
Can you write applications for the Zune HD?

I know you can write applications for the Zune, but what about the Zune HD? ...

XNA Zune HD application won't exit gracefully

I have and built and deployed the application created by the new project template for the zune hd. The problem is whenever the application exits, the Zune reboots. This happens when remotely debugging from the PC or when running it right from the device. It happens both in debug mode and release. I've included the basic template code, bu...

Zune HD development limitations

I'm wondering if I can write something like reading app (to turn my Zune HD into the Amazon Reader) Can I write applications? How am I limited with API? Can I use network and FS? Can I embed a browser to the app? Can I use XML parser, XSL, etc? Are something like Windows Forms there? How am I limited with development, do I need to do ...

Zune HD networking

Is there a way to access internet from Zune HD (from XNA app or maybe another app)? I've found nothing in official documentation, but maybe there is a hack? For example, Twitter and Weather programs work fine with the internet ...

XNA Game Studio 3.1 and Zune HD (How to render a 3D texture/model)

Hello, I am wondering if anyone can find a sample or has a sample or knows how to draw a 3D Model on the Zune HD. It appears Microsoft limited the functionality of XNA for the Zune HD by removing the Model object. Is there a way they suggest replacing this object, or is there something else that can be done to draw Models? Thanks. ...