
How to test my forms in Zend Framework 1.8+?

So I've set up testing in my ZF 1.9.5 application thanks to this tutorial, I am able to test my controllers, now I want to create a test for a form. However, I'm having the problem that PHPUnit can't find my form. Fatal error: Class 'Default_Form_AccountProfile' not found I'm extending PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase instead of Zend_Test_...

How to assert multiple attribute element in Zend_Test?

For example: How can I assert this input? $this->assertQuery( "input[name="user_name][type='hidden']") can not find any content. Of couse $this->assertQuery( "input[name='user_name']) will work well, but I need to use type and name attributes together. Thanks a lot. ...

How to start testing Zend Framework Models?

How do I begin testing my models in a Zend Framework 1.8+ application? Let's say I have my application set up to start testing. I have already tested a controller, so I know it works. I have all my controllers extending my ControllerTestCase.php file: <?php require_once 'Zend/Application.php'; require_once 'Zend/Test/PHPUnit/Controller...

How to assert link href value using Zend_Test without an DOMXPath error

Hi, What is the best way to verify that a link with a specific url and content exists on a tested page? I'm using Zend_Test and the following simplified example works fine until there is a dot (".") in the url, which obviously can happen very often... This is OK: $this->assertQueryContentContains('a[href="/index"]', 'Home'); Now if...

PHP unit tests for controller returns no errors and no success message.

I'm using the zend modular director structure, i.e. application modules users controllers . . lessons reports blog I have a unit test for a controller in 'blog' that goes something like the below section of code: I'm definitely doing somet...

PHPUnit+ZendFramework ::How I can test multu users session in the same time?

Hi, I beginer programmer,and don't have any QA experience (only simple test that i write without PHPUnit or other tool) How I can create test for testing multi users sessions in the same time? (PHPUnit+ZendFramework) basic tests examples that I thinking to do (I am not QA - I soory if i wrong): users logins in the same time use...

"No such file or directory" SQLSTATE error using PHPUnit with XAMPP & Zend Framework

The error I'm getting is below. Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory I've tried setting the xampp php to be the php in my PATH, hoping that it's a configuration file, but I had no luck with that. I'm not really sure why else it would say no such file or directory. Does anyone have any ideas? Up...

Testing controller with Zend_Test

Hi there, I asked the same question in another forum, but I don't yet have any luck there. So please allow me to ask the same question here. I want to setup Zend_Test to test my controller code (I am using PHP, Zend Framework). Everything seems to be correct and according to the official documentation, but I kept getting an error. For...

Bootstrapping Zend_Application with Zend_Test

in the docs the provided code for bootstrapping looks like protected $application; public function setUp() { $this->bootstrap = array($this, 'appBootstrap'); parent::setUp(); } public function appBootstrap() { $this->application = new Zend_Application( ... ); $this->application->bootstrap(); } i was curious why when i...

Code coverage fails with PHPUnit and the Zend Framework

Hi I have some issues with code coverage reports in PHPunit and the zend framework. Whenever I run a phpunit test the code coverage fails returning the following message: PHPUnit 3.4.15 by Sebastian Bergmann. I.......III.I................................IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 60 / 93 IIII....I....I..II..II.....IIIIII Time: 4 seconds, Memo...

Unit testing with Zend Framework/Doctrine 2.0

I wanted to write unit tests for my Zend Framework/Doctrine 2.0 application, but I don't quite understand how to set up unit testing in ZF. Also, I would like to include Doctrine 2.0 in those unit tests. How would I go about setting this up? Can you point me to an example? Thank You ...