
Can I get an XPathNodeIterator directly from an XPath?

I hope I'm just missing something obvious. I have a number of repeating nodes in an XML document: <root> <parent> <child/> <child/> </parent> </root> I need to examine the contents of each of the <child> elements in turn, so I need an XPathNodeIterator containing the nodeset of all the <child> nodes. If I have an XPath th...

XPath Performance in .NET with Positional Predicates

Given the XML <PSG> <C id="1"> <N id="2" > <A id="3" /> <D id="4"> <PP /> </D> <V id="5" > <Tn /> <P /> </V> <N id="6" > <D id="7" /> <D id="8" /> </N> ...

xPath Evaluate vs XPathNodeIterator

I am searching the fastest way to count some tags in a huge xml-file (120MB) long Quantity; XPathDocument xDocData = new XPathDocument(str_File_path); XPathNavigator xNavData = xDocData.CreateNavigator(); //Option 1 XPathExpression xExp = xNavData.Compile("sum(Tag/Value)"); Quantity = Convert.ToInt64(xNavData.Evaluate(xExp)); //Option...

Move Next on Multiple Name Iterators

I have two XPathNodeIterator nodeI1 and nodeI2. I have a loop which should go through each while(nodeI1.MoveNext()) How can I get this loop to automatically start nodeI2.MoveNext() after nodeI1 is done? I don't want to copy paste all the code and make another while loop. ...

How do I modify node value while iterating with XPathNodeIterator?

I'm navigating XML document with XPathNodeIterator, and I want to change some nodes' values. I can't figure out how :( Here's the code I'm using: XPathDocument docNav = new XPathDocument(path); XPathNavigator nav = docNav.CreateNavigator(); nav.MoveToRoot(); XPathNodeIterator itemsIterator = nav.Select("/foo/bar/item"); while (medium...