
ZipInputStream Throws Illegalargument exception for diacritics

Hi, If I run the below program with the zip file which has some files with diacritic characters (e.g 1-2GF-969##JÖN.pdf) , I get IllegalArgumentException. My application has to support all languages. So, we set encoding to UTF-8 All languages work fine. But the problem comes when reading diacritic characters. I tried using alternati...

Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in

hi friends, I have a problem that I install 'Archive_Zip 0.1.1' on Linux server, but when I try to run the script to create the zip file it gives the fatal error "Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in ---" where I put the code $zip = new ZipArchive; var_dump($zip); $res = $zip->open($filename, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); if($res !...

Write AES encrypted zip and read encrypted zip via Java

I was looking at this lib but it writes temp data to disk which can't happen. We'll be writing sensitive data in the zip and having temp decrypted data written to disk is not good practice for a secure system. If the system exits in the middle of a decryption we're left with a tmp file on disk that's...

Programmatically accessing files within a zip file?

Can I access a file/folder within a zip file without extracting it to a temporary file? This is on a linux system. Right now, I just need to "read" from the file, but is it possible to "write" to it as well? Edit 1: Sorry for not clarifying, I was hoping for a command line tool that would allow it to work from any language, but as ...

extracting portion of jar to a path

Hi, I am using the follwing command and my intention is to extract only DYEDistinctAppServer.topology from discovery1-full-8.1.0-07-10-2010_1055.jar at data/product/template-topologies/DYEDistinctAppServer.topology path. Command: jar -xf discovery1-full-8.1.0-07-10-2010_1055.jar -C data/product/template-topologies/DYEDistinctAppServ...

J2ME Byte Array ZIP Compression

Is there some library or built-in funcionality in J2ME to compress a byte array trough ZIP? I'd like to do something like this: byte[] data; byte[] compressed = ZIPLibrary.compress(data); Thanks. ...

convert .zip file into NSData

Hey, Is it correct to initialize an NSData with a zip file? I want to convert a zip file into NSData and construct another file with the data (in simple language 'copy it'). I have the code as: NSURL *theFileUrl = [NSURL URLWithString: @"file://localhost/Users/xxx/Desktop/"]; NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfU...

Windows: Execute Batch File for a Custom Context Menu Item

I am looking to add a new item in a right click context menu for a certain file type. I suppose it would be easiest to run a batch file with the full path of the file as an argument. I need to rename the file, unzip it, then rezip it, then rename it. I suppose winzip command line would be appropriate tool to help with that, unless someon...

FileUpload problem with Struts on server

I am trying to create a upload servlet that handles enctype="multipart/form-data" from a form. The file I am trying to upload is a zip. However, I can upload and read the file on localhost, but when I upload to the server, I get a "File not found" error when I want to upload a file. Is this due to the Struts framework that I am using? Th...

Convert multiple files using Mercurial's Filter System

Is it possible to convert multiple, on-each-other-depending files using a filter? E.g. instead of converting to a.txt and to b.txt is it possible to convert AND to ab.txt? The problem is that and can't be converted individually, since contains data which is needed for the conversion of ...

how to export my ruby on rails application data into a zip file with all attachments and yaml files

im trying to backup my ruby on rails instance as a zip file with yaml files and other attachments in a zip folder. How can i do this? ...

How to unrar/unzip with Objective-C, including single file retrieval

I have a need to handle various rar/zip files, in Objective-C. Ideally I'd like to be as flexible as possible in terms of rar/zip versions. I'd also like to be able to only extract certain files from the rar/zip files, after pulling out a list of the file contents. If that wasn't enough, I'd like to be able to access and modify the zip ...

How to quickly check if a zip file is corrupted?

Hello, Does anyone have any ideas for how to pragmatically quickly check if a zip file is corrupted based on file size? Ideally the best way to check if a zip is corrupted is to do a CRC check but this can take a long time especially if there is a lot of large zip files. I would be happy just to be able to do a quick file size or header...

DMG or Zip file for distribution to Macs?

What do you prefer and why? I've just finished my first Mac app and am wondering if this is an important decision. ...

Zipping a folder which contains subfolders

public static void main(String argv[]){ try { String date=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").format(new java.util.Date()); File inFolder=new File("Output/" + date + "_4D"); File outFolder=new File("Output/" + date + "_4D" + ".zip"); ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new Buffe...

PHP - pclzip.lib troubles

Hi. Dunno if someone use this library to make (server-side) a zip files. Here you can see my code : $i=0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM)) { $title[$i]=$row[1]." - ".$row[2]; // i remove some chars, because they can create confusion with the filesystem $titleontxt=$title[$i]; $title[$i]=str_replace("/...

Export more than one pdf generated one the fly as zip using the symfony framework.

Hi there, Iam currently working on an symfony app that needs to be able to output some documents as pdf, which is no problem at all using TCPDF. What I try to do now is to generate a zip file containing one ore more of these pdf´s generated on the fly. What I basically do is (using php´s) zip library: 1.) Create a new zip archive. 2.)...

Extrakting Zip to SD-Card is very slow. How can i optimize performance?

Hi there, my app downloads a zip with about 350 files. A mix of JPG and HTML files. The function i wrote to do it works just fine but the unzipping takes for ever. At first i thought the reason might be that writing to the sd-card is slow. but when i unzip the same zip with an other app on my phone it works much faster. is there anything...

Zip file getting corrupted when uploaded to server

My java program uploads a zip file from my system to FTP server. uploadfile() is a function that contains the uploading code. uploadfile("","muruganp","vm4snk","/home/Admin/GATE521/LN_RB_Semivalid2junk/Output/"+date+"","/fileserver/filesbackup/Emac/"+date+""); public static boolean uploadfile(String server,...

File Path appearing in the Zipped File.

I have a java program as below for zipping a folder as a whole. public static void zipDir(String dir2zip, ZipOutputStream zos) { try { File zipDir= new File(dir2zip); String[] dirList = zipDir.list(); byte[] readBuffer = new byte[2156]; int bytesIn = 0; for(int i=0; i<dir...