
Zend_Controller Following PEAR Naming Convention

I am developing a web-app using zend framework. I like how all the autoloading works however I don't really like the way Zend_Controller names the controllers by default. I am looking for a way to enable zend_controller to understand my controller class named Controller_User stored in {$app}/Controller/User.php . Is there anyway I can do...

Zend different view scripts?

Hi, I have a controller that passes input from a form into a model class to perform validation. If the validation is successful I want to allow the flow to continue and render the default view associated with the controller. My issue is that if validation is not successful then I want the model to pass back validation error messages an...

Implementing vanity urls (like http://facebook.com/JohnDoe) in Zend framework?

Is there anyway to create a vanity url "catch all" route whilst maintaining the default /module/controller/action/value routing structure? Thanks! ...

Layout being rendered twice

I seem to have a problem with my layout displaying twice. I was wondering if this was caused by something in my front controller plugin (see below) which utilises Zend Layout only for a particular module and not in the main application. Any answers will be much appreciated. Thanks class My_Controller_Plugin_AdoptLayout extends Zend_Cont...

How to access URL parameters in bootstrap

Hi you all: I'm trying to capture a URL parameter in my bootstrap file but after several attempts I'm not able to do it. I've tried this but it does not work: protected function _initGetLang() { $frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $lang= $frontController->getParam('lang'); } Is this the right way to do it? ...

ZEND Controllers -- How to call an action from a different controller

I want to display a page that has 2 forms. The top form is unique to this page, but the bottom form can already be rendered from a different controller. I'm using the following code to call the action of the other form but keep getting this error: "Message: id is not specified" #0 .../library/Zend/Controller/Router/Rewrite.php(441):...

How to add a third-party Action Helper to a Zend Framework 1.8+ application?

I have downloaded a third party action helper that I would like to add to my application. How can I do this? ...

How to reencode url parameters with Zend Framework

I use the following code with my Zend Framework application: controller: $paramsOtherAction = $this->getRequest()->getParams(); $paramsOtherAction['action'] = 'otheraction' $this->view->paramsOtherAction = $paramsOtherAction; view: <a href="<?php echo $this->url($this->paramsOtherAction)?>"> Do other action with same params </a> T...

Zend Pdf generation from an action

Hi all, I have a controller Employee , in that i have the action detail . The detail action prints like the attached image. Suppose there is a save pdf button, i need to print this page as .pdf.. How can i do this ? Pls help me Thanks in advance Nisanth ...

Getting the baseurl value into my controllers

Am creating an action helper that will require the return value of the Zend_View_Helper_BaseUrl How do I go about that? ...

Zend Framework - Extend Module Controller

I have the following directory structure: modules/ api/ controllers/ ApiController.php InventoryController.php OtherController.php The init() method is common amongst multiple Controllers so I want to refactor that into a parent Controller class such as: class Api_ApiController extends Zend_Controller_Action {...

Zend framework controller action helper

I am getting fatal error after adding the action helper class. I am trying to load layout corresponding to called layout. Following is my code snippet: First of all i added a helper class under application/controller/helpers: class Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Layout extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract { public $pluginLoad...

Zend Framework :: Is this code good for user login (Its begining- because that I want to know if its can be improve)

Hi, I new in Zend. Main Question: Is this code good for user login (Its beginning- because that I want to know if its can be improve)? Thanks view index.phtml <? echo $this->form controller IndexAction.php public function indexAction() { $form=new Application_Form_Login(); $this->view->form = $form; if ($th...

Zend_Form:: When should be form created in view and not in controller?

Hi, Zend_Form:: When should be form created in view and not in controller? option 1 - form created in controller and passed to view (usually used) controller: $form=new MyForm(); $this->view->form=$form; view: echo $this->form; option 2 - form created in view directly (looks better to me because form its subpart of view) view:...

Zend Framework - Set No Layout for Controller

I have a Controller that I want to use for ajax scripts to call and set session variables, get information, etc. How do I set it so that that particular controller doesn't use the default layout (specifically NO layout) so that it can send XML/JSON messages back and forth? I have an inkling I should use a custom route but I do not know m...

Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase and Zend_Layout, unable to find Layout plugin while running tests

I am starting to write some test cases for controller classes using Zend Framework 1.10.6 and Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase. I am having problems with one item, which is that while the test cases are running, Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker can't find the Layout action helper. Here are the bare bones of my test case: requir...

Control access to files available for download

I have a folder that contains uploaded documents that my ZF application can spit out to logged in users. I want them to be able to use a link like http://server/documents/filename.pdf and download the file, but I want to have a controller DocumentsController that enables the existing user cookies to verify that they are logged in and hav...

PHPUnit: "Invalid value passed to setPost()" when passing Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract converted using toArray()

The following code fails throws a Zend_Controller_Exception ("Invalid value passed to setPost(); must be either array of values or key/value pair") /** Model_Audit_Luminaire */ $luminaireModel = new Model_Audit_Luminaire(); if (!$fixture = $luminaireModel->getScheduleItem($scheduleId)) { $this->fail('Could not retrieve fixture from ...

Zend Framework MVC redirecting to different controller and action

i'm trying to work out how i can stop zend or redirect zend to go to a different zend controller and action if a check within the boot strap fails. for example a get variable does not exist or more likely a session does not exist meaning the user must log in. so the user had originally requested index/someaction but i want them to go ...