
How to make a global Zend_Log with Zend_Application_Bootstrap

I would like to make a global Zend_Log object that I can reach from my Controllers and my Models. What should I add to my Bootstrap? (My bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap) How then can I reach the logger object from my controller actions and from my model? ...

Using application.ini for configuring Zend_Application Bootstrap

I have written custom resources for my Zend_Application bootstrap. In the manual the following code is given for loading them: $application = new Zend_Application(APPLICATION_ENV, array( 'pluginPaths' => array( 'My_Resource' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/resources/', ), 'resources' => array( 'FrontController' => a...

Can Db_Table models be used in bootstrap?

Hi, I wrote this piece of code to my bootstrap public function _initRouter() { $pages = new Pages(); $routes = $pages->getRoutes(); $front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $router = $front->getRouter(); $router->addRoutes($routes); return $router; } I get the following error message 'No adapter found ...

Zend Framework Autoloading not working when deploying

Hi, My Zend based website works perfectly on my localhost (using Mac). But When I deploy it on a linux web hosting company, I get the following errors: On the index page which try to list my ads by calling a resource where the select is: Fatal error: Class 'Lintottar_Model_Resources_Ad' not found in /www/webvol8/4v/7e33wem4920cqpg/l...

zend framework rest controller question

Hi guys, I have a rest controller example im trying to run that is giving me a headache. My url im trying to access is localhost/books/edit/1 For some weird reason this route seems to call the getAction with the Controller instead of the editAction. And it throws errors saying that the object doesnt exist. The controller is, class B...