
How to get started with game programming on the Zune

My zune just updated to 3.0 (didn't even realize they were releasing something new!) and the update came with two games, but the Zune marketplace does not have games. Where do I go to get started, and what are the capabilities of the Zune in terms of games/apps? ...

Is it possible to build an email reader for the Zune ?

Is it possible to build an email reader for the Zune through XNA ? Version 3.0 allows us to connect to the Market place and download music directly from the Zune hence the nature of my question. Edit: Buy a ZuneHD ...

Zune API ZuneCore.dll

Hi, I noticed the other day that the Zune PC Software exposes a type library (ZuneCore.dll). It seems to be related to the WMPLib API in some way but I can't figure out how to use it either from VB6 or C#. Has anybody tried this and had any luck? Dave ...

How do I load pictures in Zune XNA without running out of memory?

Im writing a XNA program that display pictures from a specific picture album on the Zune. The problem is when if I load the textures from all the pictures in the album, the program runs out of memory. I tried loading one by one and call Dispose on the previous picture texture once the user moves on to the next picture. This works but the...

XNA Zune HD application won't exit gracefully

I have and built and deployed the application created by the new project template for the zune hd. The problem is whenever the application exits, the Zune reboots. This happens when remotely debugging from the PC or when running it right from the device. It happens both in debug mode and release. I've included the basic template code, bu...

Zune Player api

Is there the equivalent of the Windows Media Player SDK for the Zune Player software? I would like to be able to control the volume, play/pause state, and skip to next / previous track. ...

Zune HD development limitations

I'm wondering if I can write something like reading app (to turn my Zune HD into the Amazon Reader) Can I write applications? How am I limited with API? Can I use network and FS? Can I embed a browser to the app? Can I use XML parser, XSL, etc? Are something like Windows Forms there? How am I limited with development, do I need to do ...

Construct a LPCWSTR on WinCE in C++ (Zune/ZDK)

What's a good way to construct an LPCWSTR on WinCE 6? I'd like to find something similar to String.Format() in C#. My attempt is: OSVERSIONINFO vi; memset (&vi, 0, sizeof vi); vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof vi; GetVersionEx (&vi); char buffer[50]; int n = sprintf(buffer, "The OS version is: %d.%d", vi.dwMajorVersion, vi.dwMinorVe...

Zune theme for WPF

Hi, I would like to know where i can get the theme that looks like Zune application for Windows (or MetroTwit) for WPF. I google it but i only get the theme for Silverlight 4, not WPF. ...

Control the Zune Software with SendMessage

I am wondering if there is a way to pause/play/skip the zune software by using SendMessage on the software? I don't like all the songs the SmartDJ picks and It would be nice to do that with key presses while im playing a fullscreen game. ...

What Microsoft UI technology was used to create Zune Media player (marketplace software, not device os)?

UI looks like it could me made with silverlight, but it's not a web app. ...

Getting Zune information into Trillian

So I've been trying to get this to work for a long time, but I don't really know the Trillian API and need some help. I can do it three different ways: Get song info from registry (using http://znp.codeplex.com/) Read information from a fake Winamp window (http://tinyurl.com/znpdig) Act as WLM to recieve the messages Zune sends The ...

Can you write plugins for the Zune Desktop application?

Does anyone know where to start, or even if you can write add-ons for managing extras like audio books or your own collection management routines / visualizations? ...