
How do you use Relative Paths for Twill tests?

I've been working with an open source project that it not working correctly in Production but does work in Development. I believe I will need to refactor part of the project. The project has no tests, so I'm trying to learn how to use Twill to verify that my refactoring doesn't break the project during Development. I also want to be ab...

How can I start using twill?

I am sorry I have already asked this question on "Superuser", but nobody answers there, so I deleted it from "Superuser" and decided to post it here. Hope it's not a big crime, especially given the fact that I was firstly advised to use twill here on "StackOverflow" (not on "SuperUser") How do I start using twill? I have just downloade...

How to log in to a website using installed twill?

Hello, everybody!!!! I have just successfully installed TWILL on my computer with the help of one very supportive member of "StackOverflow" (you can check it out HERE) and have tried to run one of the simple examples on the twill documentation page (you can see that page HERE). Here is that example: Let's say my username on www.slash...

How can I put all twill commands together into one piece of code in a .py file?

Hello everybody! I have just started exploring TWILL. Twill is an amazing scripting language for Web browsing and it does all I want!!! So far I've been using twill from a Python shell (IDLE (Python GUI) to be precise) and I do things there in the way of executing commands one by one (I mean, I type one command, run it, then type the...

How to combine twill and python into one code that could be run on "Google App Engine"?

Hello everybody!!! I have installed twill on my computer (having previously installed Python 2.5) and have been using it recently. Python is installed on disk C on my computer: C:\Python25 And the twill folder (“twill-0.9”) is located here: E:\tmp\twill-0.9 Here is a code that I’ve been using in twill: go “some website’s sign-in p...

Environment variables

I use the module mechanize in order to log in a site. When I import twill.commands without any other apparent use, some debug messages [0] are displayed [1]. When I delete it, these messages disappear. How can I see what is changed in the environment in order to emulate it and remove this dependency? [0] Using the logging module. [1] M...

return <options> as list from <select> box with python (mechanize/twill)

If I were to get something like this with showforms(), how would I get the Values out of the SOME_CODE input box? Form name=ttform (#2) ## ## __Name__________________ __Type___ __ID________ __Value__________________ 1 NUMBER select (None) ['0'] of ['0', '10', '2', '3', '4', ... 2 SOMEYEAR ...

django-nose testrunner doesn't use --with-django option

When running nosetests, django-nose runner doesn't supply --with-django option to nosetests, so my nose + Twill tests fail when trying to access URLs: ./ test ... raise BrowserStateError("cannot go to '%s'" % (url,)) BrowserStateError: cannot go to '' -------------------------------------------------...

Why does Python (with twill) not want to log me in to a Yahoo mail box here?

Can anyone, please, explain to me what's going on here. It seems that Python refuses to work (with twill) when I am trying to log in to my mailbox on Yahoo: Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Dec 23 2008, 15:10:54) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. *************************...

Using Twill from Python to open a link: " 'module' object has no attribute 'Popen' " What is it?

Hello!!! I have downloaded and installed Python 2.5.4 on my computer (my OS is Windows XP), downloaded “Goggle App Engine Software Development Kit” and created my first application in Python, which was a directory named helloworld that contained a small python file with the same name ( Here are the contents of that small ...

How to deploy this "Python+twill+mechanize" combination to "Google App Engine"?

Hello, I've been trying to pass my login and password from Python script to the eBay sign-in page. Later I want this script to be run from "Google App Engine" I was suggested to use "mechanize". Unfortunately, it didn't work for me: IDLE 1.2.4 >>> import re >>> import mechanize >>> br = mechanize.Browser() >>>"https:...

Does GAE accept twill at all?

Hello, I have created my GAE application in directory "my_application". Inside this directory I created a .py file and named it "my_scrypt". The contents of "my_scrypt" in the beginning were as following: print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print '' print 'This is my first application' Then I ran it locally on my machine (Windows X...

Where is "tidy" located in "twill"?

Hello, on "twill" documentation page it is written: By default, twill will run pages through tidy before processing them. This is on by default because the Python libraries that parse HTML are very bad at dealing with incorrect HTML, and will often return incorrect results on "real world" Web pages. To disable this f...

Twill - how do choose multiple selects with same name

I am using twill and python to write a web crawler. showforms() returns Form name=customRatesForm (#1) ## ## __Name__________________ __Type___ __ID________ __Value__________________ 10 originState hidden originState TN 11 destState hidden destState IL 12 originZip text ...

retrieve application/json document with twill/mechanize in authenticated session

Hi, I need to retrieve a document with MIME type "application/json". I'm using twill to log in to a site and when I attempt to go to the URL pointing to the JSON document and show it, I get this message: 'The HTTP header field "Accept" with value "text/html; */*" could not be parsed.' I have tried changing the "Accept" field to "app...

transfer cookies from twill to zope

Hi, I'm trying to figure out a way to transfer cookies from a Twill browser instance to a Zope browser instance. They both are built on Mechanize, so this should be possible. I have tried: zopeBrowser = zope.testbrowser.browser.Browser() twillBrowser = twill.commands.get_browser() twillBrowser.go("") # got some coo...