
Access gmail or yahoo mail using script

I was wondering how one would go about writing a php script to access mail from yahoo or gmail ? ...

google search ajax api - collect results

Hi I need to collect from a search engine specific results (pages) that match a regular expression. Any suggestions or ideas on how to perform such a task, i need to store somewhere the extracted web pages for later use. Thanks in advance and sorry for my poor grammar. ...

OpenID.GetResponse() NullReferenceException with Yahoo

I keep getting a NullReferenceException when I try to use Yahoo. Google works fine. Yahoo also has an extra page that asks if I want to continue because my site is not trusted. Don't know if that's what it doesn't work or not. This kicks it off when you click the Google or Yahoo Button, url is or https://www.googl...

Is there a Yahoo Search Service that returns JSON like the Google Search Service?

Looking for the Yahoo equivalent of this ...

DotNetOpenAuth 3.4: calls to Yahoo! stop returning responses, sometimes affects Google too.

DotNetOpenAuth Windows 7 (64-bit) VS 2008 SP1, .NET 3.5, C# Windows Azure ASP.NET code behind fragment around OpenID call: OpenIdRelyingParty rp = new OpenIdRelyingParty(null); string discoveryUri = ""; if (provider == "google") { discoveryUri = ""; Application.Set("Provider",...

Heroku and Yahoo! Apps

Hi All, I have created an App on Heroku which works perfectly in a Web Browser. As a second step, I want to view the App hosted on Heroku in Yahoo! App. Its pretty simple to open any webpage in a Yahoo! App. One just need to mention the URL where the site is LIVE and rest is taken care by Yahoo! App. However, if I try to open the App h...

Getting Yahoo IP address is not working.

I get the Yahoo IP address using InetAddress class in java. The result of IP address is not working while given in URL of web browsers. InetAddress[] all = InetAddress.getAllByName(""); for (int i=0; i<all.length; i++) { System.out.println(" address = " + all[i]); } ...

Why is Yahoo! Slurp requesting /1338.aspx?

Ip: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0; System.Web.HttpException: The file '/1338.aspx' does not exist. IP : Host : Country: United States ...

sending IMAP commands using php

I'm trying to access yahoo mail IMAP server with a php script. I read that yahoo requires a specific IMAP command “ID ("GUID" "1")”. How do I send this command ? ...

How can I get Yahoo realtime stock quotes in Perl?

There's a fairly easy way of retrieving 15-minute delayed quotes off of Yahoo! Finance web site ("quotes.csv" API). However, so far I was unable to find any info on how to access real-time quotes. The hang-ups with real-time quotes are: Only available to logged-in user No API Non-obvious how to scrape the info - I'm somewhat convince...

Can I use Google/Yahoo Maps API to lookup cities/states based on the zip?

I came across this when I did a search on SO: But I'm wondering, why can't we just use the Maps APIs for this? Has anyone tried doing this? ...

Access Delicious API via Yahoo ID without redirect to Yahoo authorizing page

To be more specific: My delicious account is a Yahoo ID so access via OAuth is required. It's for my use only to add/remove bookmarks. I have the password. It's a command line python program, not web-based. My question is: Is it possible to access my delicious account without being redirected to a Yahoo OAuth authorization page? Any...

DotNetOpenAuth: Message signature was incorrect

I'm getting a "Message signature was incorrect" exception when trying to authenticate with MyOpenID and Yahoo. I'm using pretty much the ASP.NET MVC sample code that came with DotNetOpenAuth 3.4.2 public ActionResult Authenticate(string openid) { var openIdRelyingParty = new OpenIdRelyingParty(); var authenticationResponse = op...

Using Geo APIs to pick a random town from anywhere in the world

Hi all, I'm trying to use Yahoo's excellent GeoPlanet API: I would like to pick a random town from anywhere in the world but can't see an easy way to do it. I have tried querying by country and asking for children of type 'town', but can't seem to do that directly. Can ...

Export Contact List of Yahoo/AOL/Live

I am trying to export contacts using Yahoo/AOL/Live username credentials. I have been able to export gmail contacts with their API, but cant find any example for Yahoo/AOL/Live in ASP.Net Any help appreciated ...

Yahoo BOSS Question

Hello everyone, I wonna to echo totalresults but somethink is wrong. // Get search results from Yahoo BOSS as an XML* $API = ''; $request = $API . $query .'?format=xml&appid='. APP_ID.'&start='.$start."0"; $ch = curl_init($request); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, ...

Delicious API and Yahoo oAuth in .NET

The fact that Delicious has two sets of API authentications one with username and password and one with oAuth told me something about things I was going to experience and I wasn't wrong. Unfortunately I have to deal with both APIs now and am unsuccessful getting through the first hurdle of API v2 (Yahoo oAuth). Here is a code snippet (I...

OAuth java implementation, oauth_callback missing

Hey, My problem is I get error while trying to get request token from Yahoo. The error says Im missing oauth_callback parameter and yes I miss it because I dont need it. Ive read I need to set it to "oob" value if I dont want to use it(desktop app). And I did that but to no avail. If I set it to null the same happens. Im using OAuth for...

Yahoo OAuth implementation has no way to work offline

I need to download my Delicious bookmarks to a non-web application without constant user interaction. I'm using Delicious's V2 API (using oAuth) but the problem is it seems their access tokens expire after one hour. I don't have any issues with redirecting the user to Yahoo for a one time authorization, but what is described here (http...

Why is Yahoo Indexing Bot considered as "evil"?

After reading and commenting on this question PHP Library for Keeping your site index by Google, Bing, etc, I was curious to look at StackOverFlow's sitemap. This returned a 404 error which I am guessing is just a protected page by determining if your are a Index Bot or simply doesnt exists. This then lead me to look at the robots.tx...