
Unable to unalias rm and let it to be a function in Zsh

I run unsuccessfully in my .zshrc unalias rm rm() { mv $* /tmp/wastebasket } I get at the startup /Users/Masi/.zshrc:unalias:34: no such hash table element: rm I noticed that the hash table problem has been an unresolved bug in Ubuntu for run-help. I am not sure whether the bug applies to Mac and to rm -command too. How can you ...

Unable to have Zsh as a login shell at Screen's startup

I put the following to my .zshrc if [[ $STY = '' ]] then screen -xR; fi I get Bash when I start terminal now, although I have /bin/zsh at Terminal > Settings in Mac. Which variable do I need to change to make Zsh my login shell in Screen? ...

Unable to get Google Search work from Zsh

I have the following code in my .Zshrc function google; { $VIEW "http://www.google.com/search?q='url-encode "${(j: :)@}"'" } I get google masi google:1: no such file or directory: http://www.google.com/search?q='url-encode masi' How can you get Google Search to work in Zsh...

Unable to combine words in Files by Zsh/AWK

I have File1 A,B,C and File2 D,E,F I am trying to have AD, AE, AF, BD, BE, BF, CD, CE, CF unsuccessfully by echo {`cat File1`}{`cat File2`} giving {A,B,C}{D,E,F} How can you solve the problem by Zsh/AWK? ...

Unable to read the timestamp of Zsh history

Problem: to understand the following timestamp 1241036430 at ~/.history : 1241036336:0;vim ~/.zshrc : 1241036379:0;vim ~/bin/HideTopBar : 1241036421:0;ls : 1241036430:0;cat ~/.history when I have setopt EXTENDED_HISTORY HISTFILE=~/.history in .zshrc. How can you read the timestamp? ...

Unable to search manuals fast without opening them in Zsh

The following command gives many manuals of Zsh man zsh<tab> I would like to browse them fast to search the word compinit. How can you search the word compinit fast in the manuals in Zsh? ...

Why do I get this error using {1..9} in zsh?

I run the following code zgrep -c compinit /usr/share/man/man{1..9}/zsh* I get zsh: no matches found: /usr/share/man/man2/zsh* This is strange, since the following works echo Masi{1..9}/masi This suggests me that the problem may be a bug in Zsh. Is the above a bug in Zsh for {1..9}? ...

Unable to get a system variable work for manuals

I have the following system variable in .zshrc manuals='/usr/share/man/man<1-9>' I run unsuccessfully zgrep -c compinit $manuals/zsh* I get zsh: no matches found: /usr/share/man/man<1-9>/zsh* The command should be the same as the following command which works zgrep -c compinit /usr/share/man/man<1-9>/zsh* How can you run the ...

Unable to have MacPorts' tab completion in Zsh

I get the following in including MacPorts' Bash tab completion to Zsh /opt/local/etc/bash_completion:[:48: unrecognized condition: `2' [ -- cut -- ] /opt/local/etc/bash_completion:[:62: unrecognized condition: `2' /opt/local/etc/bash_completion:69: command not found: shopt [ -- cut -- ] /opt/local/etc/bash_completion:3015: command not f...

Unable to activate Zsh installed by MacPorts

I put unsuccessfully Zsh installed by MacPorts as my login shell by setting the following path to Settings /opt/local/bin/zsh I put it to the Advanced options at the User accounts too. I get the following error I put the following path unsuccessfully to Settings /opt/local/var/macports/software/zsh/4.2.7_0+mp_completion I get the...

Unable to put "X" to RightPrompt to indicate many jobs in Zsh

I know the article which code does not work for me. I have pasted all its codes to my .zshrc. I have the following code in my .Zshrc RPROMPT='%{\[0;33m%}%1v%{\[0m%}' It should indicate whether you have jobs or not. However, it does not do that for me. I would like to get a X to the right prompt to indicate that you have a job open. ...

Unable to make a backward TAB as Shift-TAB in Zsh

Problem: to navigate backwards with TAB in Zsh similarly as in Firefox by Shift-TAB Example of what Shift-TAB should do I run the following code in terminal ls <TAB> I get A B C D E F G H I J K H L M N... I see the following in Zsh as I press TAB I navigate to the folder J by TAB. Then, I observe that I pressed once too ofte...

Unable to use multiple outputs in Zsh without tee

I have the following in .zshrc setopt multios I am trying to do the following with the above option enabled in Zsh ls -1 | tee file.txt | less I run the following command unsuccessfully ls -1 | file.txt | less and the following too ls -1, file.txt, less How can you use multiple outputs in Zsh without the command tee? ...

Unable to bind HJKL to DLTH in Screen's C-A Esc -mode

I want my Zsh to be Dvorak friendly in Screen. I am trying to make the following bindings in Zsh such that I can use them in Ctl-a Esc mode in moving h => d j => l k => t l => n I have not yet found any ways to do that. How can you make the following keybindings in Screen, such that I can use them in the mode C-A Esc? ...

How to make a pipe loop in Zsh?

Penz says that the problem could be solved by Multios and coproc features in the thread. However, I am unsure about the solution. I do know that you can use multios as ls -1 > file | less but I have never used such that you have two inputs. How can you use these features to have a pipe loop in Zsh? ...

To make a keyboard shortcut for Info in Zsh?

Zsh has the following keyboard shortcut for Man Esc-h I would like to have a similar keyboard shortcut for info such as Esc-i How can you make such a keyboard shortcut for Info? ...

Unable to disable a startup message in Zsh

I get the following when I start my Zsh. Usage: prompt <options> Options: -c Show currently selected theme and parameters -l List currently available prompt themes -p [<themes>] Preview given themes (defaults to all) -h [<theme>] Display help (for given theme) -s <theme> Set and sa...

How do I tell Zsh to write the current shell's history to my history file?

I work in a place that has gazillions of tools which require tons of options, so I rely on my shell's history significantly. I even back it up every now and then just to make sure I don't lose useful, lengthy commands. I just typed one of these commands and I want to make sure it's flushed to the history file, but I have a long-running ...

Unable to have two-word-search in Zsh's TAB completion for Man

Problem: to have a tab completion which takes two words and calculates the best match from them for Man, and then returns the best matches Example: The following pseudo-code should give me at least Zsh's reverse-menu-complete -command. Right now, I cannot search manuals inside manuals without zgrep. man zsh:reverse <TAB> where ":" is...

Unable to change the case of a letter in Zsh

The code in my Zsh #!/bin/zsh q=$1 open "http://mathworld.wolfram.com/$q.html" I put the input to the app triangle I get an error at Wolfram, since the first letter must be a big one. How can you change the case for the first letter in the variable q? ...