



What are your experiences with Python Jabber / XMPP client libraries? What do you recommend?

+2  A: 

All of my best XMPP work has been using wokkel.

Couple examples:

+9  A: 

It depends what license you can use. Some popular libraries are GPL which can cause serious issues if you need to use it for work, especially if you need to keep proprietary extensions. The LGPL libraries are a little less popular, I think, but you have more flexibility with what you can use them for.

I'd once looked at using twisted directly for some simple XMPP scripting but the documentation was literally non-existant. Like, I opened a published twisted reference manual and it didn't include xmpp or jabbber at all. Maybe they've fixed that now.

GPL libraries.

  • xmpppy is used by gajim.
  • sleekxmpp is pretty popular and is used for examples in Peter Saint-Andre's XMPP book from O'Reilly. It seems to work well but I've never been able to find a mail list for it.

LPGL libraries.

  • pyxmpp is pretty good and uses libxml2 internally for xml parsing.
  • jabberpy is the original and still works for a lot of tasks, but is thoroughly unmaintained.

Other libraries.

  • Wokkel, mentioned in another post. That's a new one for me, based on twisted.
A. R. Diederich
Links added. Until now my reputation was too low to add multiple links.
A. R. Diederich
+1 for added links. :)
Peter Hansen
Thanks, Peter. I laughed pretty hard at that. =)
A. R. Diederich