
Embedding youtube videos in your android app

I want to embed youtube videos in my android app and want to use the youtube api. Is there any way I can do this ? ...

Embedding youtube channels in android application

I want to be able to display a certain youtube channel's videos and allow the user to select one of their videos to watch. Do I have to do this manually (parse the source code of the webpage to get each individual video link and then display them) or can I use the youtube api? If anyone has done this, example code or tutorials would be ...

My Firewall Is Blocking YouTube-API Traffic. Which Exceptions Should I Configure?

Problem: I have code on my developer machine that can successfully publish a video to YouTube via the YouTube API. When I move this code to a QA machine, the firewall blocks the YouTube API communication. Other Information: - I've been using Fiddler2, and it seems that the YouTube API needs to communicate with both and u...

How to replace Youtube urls in text with embeded code (in PHP)?

This is what I've got so far: <?php $content = "word1;feature=related word2;feature=related word3\n;feature=fvhl"; $pattern = '/http:\/\/www\.youtube\.c...

is there a faster way to get a YouTube clip's title than this?

Currently i'm using the following, which seems quite slow for multiple clips: static function get_yt_title($clip_id){ $feedURL = '' . $clip_id; $entry = @simplexml_load_file($feedURL); if($entry){ $video= new stdClass; $media = $entry->children('http://search.yaho...

how do i say "you need flash installed..." for embedded YouTube clips if the user doesn't have flash or html5

I'm embedding youtube clips on my site with the following code: <object width="259" height="215" style="margin:auto; width:262px; height:217px; position:relative;"> <param name="movie" value=";?php echo $yt_id; ?>&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0&showinfo=0&autoplay=1"></param> <param name="allowFul...

how does youtube know that you uploaded the same video?

do they store the hashes of the videos and then compare them? how do they know that you had already uploaded that video? there are plenty of videos on you tube that have the same file name and file size. ...

how to upload,play and store videos in a better way on my website

hello i am trying to making(just for knowledge purpose) a website similar to "you tube" and i am using LAMP(linux+apache+php+mysql). so please guide me on these topics(please keep in mind that the website is a high traffic web site like you tube): 1.i am taking video uploads from user using a simple form like: <form enctype="mult...

.NET 2.0: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

Scenario: I try to post a video to YouTube with the following code: YouTubeEntry createdEntry = service.Upload(newEntry); This works fine on my developer machine (running Windows XP). It fails on a Win2k server (running .NET 2.0) with the following error: 2010-07-15||01:14:08 PM||An established connection was aborted by the software...

How can I embed a YouTube video in a Markdown enabled text field?

This is the code I'm trying to embed: <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";amp;hl=en_US&amp;amp;fs=1"&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="

Fancybox is displaying a blank page with IE7

I'm trying to load a YouTube video with Fancybox. It's working with all the browsers but it seems to have problem with IE7, it only shows a blank white page. I don't know what I've done wrong here, I tested there example online and it work with IE7, I also took my code from them. So here's my markup on the home...

Embeding low quality youtube video as the default quality..

I uploaded my videos to youtube to make use of the multi-quality features.. and I noticed that when I play them on the youtube website, they appear in 3 qualities with the ability to show the the forth HD quality if I hacked the mt parameter, while -the problem- it shows only with the 360p and 420p qualities .. Unlike all other questio...

is it possible to load the youtube player search page, populated with a string from a uibutton??

is it possible to load the youtube player search page, populated with a string from a uibutton?? Not looking to try and run it inside of a view or anything, just simply launch the search page Thanks ...

YouTube's HD Video Streaming Server Technology?

Hi everyone, Lately I've been researching different methods for streaming MP4s to the browser. Flash Media Server is an obvious choice here (using Cloudfront), and most solutions I've seen use the RTMP protocol. However, I spent some time on YouTube with Firebug and Chrome debugger figuring out how their streaming worked and I discover...

preg_replace remove Youtube and Vimeo Object and Embed links

Hey! I'm really new to regex-expressions, so I was wondering if someone would bother to come up with one or more regular-expressions for removing Youtube and Vimeo object url's. It doesen't really matter that it only removes Youtube-objects/embeds, as long as it removes the <object> and </object> and everything in between. Thank you so...

Youtube video download URL

Hi I wrote a program that gets youtube video URL and downloads it Up today I did this: 1. get video "token" from "/get_video_info?video_id=ID" like: 2. Download Video by requesting it from "/get_video?video_id=ID&t=TOKEN&fmt=FORMAT_ID" like:

Get a users latest youtube videos?

I'm looking for a way get the following from a users youtube name or url. thumbnail link to video on Title of the video Need to do it with PHP. Is there some youtube api I can use or is something like simple pie my best bet? ...

Flickr and Youtube integration on Android

HI ALL I need to show : 1) Photostream of a particular account on flickr in a grid view. 2) List OR Grid of you tube videos for a particular channel. Please suggest tutorials OR link to do that. Thanks.. ...

Search on Click with Jquery's Autocomplete

Hello, I am trying to simulate the Youtube Autocomplete Search experience. I can't find the option when the viewer clicks on a listed item and is automatically proceeded to search for said item. My coding is as follow: <script type="text/javascript"> var data = ['array1','array2']; $(document).ready(function() { $j("input#dire...

Youtube / Embed Vid + Joomla RocketTheme Template + IE6 = Black Screen

Refer to On IE6, it will display a black screen with the word "loading..." I was able to determine that the video tag was the cause of it. If I am to remove it, IE6 will be able to load the page perfectly. Below is the embed code for the article on that website. I will get the same problem if I am to u...