



I think the subject pretty much covers it. I'm not a web programmer (I am a programmer), I'd like to write some play web apps, I don't really have a lot of spare time. So what's the quickest way to get up and running to play around with GWT?

+3  A: 

I would say Google's GWT Quick Start. That said, learning some Java skills would be a good idea if you're not already familiar with the language.


Pick an app that does something similar to what you want, and modify it piece by piece...

Alex Feinman
+1  A: 

The StockWatcher application tutorial covers pretty much step by step all you need to play around and get an idea of GWT as a beginner (provided you know a bit of JAVA).

This is part of the GWT Quick Start documentation (as mentioned also by someone else) where you can find loads of other examples and resources.
