Hi Guys, Sorry for the long post....
I'm trying to understand if the behavior I'm getting on my app is "normal". I have an app developed against the 2.0 sdk version (i.e. to make sure max #of devices can run it, as I don't use any "special" 3.0 features I tend to think the lowest denominator must be the best choice).
So In Xcode (latest version of xcode) I make sure everything is set towards the 2.0 api, including the framework references. I build and the thing runs fine on 2.1 device (hardware is the 1gen iPhone). Now i test it on a device that is old hardware (iPod touch) but latest software 3.0
The thing runs fine, but I experience different behavior in some places, example: 1) toolbar animation does not work 2) rotation behaves differently (rotating the device to the right shows my screen mirrored.. :-) which is "cool" but not desired
Now, I'm sure I can "hack" around and fix these issues, but something just doesn't make sense to me and it is usually where I know I don't understand something to its fullest,
THE QUESTION IS: isn't any device that runs something that was compiled against 2.0 must behave exactly the same regardless of its current software version/ hardware version? Isn't this the whole thing about backward compatibility? I would expect that 3.0 device running a 2.0 software would experience the exact same flow as a 2.0 device running a 2.0 software. What am I missing? and where is the lack of understanding from my side?
thanx, -tzurs