
How does Yahoo Mail make the back button traverse through previous clicks in their UI?

Try the following case: Log on to Yahoo Mail. Click Inbox. Click Drafts. Click Sent. Click Spam. Click Trash. Observe the browser's back history menu -- these different "pages" are not listed. Now click back button multiple times-- the browser cycles through each of previously clicked "pages". (Note that "Forward" button is not availab...

Yahoo doesn't accept emails i send to it

i am writing a sendmail module to email some things to my site users. for testing it i use my own email at yahoo to receive this email. but something woeful happened. about 1200 sent to my email address at yahoo at a moment and yahoo sent all of them to spam box. now i can't send any email to yahoo addresses and my server gives me this ...

Twitter like gmail and yahoo mail contacts import in php....

I am using php codeigniter and i am trying to import my contacts from my gmail and yahoomail exactly like twitter... I dont know how to get started? Any suggestion? ...

Greasemonkey script for changing "inbox" to "test" at yahoo mail

Hi all, with Greasemonkey script, I would like to change the link "inbox" to "test", it's probably in AJAX. How to do it? Ram Update from OP remark, below: Well i'm a newbie, could some one please write the script to change the word "inbox" to "test" on yahoo mail? (Andy's script didn't work for me) ...

Why does Python (with twill) not want to log me in to a Yahoo mail box here?

Can anyone, please, explain to me what's going on here. It seems that Python refuses to work (with twill) when I am trying to log in to my mailbox on Yahoo: Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Dec 23 2008, 15:10:54) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. *************************...