
Zend Layout - A "Smart" layout selector

I currently have Zend setup to look for a layout script in each module's view/scripts/layout.phtml file (ie: /application/modules/moduleName/scripts/layout.phtml). This is by setting layout[] to nothing (blank) in the application.ini file (resources.layout[] = ) The issue is that many modules may share the same layout. I don't want to...

Getting a Reference to a Zend_Application's Config Object

Is there a helper method/object/methodology for getting a reference to a Zend_Application's config resource? I know I can do something like $config = new Zend_Config_Ini($file, $environment); but that's going to reload/parse the config file. I'm looking for a way to peek at the given configuration value for a running Zend_Applicati...

Running a Zend_Application from the command line?

Is there a blessed way to run a Zend_Application from the command line? That is, I want to run a shell script that invokes a Zend_Application, loads its configuration, and then calls a specific controller action OR run an arbitrary command line script with access to the applications configurations, models, etc. I can think of a few w...

Zend_Log in application.ini

Hi, is there any example how to setup an instance of zend log from application.ini? I have only found an example for logging to an file, but i want to log into an SQLITE database table? Zend Log resource ...

Using application.ini for configuring Zend_Application Bootstrap

I have written custom resources for my Zend_Application bootstrap. In the manual the following code is given for loading them: $application = new Zend_Application(APPLICATION_ENV, array( 'pluginPaths' => array( 'My_Resource' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/resources/', ), 'resources' => array( 'FrontController' => a...

How to setup a Zend_Application with an application.ini and a user.ini

I am using Zend_Application and it does not feel right that I am mixing in my application.ini both application and user configuration. What I mean with this is the following. For example, my application needs some library classes in the namespace MyApp_ . So in application.ini I put autoloaderNamespaces[] = "MyApp_". This is pure applic...

Persisting Zend Framework ACL Lists

Does the Zend Framework (or applications built using Zend_Application) provide any mechanism for persisting ACL lists, or is that detail left to the individual system/application developer? Most of the examples I see online involve setting up your ACL rules in code. I'm curious if there's any standard/preferred way to save these rules ...

Configuring Zend_Session Through Zend_Application

So I built a site template using Zend_Tool and added these parameters to the application.ini resources.session.saveHandler.class = "Zend_Session_SaveHandler_DbTable" resources.session.saveHandler.options.name = "session" resources.session.saveHandler.options.primary.session_id = "session_id" resources.session.saveHandler.options.primary...

Zend Framework: Autoloading module resources in config.ini?

Is it possible, to configure the following behaviour in application.ini? <?php class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap { protected function _initAdminModuleAutoloader() { $this->_resourceLoader = new Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader(array( 'namespace' => 'Admin', 'basePath' => APPLI...

zend_application showing blank page

Hi, I'm using Zend_Application to bootstrap my app. class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap { public static $frontController = null; public static $registry = null; protected function _initEnvironment() { ini_set('display_errors', true); //date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); } protected...

How to set default translator in configs.ini ?

Hi, I'm using Zend Framework 1.10.7 and I'm looking for a way to set the default translator. I know I could set it in Bootstrap.php but I would like to set it up in the configs.ini to gather most of my generic config. I guess it needs to specify a registry key (registry_key ?). By the way, does the Zend_Controller_Router use this defa...

How to override native resources ?

Hi, I'm trying to create custom resource to extend existing zf resources. It works fine if I choose a different like 'Myrouter' as resource name but if I try to override Router it doesn't work. Here is my configs.ini (partial) autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Mlo_" autoloaderNamespaces[] = "My_" pluginPaths.Mlo_Application_Resource = APPLIC...

Zend Framework Autoloading not working when deploying

Hi, My Zend based website works perfectly on my localhost (using Mac). But When I deploy it on a linux web hosting company, I get the following errors: On the index page which try to list my ads by calling a resource where the select is: Fatal error: Class 'Lintottar_Model_Resources_Ad' not found in /www/webvol8/4v/7e33wem4920cqpg/l...