
Jquery + php, remove dynamic rows from table td click

Hi guys, I'm trying to remove a row from a table when I click a specific row column. I'm using .live() so that I can remove rows added from a ajax request. It works fine, my problem is, the table comes from php with two rows, I can then insert new ones and remove them, but when I remove one of the rows that came with php, it remove all r...

How I can prevent SQL injection in zend

Possible Duplicate: Zend Db avoiding sql injections I use following code $this->getDb()->fetchRow($sql, $params); Is it free from sql injection? Please guide me. How i can make it free from sql injection. ...

Zend_Form_Element_Hash problem (unclear documentation?)

It is written in the documentation that it is enough to include the Zend_Form_Element_Hash element in a form and that CSRF protection is handled automatically by Zend_Form. I have added the token like this: $token = new Zend_Form_Element_Hash('security_token_against_csrf'); $token->setSalt($this->_helper->randomString()); $form->addEle...

Zend application and bootstrap as non mvc

Is it possible to use zend_application and zend_bootstrap as non mvc? I'd like to use them but without the zend_view. ...

Models in Zend Framework

Hi, I am new to zend framework. I have created "models" folder in application directory. Inside models folder I created a class Application_Models_Albums which extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract. Now when I use the following code in IndexController. I get error: $albums = new Application_Models_Albums(); $this->view->albums = $albums->fet...

What Constitutes a Retry in the Job Queue?

I originally posted this question over at the Zend Forums but figured it would also be wise to post here. What has to happen, exactly, for a job to retry? I've tried timeouts, 50x response codes, and setting the status to "FAILED". I have a simple script that creates a job... $job_url = 'http://localhost/consumer.php?time=' . microtim...

[zend 1.10.8] custom router using database items

I am using a custom Router to enable pages like: mytutorialsite.com/category/:categoryname # added to application.ini resources.router.routes.categorynameOnCategory.route = /category/:categoryname resources.router.routes.categorynameOnCategory.defaults.module = default resources.router.routes.categorynameOnCategory.defaults.controller ...

zend database error output

Hi, I cant see my error of Sql. It cuts my queries, and the error is meaningless except it informs there is an error. Like error in statement "select * from o.." how can I get full query, so i can investigate how the error occured? I previously wrote a sql function that throws debugging string if sql has error. I though zend'ers have...

In your opinion, when using the Zend Framework is it bad practice to have a view script with out an associated action?

I ask because in my Zend Framework app I use some view scrips that do not have an action associated with them. (Similar to the example on page 102 in the Zend Pro Framework Techniques book http://books.google.com/books?id=znA1LgQSxsoC&lpg=PP1&dq=Pro%20Zend%20Framework%20Techniques%3A%20Build%20a%20Full%20CMS%20Project&pg=PP1#...

How to do Eclipse + Zend (Magento) Debugging on Local Machine?

I'm trying to figure out how to do debugging on Zend (more specifically Magento) code using Eclipse. This is the workflow I'd like: Set breakpoints in Eclipse. Open up Firefox or Chrome, pull up the site in the browser When code hits the breakpoint, Eclipse halts execution, letting me look trace everything. Right now, I debug the ap...

zend framework breadcrumb

Is there way how to get breadcrumbs for specific page by it´s id? My attempt follows but i get only page label. No breadcrumb path. $view = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('viewRenderer')->view; $page = $view->navigation ()->findBy ('id', 'menuCategory29'); // work fine page label is displayed echo $page->getTitle(...

Is it good to cache the Zend application.ini file to make my application run faster?

If I remember correctly, parsing .ini files in PHP takes a long time. So, why not cache it (the file won't change during a request) What is the best way to do this? Or are there any reasons not to do it? ...

Zend Framework : Using placeholders in Helpers

I created a custom helper, I was wondering if there was a way to access the view placehilders. class Zend_View_Helper_MyHelper { public function MyHelper { $this->view->appendScript('myscript.js'); } } I get: Call to a member function appendScript() on a non-object Thanks! ...

Zend master slave mysql

I want to switch slave db if master fails. I found Master/Slave switch, but its for reading writing (seems very logical, but not this case). Can you give " db failure" strategy in zend? ...

Module Model not loading

My application structure: /application /models ShoppingCart.php /modules /orders /models Order.php I want to create a module application so in my application.ini I put: resources.frontController.moduleDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/modules" resources.modules[] = "" Basically my Application_Model_ShoppingCart for my m...

Where do I create custom Navigation Containers?

In Zend's Documentation they write about creating Navigation Containers. But they don't explain where I should create them. Does anyone know that? I'm also wondering if a custom Navigation Container extends or overwrites the navigation.xml file which contains the static links. (I want to make a custom Navigation Container to add dyna...

Zend_Session::start() in bootstrap

hello, can you tell me how to include the Zend_Session::start() in a bootstrap file of zf app? ...

How to make Zend Framework CLI work in Aptana Studio 3's terminal view?

I'm trying to make Zend's command line tool to work in Aptana's terminal view (on Windows), so I can use commands like "zf create model User" directly from aptana. So far I've managed to get the zf command work by making an alias like this alias zf=/path/to/zend/bin/zf.sh but now I'm stuck because I have to make php's cli work too.. and...

Zend Framework plugin action before front controller dispatch

Hello friends, I would like to create a global var inside my bootstrap, this is the configuration: require_once 'Initializer.php'; require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php'; require_once 'Zend/Controller/Router/Route.php'; require_once 'Zend/Controller/Action/HelperBroker.php'; $autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance(); $aut...

Custom Zend_Controller_Router_Route

I am trying to set up a Zend Controller Route to Route to ALL of the Following URLs: http://www.domain.com/controller http://www.domain.com/controller/id http://www.domain.com/controller/action http://www.domain.com/controller/id/action Is this possible with Zend Framework? In particular I am having trouble routing to: http://www....