
reading zipx in java

Any suggestions for a tool/object/utility to read a .zipx file in java? Have already looked at and ...

Determine dynamic file name in DOS batch script?

We have a single file in a fixed directory that will have the name where x.x.x is a version number that can change. We want to create a batch script that will unzip this file - we can use 7zip to unzip the file from a batch script but we need to be able to pass the file name to 7zip - how can we determine the file nam...

Creating and Extracting a tgz archive in Rails

Does anyone know how to archive a folder and its contained files as a tgz archive using Rails? What I would like todo is archive the contents of the folder and then have another script which extracts the same folder that was archived. All of the archiving techniques that I've come across are pretty complicated, I was wondering if there ...

Tarring only the files of a directory

If I have a folder with a bunch of images, how can I tar ONLY the images and not the folder structure leading to the images without having to CD into the directory of images? tar czf images.tgz /path/to/images/* Now when images.tgz is extracted, the contents that are extracted are /path/to/images/... How I can only have the images inc...

Reading a zip file within a jar file

Previously we had some zip files within our web application. We would want to pares a specific text document within the zip file. This wasn't a problem: URL url = getClass().getResource(zipfile); ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(url.getFile().replaceAll("%20", " ")); Entry entry = zip.getEntry("file.txt"); InputStream is = zip.getInputSt...

Working with Zip and GZip files in Java

It's been a while since I've done Java I/O, and I'm not aware of the latest "right" ways to work with Zip and GZip files. I don't necessarily need a full working demo - I'm primarily looking for the right interfaces and methods to be using. Yes, I could look up any random tutorial on this, but performance is an issue (these files can get...

zip files, zips the entire path

when i use winrar to zip a file, it for some reason zips the entire path. I am using for doing this. here's the code - Public Sub RunArchive() Dim p As System.Diagnostics.Process = New System.Diagnostics.Process() sPath = "C:\Users\images\" sArchive = "C:\Users\images\test" p.StartInfo.FileName ...

Using CURL with PclZip Class

I'm using CURL to grab contents of a zip file on a remote server and then save it to a and then use PclZip class to extract the contents of a file. The problem is that on some servers, the server will not allow my script to create a temporary zip file out of the CURL return so I can use it for pclzip extraction. What...

Php Zip manipulation

I have a zip file. I need a simple way to read the name of the files from the zip and read the contents of one of the files. Can this be done directly in memory without saving,opening and reading the files ? ...

What is the earliest timestamp value that is supported in ZIP file format?

I am trying to store dates as latest modification timestamp in a ZIP -file. It seems that ZIP format support only dates after 1980-01-01 as a last modification time (at least via Java API ) Is this correct? Is the earliest supported modification timestamp really 1980-01-01 00:00:00? I tried to find some references...

How to move a file in to zip uncompressed, with zip cmd tool

I'm try to determine how to use the zip cmd line tool to move a file (uncompressed) in to a zip of compressed files (ie I want a zip in the end with all files but one compressed, b/c the one file is another compressed file). Anyone know how to do this? ...

Zip file using C#

Possible Duplicate: .Net Zip Up files Hi, I want to zip a ".csv" file using C#. How I can do that? Thanks ...

How do I sensibly store large numbers of serialized binary files in C#?

I'm serializing a large number of objects to binary files, however I want to keep everything neatly organized and don't really want hundreds of files in a folder. Is there anyway to group them into zip files, and then access the individual files within that zip? For example, say I created 100 binary files and zipped them. Would I be abl...

how to avoid [Content_Types].xml in .net's ZipPackage class

I wish to know if there is any way to avoid to have a [Content_Types].xml file inside the zip file while using .net's ZipPackage class. ...

Zip file using C#

Hi, I want to zip one "CSV" file in to Zip file using C#.Net. Below i have written some code for create Zip file , using this code i am able to create zip file but after creating "" file extract manually means extracted file extension should be ".csv" but it is not coming. FileStream sourceFile = File.OpenRead(@"C:\Use...

How to upload, extract, store .csv data to server and transfer to mysql.

In short: how to put a zipful of csv data into mysql? Long: I have to create a functionality for an admin to upload bootstrap data for a java web application. The administrator should be able to upload a single zip file of csvs on the admin page. The code needs to unzip csvs and the data must be transferred saved in a mysql DB. I know ...

zip files in server

How can I zip (In the server) multiple files to one archive? ...

iphone: coding a data compression or zipping agent ?

I'm creating a simple service for uploading photographs from an iphone to a web server. However, before the requests is sent, I want the app to compress the pictures (custom format or otherwise) in the background before sending it. Any pointers on how I could go about doing this? ...

Is there a way to run a python script that is inside a zip file from bash?

I know there is a way to import modules which are in a zip file with python. I created kind of custom python package library in a zip file. I would like to put as well my "task" script in this package, those are using the library. Then, with bash, I would like to call the desired script in the zip file without extracting the zip. The ...

Version-controlling zipped files (docx, odt)

There are formats that are actually zip files in disguise, e.g. docx or odt. If I store them directly in version control, they are handled as binary files. My ideal solution would be have a hook that creates a foo.docx/ directory for each foo.docx files before commit, unzipping all files into it optionally, have a hook that reindents...