the problem is I can't accept invitation. Is XMPPY can do ? ...

XMPPHP gTalk stream_select error

Hello All, i'm working on a IM Bot that will send a simple IM to GTalk account, but I'm having trouble using the XMPPHP library. The authentication works fine and it looks like the first message sends correctly, but the last message receives an error from google code: 503. You can view the errors here: Example Method Here is the sa...

gChat Video API

I'm interested in making a 3rd party app for video conferencing through something like gChat, but their documentation is largely on the text-based portion of the technology. Where can I find some good resources to begin developing with gChat video? ...

XMPP chat: accessing contacts' status messages with xmppPy's Roster

Hi there, I'm trying to access my google talk contacts' custom status messages with xmpppy. I'm made it this far: import xmpp import sys userID = '' password = 'mypassword' ressource = 'Script' jid = xmpp.protocol.JID(userID) jabber = xmpp.Client(jid.getDomain(), debug=[]) connection = jabber.connect(('

Google Talk API

Hi, I want GTalk API or service to use in my code any from where I can get this. ...

Instant Messenger: How does gtalk/yahoo messenger populate the contact list?

Hi All, We are currently working on a small IM project which pretty much works like gtalk and yahoo messenger. We came across a problem that puzzled us how gtalk/ym populate their contact lists. Given that the user has let's say more or less 500 contacts, both IMs seem to readily load the contacts pretty fast and already sorted. Here a...

How can I get username of a gtalk user using XMPP with google appengine ?

I am using google appengine for my gtalk agent , I want to get the username of the gtalk user how can I get it ? for your reference, check this XMPPService xmpp = XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService(); //STEP 2 Message msg = xmpp.parseMessage(req); JID fromJid = msg.getFromJid(); I am using the above things in the begin...

openfire cannot subscribe gmail user

i trying to add gmail user with my local openfire, but get error below. I think something wrong with dns srv. can anyone suggest how to troubleshoot? for your info ,i' using and i get below error, but when i use dyndns, i dont get below error </error> </presence> at org.jivesoftware.openfire.spi.RoutingTableImpl.rou...

keeping xmphp bot always online

I created a simple xmpp bot in PHP which connects to google talk server. I basically modified the cli_longrun example. When I run the script in browser the bot comes online and stays online for a while even after I close the tab on which the script was running (as it is just an infinite loop listening for events on the stream). But after...

Send invitation to any user of google chats (is it possible?)

Hi I try to realize simple code on perl which should just get/send messages from/to gtalk accounts. I use Net::XMPP::* modules. All works just fine for users, who are my friends (in my "buddy" list). But i can't send message to unknown user. I know, that for this case i must send an invitation first, but Net::XMPP::* don't provide ...