
Retrieve YouTube video format available

I'm currently trying to patch the Totem Youtube plug-in and I'd like to determine the best quality available for the current played video (&fmt parameter). It's possible in JavaScript but the plug-in is developped in C. Is that possible? ...

yt:quota too many recent calls - Youtube API help

Hi, I am using youtube api to get contents from a youtube account (with just user feed...without user authentication) on our website. Since yesterday morning, we keep getting "yt:quotatoo_many_recent_calls". It started off as randomn occurance, but very soon, we get this error 100% of the time. Our site is currently down because of this....

PHP Regex for different URLs

I am trying to figure out a way to match 3 different URL types, they are; http://(www.) or http://(www.) or http://(www.) or Note, I do not want them parsed, if they are just doma...

Can't click on a youtube AJAX link with HtmlUnit.

Hello, I'm trying to use htmlunit to click on a link in youtube. Here's the code: HtmlPage page = webClient.getPage(""); HtmlAnchor link = page.getFirstByXPath("//a[contains(@href, 'accounts/ServiceLogin?')]"); page =; HtmlForm form = page.getFirstByXPath("//form[@id='gaia_loginform']"); form.getInpu...

Google app engine Youtube API

Hi, We have a small YoutubeAPI mashup App hosted on Google App engine. From last friday; we have been getting yt:quota - too_many_recent_calls error from youtube even though we call once in an hour. We suspected Google App engine; and hosted our war to some hosting provider & it was Rock Solid & we are NOT getting those youtube quota l...

Delete video and calculate statistic from youtube user account when not logged on youtube

I want to use the youtube api on my website. It will be possible to a user to upload a video from our website to his youtube account.(Via youtube api) Is there anybody know if it's possible to delete the video from the youtube user's account from our application if the user is not currently using our website ? Like a year after he uplo...

Youtube Data API: Retrieving multiple Video entries by IDs in a single request

Hello everybody, I am wondering if there is a way to query YouTube for multiple random videos (video id's are known) in a single query? I am storing video id's in the local db and need to show multiple details(list with thumbs, rating, author name,etc.) in the web page. I am looking at the Youtube Data API and see that I can a single en...

YouTube Player API: How to get duration of a loaded/cued video without playing it?

Hi, I'm not able to get the correct video duration/length (in seconds) of a loaded/cued video via the getDuration() method of the YouTube Player API; the same method, however, returns a valid value once the video starts playing! Wondering how YouTube is able to show the valid duration of a loaded/cued video. When I load this HTML page ...

iPhone SDK- Launch youtube application from within my application

I am developing an app that use UIWebView to display a list of videos from youtube. For playing the videos I use the youtube embed feature and it open the youtube application when the user clicks the video thumbnail - works great. I want the same functionality to be executed when I click a "Watch Now" button that will be located near ...

Stop a youtube video with jquery?

I have a jquery slider that I have built, basically just three pannels that slide by applying negative left CSS values. Works great, but I have a youtube video in one slide that wont stop when I slide. I've tried display:none and Visibility:hidden which works in all but IE, the audio keeps going in IE. Is there an easy way to kill a vid...

Programming to control the Playback speed of Flash Player

I came across a software for Windows called "Enounce" that allows us to dynamically change the playback speed of videos on popular websites like YouTube that uses Flash technology. However, there is no equivalent program for Linux operating system. I would like to know what should be the approach for developing a similar program on Lin...

Why dont i get the Controls in my youTube player

I've made some integration with the youTube API, and embedded a player with swf object - But im not getting the controls like play, rewind, forward, fullscreen, volume and stuff in my player... Look at the big player:, there isn't any controls Any idea to whats wrong? ...

iPhone, Mobile Safari, YouTube ... stay on page.

Is it possible to have a YouTube video played on a web page in Safari on the iPhone, and have the 'done' button and 'video finished' event send the user back to the mobile web page they came from? Currently, it seems like i'm only able to direct them to to view the video ... but they then remain in and are presen...

Split videos for youtube and upload for continuous play

Hi Team, Can someone suggest the best video hosting service for longer video playback. My clients videos are between 30 - 90mins long. Or Wondering if anyone knew of a service that would enable me to split long videos into youtube size segments then upload to youtube for continuous play (as a play list or something)? My client would t...

YouTube player loops in Safari

If you take a look at with a Safari browser, the videoplayer just blinks, like it's in a neverending loop?? Cant quite figure out the problem ...

Grab the youtube Video ID with Jquery & .match()

Just need a little push as I have this almost working. I want to feed jquery a URL and have it strip everthing but the video url. Here is my code: var url = ''; $results = url.match("[\\?&]v=([^&#]*)"); alert($results); }); I'm getting this as an output - ?v=bxp8NWvIeSo,bxp8NWvIeS...

iPhone, how to detect when control is returned to browser?

Hi guys: I'm a newbie to cocoa programing on iPhone. My client has a website that plays YouTube videos. Once a video is finished playing, it will automatically play the next one. This is done by using the YouTube API and swfobject. After some research, I was told that Safari on iPhone does not support flash. This make the current swfo...

Is it possible to submit batch processing requests with the Python Youtube API?

I'm writing an application using Python that adds videos to a user's playlist on Youtube. Doing this one at a time causes Youtube to start throttling my requests. There is a batch processing API that allows you to submit 50 requests at once, but I can't find out from the docs how to submit a batch processing request. The only informatio...

(curiosity) Why does youtube show the loading icon even when it has loaded enough video to start playing?

I mean youtube or any other streaming video site, but I've seen it on Youtube. There are times that the loaded bar shows that more than enough video stream has been loaded so the player could play it but it suddenly pauses and shows the loading icon? I'm just curious. But it is a programming related question, as it could help me to bette...

Hidden youtube player loses its methods

I'm controlling a embedded youtube chromeless player with javascript, and I want to hide it occasionally by setting display: none. However, when I show the player again, it loses its youtube methods. For example: <script> swfobject.embedSWF(";playerapiid=player", "player", "425", ...