
Help define referential integrity in Zend Framework 1.8.3 using Data Mapper model

I am unable to define referential integrity relationship using Zend Frameworks table relationships as documented in the manual. I have exhausted every possible configuration (so it seems), and now am facing the prospect of developing the application without being able to use cascading deletions, which is undesirable. Can anyone see wh...

Display Zend_Form_Element_Radio on one line

The radio buttons in Zend Framework are displayed in a column (one option per line). How can I remove the br tag from the markup so that all radio options stay in one line? My decorators are: private $radioDecorators = array( 'Label', 'ViewHelper', array(array('data' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'div', 'class' => 'radio'))...

Zend Framework Deleting through a data mapper module.

I am still having problems getting table relationships defined, and have just changed the relationship between users and comment classes as advised, but when I went to test I got a new error. C:\wamp\www\megashare\application\models\UsersMapper.php public function deleteUser($id, Default_Model_Users $users){ $usersTable = new Defa...

Zend Framework - Cascading Deleting Using Table Data Mapper pattern.

My problem getting Zend Framework to provide a DRI layer can now be summarized as such. Using the class definitions below I am able to delete the user but not the related comment through my local UserController "public/users/delete/userId/22", even though I have set up a refernece map and table relationship definition. Does anyone hav...

Open Flash Chart and Zend Framework Autoloader: class not found

I'm trying to upgrade the charts in my zend framework based website to the open flash chart 2 (version: kvasir) library. It used to work just fine with older versions. However, using the new version, when I try to create e.g. lines, I get error messages such as Warning: include(line\hollow.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream:...

Zend Select with self join overwriting fields

Posts and comments are stored in the same table. So to get each post and its comments we do this: $posts = $this->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false) ->from(array('post' => 'Posts'), array('*')) ->where('post.idGroup = ' . $idGroup) ->where('post.idTopic IS NULL') ->order('post.date DESC') ->limit($resultsP...

Zend_Log with mail

Has anyone succeed to send an mail(SMTP GOOGLE) with Zend_Log.I found this http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.log.writers.html Chapter 32.2.4. Writing to Email but by default it's using mail(), but I want to use SMTP.So until now my code looks like this: $mailconf = array('ssl'=>'ssl', 'auth' => 'login', ...

Zend Framework. What is the best way to administer your site/app?

When developing for the Zend Framework is it common for developers to have to build a custom backend admin area for each unique app? Or is there a popular 3rd party backend tool people are using to manipulate your app's database? I'm thinking of learning ZF but what stands out is how do you keep an eye on what users are doing with your ...

Obtaining parameters passed with zend php _forward

Hi, A simple question really. I am using the _forward function in the Zend Php Framework. $this->_forward('formview', null, null, array('test'=>'penu')); So Im forwarding to the formview action with the same controller with the paramater test = 'penu' However how do obtain this value when I am in the action which I am forwarded to. ...

Async interferes with my ACL plugin

Hey guys, I just created a plugin to go with my site to make sure a user is authenticated before performing an action. This is the plugin: class Booze_Plugin_AclPlugin extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract{ public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) { $auth = Booze_Permissions_Auth::getInstance(); ...

My Zend Framework 'quoting' mess.

I've got a probably very simple issue to which I can't find a satisfactory (subjectively seen) answer in the Zend Framework manual or elsewhere... There are so many ways how I can hand over my php variables to my sql queries that I lost the overview and probably I lack some understanding about quoting in general. Prepared Statements $...

Is there any way to output the filtered data from Zend_Filter_Input?

Is there any way to output all filtered data from the class Zend_Filter_Input? ...

Zend_Form - multiple forms on same page

Having multiple forms in one page, when i submit one of them, how can i tell wich one was submitted? I thought about generating uniqe ids for each from, and saving them as hidden fields and to the user-session - while this is a solution, the problem with it is that there is no good place to remove old ids from the session. Any better i...

Zend Gdata - setVisibility for newEventEntry? (specify events for multiple calendars)

Hey everyone, I know that you can use setVisibility('private-abcdefg') for newEventQuery() in order to specify a particular calendar. My question is, can I use the same concept for newEventEntry()? $gdataCal = new Zend_Gdata_Calendar($client); $newEvent = $gdataCal->newEventEntry(); $newEvent->setVisibility('private-**************...

How to Set a Value to NULL when using Zend_Db

When performing UPDATE and INSERT queries using Zend_Db, I frequently need to set values equal to NULL (not ''). However, the default behavior of Zend_Db::insert() and Zend_Db::update() seems to be that values that are empty are translated into empty strings ('') and put into the database as such. Does anyone know of way to actually fo...

Selling a Script Built on a PHP Framework

Hello everyone, There are a ton of PHP frameworks out there (i.e. Zend, Seagull, Symfony, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Yii, Prado) that do a great job of implementing important pieces of a scalable/maintainable website, and I almost always pick one to start building client websites. As of recently, I've started getting tired of providing cons...

AJAX or a server side framework?

I am working with a friend on building a web site, in general this web site will be a custom web app along with a very custom social network type of thing.. Currently I have a mock-up site that uses simple PHP with AJAX and JSON and JQUERY and I love how it works, I love the way it all fits together. But for a mock-up I did not implemen...

DOJO : How do you reinitiate form elements after ajax call ?

I'm trying to do a couple of things using Zend Framework & Dojo Toolkit, and any help would be appreciated. Here's the problem: I have a form that is rendered with the Zend Framework form class, which has an ajax radio button selection. Clicking one of these radio buttons will send an ajax request to another controller, which has no lay...

How do I write internal style sheets in Zend Framework?

I would like to write an internal style sheet to a view in Zend Framework as such <head> <style type="text/css" media="all"> body{ background: #FFFFFF; } </style> </head> I understand that I can write an external style sheet using $this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet('style.css'); However I cannot find a way to writ...

Grouping WHERE clauses with Zend_Db_Table_Abstract

Does anyone know of a way to group where clauses with Zend_Db? Basically I have this query $sql = $table->select() ->where('company_id = ?', $company_id) ->where('client_email = ?', $client_email) ->orWhere('client_email_alt = ?', $client_email); Which is giving me this: SELECT `clients`.* FROM `clients` WHERE (company_id...