
Script for the USPS

Hello, I am trying to write a script that does a zip code look up at the USPS. URL="". The data gets submitted by POST is: zip5=YOURZIPCODE&submit.x=3&submit.y=22&submit=Find+ZIP+Code The part I am having a hard time finding is how these numbers get generated: submit.x=3 submit.y=22 The above...

Travel Time Between Zip codes

Hi All Hope someone can advice but looking for an API service that can provide traveling times between 2 zip codes. These would be driving time. Cant seem to find a service for such a thing. Can anyone help provide links to any good services they have found? ...

Using Linq to Sql to find ZipCodes within Radius distance

I have a database table of zipcodes with their Lat/Longs. I'm trying to find some code that shows a query that takes a zipcode and x miles and then return set of results that include all the zipcodes that are within that radius (precision is not very important - as long as it's close). Can this be done with a Linq to SQL query so I don...

php Input field coming across as Integer

EDIT 2: After writing up an incredibly long explanation in more detail I, of course, discovered my problem and it had nothing to do with the question I asked. It was caused because I was creating a custom object of mine, assigning an uploaded images name to it's "LogoName" property...then creating a new version later in code, not assigni...

How to get the city from a Canadian zip code?

Hi, Do you have any experience with obtaining the City from a Canadian zip code? Is there a free web service to obtain city name by passing a Canadian zip code or can a regular expression be useful? Any ideas? Thanks! ...

Filter zipcodes by proximity in Django with the Spherical Law of Cosines

I'm trying to handle proximity search for a basic store locater in Django. Rather than haul PostGIS around with my app just so I can use GeoDjango's distance filter, I'd like to use the Spherical Law of Cosines distance formula in a model query. I'd like all of the calculations to be done in the database in one query, for efficiency. A...

ZIP / Postal Code + Country to Geo Coordinates

What is the most complete, precise and reliable way to get the coordinates (latitude / longitude) of a given ZIP / Postal Code of a given country? I need to make a lot of requests, so a high API limit rate (maybe even absent) would be useful. GeoNames dumps would be cool, but it seems to have way too many duplicate coordinates (example)...

Zip codes in Radius Google Map

Hope someone can advise, I would like to be able to use google map API to find all Zip codes/cities with x Miles of a point. Has anyone done such a thing with google map or maybe some other type of service. Would love to know if so how you have achieved it ! Thank you if you can advise. ...

how would I go about finding the longest mailing city name in America?

The longest city name I was able to find (that had a Zip code) was "La Canada Flintridge" which is in CA. I found that haphazardly via google. For testing our mailing addresses, I'd like to get a definite "this is the longest city name you could possibly mail to" out of a USPS database. How would I go about finding this information a) ...

PHP - How can I lookup the Zip Code using the City & State

I need to lookup the Zip Code for a list of addresses (which include the city/state). Is there a master zip code list for download (that is free) or are there any web services that will return the full postage info for an address. Ie, lookup query: 386 Bread & Cheese Hollow Rd, Northport, NY ====> 386 Bread And Cheese Hollow Rd, Northpo...

How to get city name based on IP address in java?

Is it possible to know the city name based on IP address in java? ...

Searching by Zip Code proximity - MySql

I'm having some trouble getting a search by zip code proximity query working. I've search and searched google but everything I find is either way too slow or I can't get working. Here's the issue: I have a database with a table with all the US Zip Codes (~70,500 of them), and I have a table of several thousand stores (~10,000+), which...

How should I populate city/state fields based on the zip?

I'm aware there are databases for zip codes, but how would I grab the city/state fields based on that? Do these databases contain the city/states or do I have to do some sort of lookup to a webservice? ...

SQL Server distance search

I have a Microsoft SQL Server database with a table of Locations. Each location has its address and latitude and longitude coordinates. In my application, the user can input a zipcode and we return a list of close by locations. This is my approach. a) Using a zipcode DB I search the lat,lon for the zipcode (this is the center point). b)...

Mapping US zip code to time zone

When users register with our app, we are able to infer their zip code when we validate them against a national database. What would be the best way to determine a good potential guess of their time zone from this zip code? We are trying to minimize the amount of data we explicitly have to ask them for. They will be able to manually se...

Google Maps API V3 not equal to Google Maps site on distance between two zipcodes

Hello, I have put together some code to calculate distances between two zip codes. When I enter the zip codes through the api I get a different distance than I do with the actual google maps site. Anyone have an idea on why this is occurring? A few ideas I have are: I am not centering to the zip code -> I was looking around to see how...

Find top "n" nearby coordinates.

I have a coordinate. I want to find the top "n" (n being a variable value) nearest coordinates out of several thousand rows stored on a MySQL database. I also want to be able to define maximum and minimum distances between the coordinate in question and the coordinates in the database. How best am I to go about this? Would it be bonkers...

Cities to Metropolitan areas

Hi all, I have a database of cities (in both the US and the rest of the world). The database entries are simple text strings. Currently the database contains even small cities (population 10,000). I wish to use a larger scale database instead, by assigning the cities into larger geographical\metropolitan areas. An example can be the Me...

get lattitude and longitude of a place against its zipcode

Hello i have used the following code to get the location of the particular place on map using the following piece of code NSString * urlString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"",GoogleMapsAPIKey,[placeName stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]...

Validating international Zipcode Format

Hello again, is anyone find validation for zipcode for all countries around the world. i found mostly US,Canada and UK validation scripts in Javascript. any gimme any suggestion how to validate the international zipcodes either in php or js. ...